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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. In my fantasy re-edit of M2 to shoehorn it into the current continuity, M2 takes place in a system remarkably similar to our solar system, but is surrounded by dense fold faults. The only ships capable of traversing the faults are old school Zentradi cap ships with the original fold quartz still in their engines. Unfortunately, they are in very short supply there. Retrofitted ships and Earth built ships use fold carbon. This "downgrade" made it possible to make fold jumps in the shipping lanes, but as was discovered in the later part of the 2050's not so much through fold faults. Thus the "lost colony" was cut off from the galaxy network and had to rely on existing tech and their own ingenuity to defend themselves from rogue Zentradi fleets who were able to travers the briar patch surrounding their system. Then the Mardook arrived and all hell broke loose. In my fantasy edit, the Mardook are SA microns who woke from their PD mind control and chose to use mind control on their Zentradi soldiers to keep them from turning on their commanders. Over time the arrogance of the PC commanders turned into a cult that believed their culture was superior to all others and went on to conquer the systems they encountered. Their tech is superior to the Zentradi and the humans because they have direct access PC technology and knowledge. Allusions to a potential link between the two continuities came in Delta, when Mikumo transformed into the Star Singer and her body had curiously familiar markings, similar to Ishtar and the other emulators in Mac2.
  2. Most MacGuffins don't really need to be explained once they are revealed to be irrelevant to the story...
  3. Frontier addressed this very thing. The high school setting for the series had a flight training school as part of the curriculum. A trade school of sorts for pilots. Imagine graduating from high school with your pilot's wings and then going on to train in the military.
  4. Damn, now I have to break out those DVD's and try this! Very cool, thanks for sharing.
  5. A lot will depend on how they do it. If they spend the money on quality dubs they could end up on streaming services like Netflix. My plan would be to do quality dubs, translate the songs and re-record them just for the series. But that is me.... There are several tunes that are pretty timeless (thank you Ms. Kano )
  6. Animego's release was the best outside of Japan. The audio was sourced from BW and they went to a lot of effort to remaster it from the limited source material they had. The HG dub was an awful mess and in many ways an insult to Macross fans. Getting Mari to reprise her role in the dub really didn't work as well as they thought. Her accent is still pretty strong which became a bit distracting. As it was, I saw the first disc and that was more than enough to send me running back to my Japanese subtitled version.
  7. Fingers and toes crossed brother! I've been wanting that ever since I saw what they could do in CGI with Mac 0.
  8. May'n turned out to be a fitting successor to Mari Ijima in the Macross Idol lore. Junna is a very close second, IMHO.
  9. The Nousjadeul-ger had a better design in DRYL.
  10. I realize these are all "canon" (if such a thing can be applied to Macross), but what about the SWX fighters?
  11. Um WOW!
  12. Or Chloe's gold custom...
  13. True. The production model of of the SV-51 is a sandy brown and the production model of the VF-27 is green. Both can be seen in "blink and miss it" moments of each series.
  14. They also hold licenses on several live action imports that they distribute. Before acquiring the rights for SDFM from Tatsunoko, they were/are an import distributor of licensed foreign works. How many of the original licensing agreements they still have is an open question.
  15. True, it was very tricky to try to add the series into the main continuity before MF introduced fold faults and how fold quartz is able to cut through them. Though I would think 10-15 minutes would do it, as a prologue would have to be added and the reaction of the M2 NUNS to seeing the federal NUNS task force arriving in their system.
  16. I was hoping for something more with SC. Not comic book cutouts delivering painfully awful dialogue. The premise was interesting but execution was horrible. The worst scene had to be when one pilot goes into a suicide run against the enemy for no good reason. I guess that's to be expected from stellar writers like Tommy Yune and Carl Macek...
  17. Guaranteed, HG will distribute the post SDFM videos. That is what they have always done with other people's works. They license it and distribute it in their sphere of influence.
  18. Correct, as HG has an agreement with Tats for merchandizing outside Japan for SDFM only. And they did use the original character names when they released SDFM on DVD a few years back. An awful dub job, but it is what one could expect from a creatively bankrupt organization.
  19. Nope. Central Park Media had the distribution rights to M+ in the 90's and I believe Manga had Mac2, or the other way round....
  20. Actually the works are derivatives of SDFM which HG can do as per their agreement with Tatsunoko who technically owns SDFM outside of Japan due to the 2003 ruling. No post SDFM properties can be used such as M+, M2, M0, MF, etc... despite HG's false claims they had rights to.
  21. I'm skeptical, BW gave away the farm in 2006 when they didn't defend their IP rights with respect to trademarks. Hopefully they are smart enough now to ensure their IP rights are better protected from the hacks at HG. Time will tell. For HG it's a win, because they don't have to spend any money to distribute BW paid for properties.... This is what HG was founded on, distributing other people's stuff!
  22. From the comments I've seen it sounds like a 21st Century version of M7. Heavy emphasis on the music, less on the story and action. Unfortunate....
  23. It could, My pet idea to shoe horn the series into the main timeline is that M2 takes place on in a colonial system trapped by fold faults for decades. The only ships to effectively navigate the faults are the PC equipped ships with actual fold quartz and not the fold carbon common in most human made ships. So when the Mardook arrive in their PC era ships they traverse the faults relatively easily. It would explain why the mecha look like derivatives of the original designs as the colony didn't have the engineering expertise found in the federal system. So their versions were simply derived from what they had when they arrived. The Macross class ship they had was an escort to the original emigration fleet. If you look at the environment designs of the cities they look very much like repurposed colony ships that landed on the planet. To finally bring it into the continuity, they could animate a sequence with an NMC carrier arriving shortly after the events of the series to "find" them. That is how I'd do it.
  24. Yeah, definitely looks like a next gen AI drone with a total VF-4 vibe. Some fan service for the VF-4 fans out there.... The cockpit reminds of the Tin Man cockpit from "Stealth"
  25. The series could be condensed to 1 season and it would have been much better rather than stretching it out to flog the music for merchandizing...
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