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Everything posted by RED WOLF

  1. HLJ is @ 61,000¥
  2. That's how I justify my purchase(s) too. I tell myself I know it's pricey now, but if I wait and sit on it and pick it up later it will be considerably more. So in a way I save myself money =)
  3. Looks like prices are starting to creep up on this guy. I bought my SDF-1 PF last month for 53,980Y from NY now they are charging 68,000. WOW!
  4. Hmmmmm, I ordered both (4) Total but only received notice and charge for two Scott's. Should I be worried?
  5. That's what I was thinking too, but no word on my Rand orders, yet. Hopefully they will be fulfilled.
  6. Wow you got Rand? Did you order Scott? I'm guessing my email is coming. They got two of my Scott's in. Now I need my two Rands
  7. Finally!! !!!!! !!!! !! ! They got my Scott's in!!!! About time Bbts. I'm wondering how long for Rand now.
  8. I have that same email from Cane verbatim sent on May 16. The email I posted earlier was sent by Mike on May 29. Many others from tfw had received the same email from Mike so they're coming very shortly.
  9. I preordered 8 from NY and HLJ to make sure bc it seemed bbts wouldn't come through. I contacted bbts and asked them what was going on last week. Mike from bbts responded with this. Prior to my email I was seconds away from canceling my 4 preorders with them. I still have my 8 other preorders with their Japanese counterparts just in case. Good afternoon, Thank you for the follow up and I will explain. We are expecting our initial shipment to be arriving within a couple of weeks so you will be good to go, the new ETA is meant to only reflect the reproduction which is to be released in the fall. I apologize for the confusion and please let us know if we can be of any further assistance in the meantime. Have a great day! -- Sincerely, Mike Customer Relations Manager www.bigbadtoystore.com
  10. You think they're pricey now wait until they dry up in a year or so. You will wish you bought one at $200 shipped.
  11. And all the pre-orders are gone...
  12. Pretty much lol. No links???
  13. I have never ordered directly from Sentinel before. I found their site, but I don't see the ride armors up at all. Am I missing something? Preorder is for the 24th which it already is in China, but I'm guessing they won't go up until 8am their time (5PM our time; they are 9 hours behind us, but a day ahead). I just don't want to miss this.
  14. Ok great! If BBTS doesn't come through atleast I have other options. Is the preorder through Sentinel directly or other stores as well? Anyone have a link?
  15. Ok great. I'm guessing it wouldn't make that much of a difference in ship mode. I was just curiuos to see how they look once attached.
  16. Do you or anyone have pictures of the SDF-1 PF before and after the spruce pieces are installed? I ordered from NY too and briefly looked it over and put it back in the box until I get my second case up and running. I'm curious if its even worth doing or not.
  17. I didn't want to scare you, but rather somewhat educate you. Honestly it's an admirable thing to do for those that make that choice. Ya only someone who wants trouble would put this on glass or acrylic unless an inch thick and/or not very wide. He is awesome though. I'm moving my voltron stuff and macross over when I start my second case. Hulkbuster will be lonely until iron spidy and mark 50 join him. You are correct @no3Ljm hot toys stuff is pricey that is why I don't collect them. I'll just have the three when everything is said and done. I also removed the stand HB is on. I wasn't feeling it.
  18. BBTS wrote me back this morning concerning the email I sent them about the Sentinel Scott/Rand and they said they don't get an update from the manufacture/distributor unless there is a delay (which happened earlier this year). He also mentioned that they are waiting to receive their shipments fairly soon. The tone of the email was of confidence and he sounded reassuring to me that they are in fact getting the ride armors in. I'm hoping by June I/we will have heard something or have received the email from BBTS stating that your order will be fulfilled within 10 days.
  19. In the past I filled the screw hole(s) (cross pattern or minus sign) with super glue then put my screw driver/phillips in then let it dry for a bit then pulled it right out. You can still reuse the screw too.
  20. Normally the Post Office makes 3 attempts before doing so. I'm guessing they tried 3 days in a row. I'm also guessing you didn't ask them to hold it there at the Post Office so you could pick it up? What can you do? Ask NY to resend it once they receive it. Sorry, but that is about it. You might be able to catch it at the Post Office before it goes back. Just so you know when items are sent back it doesn't go as fast as it came. It could take a few days, weeks or months.
  21. I thought about doing that, but the savings wasn't much considering the difference from 3-4 days. Although it would makes sense since these guys are going to just be in a box with a few others for a bit. It will definitely add some anticipation when your girl finally arrives. On a side note I would say its great having all of these reviews and pictures up of the figures we order, but on the flip side it does take away some magic when upon finally receiving them. I know that nothing can beat the in hand feel of holding these guys. I guess it goes along the lines of actually seeing these items in the stores and purchasing them right there versus online distributors. I guess in my area of the world (CA). It would be cool to live in Japan or China and see these figures first hand in the stores.
  22. I was thinking the exact same thing. Great figures are in here, but they get lost because everything is crowed together. Just my personal tastes that show casing your figures is the ultimate presentation and representation of that character. Your pieces are art and in turn they should be displayed as such. Each having their own space and place in the case.
  23. Thats what I was thinking too when I compared the pix to Saburo's. Its fresh out of the box should I transform it or should it come together better? I never owned an SDF-1 so I"m at the mercy of you guys.
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