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Everything posted by RED WOLF

  1. Any chance of a preorder discount through AJ or other Japanese retailers?
  2. MP36 is awesome. I cant wait for MP44
  3. Finally got one! Second row far right (temporary arrangement as my second cabinet is in progress).
  4. Still looking for this guy
  5. They offer free shipping, but they jacked their prices up first.
  6. From where? I'm still looking. Anyone with one for sale PM me please.
  7. Too bad that place is fraud I would have ordered three of them!
  8. Still looking for this guy at a decent price. If not I'll wait for the next wave. These guys look great!
  9. Really loving the panel lining you did. I have never done that before. How hard/easy is that to achieve. Forgive my ignorance as I know this is a skilled art.
  10. Thank you. I have him next to the 46. The lights are PS in lolz. Didnt have time to PS everything so I just did the eyes and reactor. I'm normally not a fan of the accessories, but what came with the 47 looks cool to me. These guys are extraordinary.
  11. Had some free time to take some photos.
  12. Here's Rook prototype courtesy of Knerdout.
  13. Anyone have any information on the Rook prototype they put out recently? I saw some pix on Knerdout podcast. Anyone here about a possible release for Rook and lancer for 2019?
  14. Beast and maybe storm depending how they came out. I wouldn't mind the whole team honestly, but easily could just have wolverine, cyclops and gambit. That cartoon was so amazing for its time. I hate being late to the party and having to go through Ebay for figures. $200+ for nycc tiger stripe wolverine sucks. I'm trying to wait it out for a good deal sub $150.
  15. Great information again. I'm not a big time collector. More of a quality vs quantity approach. I do prefer the cloth for clothing approach vs molded plastic. Very reminiscent of hot toys stuff and the sentinel mospeada figures. I dont mind waiting a few years or indefinitely for some figures. I'm in no rush and since I only collect character/figures I love from shows/comics/movies etc. that i love as well i dont have to worry about completing a set. I do however, like to complete certain groups, dinobots, all 4 tmnt, etc. I'm mainly looking for Gambit, Wolv, Cyclops, and a few others. I'm glad we all have choices that fit our preferences. Really appreciate your help.
  16. Thank you for the speedy detailed response. I like to have figures from shows I enjoyed as a kid and currently. I'd love a great core cast of the xmen 90s cartoon. Be awesome if they made some BTAS figures too (Mezco). I really like the detail they provide with the cloth and what not. The revoltech tmnt are phenomenal, but it seems their style carried over to the xmen figures aren't the style I'd prefer. Mezcos cyclops looks top notch. I guess I'm hunting for nycc wolverine on ebay.
  17. How is the quality and overall presence of the figure? I thought the space ghost looks awesome. Any word if they'll make a Gambit? The Cyclops looks unbelievable. You have the Nycc wolverine tiger stripe? How would you say they compare with revoltech?
  18. Anyone have the Mezcos? Thinking about jumping in, but cant decide which line. I love my revoltech turtles.
  19. Gambit looks really cool! Is wolverine supposed to be that short? I remember him being taller per the 90s cartoon. I really loved that show!
  20. Nice! Any idea if these can hold FT Phoenix? @ChaoticYeti looking to pick up a few in the near future for my valks and Ft10x
  21. Great shot! How do you like these guys? Do you have all four? I really enjoyed this cartoon (2012), but grew up with the 90s cartoon. I prefer this aesthetic. Id appreciate your thoughts on these guys if you have some time. I'm thinking about picking all four up. They didnt make a Shredder?
  22. This kit is going to be fully painted? All I have to do is assemble and apply stickers? Seems price is cheap for what you are getting if that is true. Just making sure
  23. Great show. "Honk, honk said the goss". Its "goose"!
  24. Read the book, 1984. It's what is happening now.
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