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Everything posted by RED WOLF

  1. Shelving information says 6mm, but I haven't measured it myself. .236 (6mm) will still fit 1/4". Is that what the adapter is at?
  2. Anyone with a IKEA detolf adapter know if it will fit a 6mm glass shelf? I'm using a different unit and not sure if my shelving is the same thickness. I asked @ChaoticYeti via his website but never got a response. Any insight would be most helpful.
  3. Do you know if @Yeti has an adapter to fit these 1/12 Sentinel riders to his stands?
  4. Checkout Toy Dojo. They double box (+$7) and dont charge tax. $150+ orders are shipped free. Great service all the way around. I'm in CA so SS and BBTS are last resorts as they both charge tax and shipping is ridiculous from SS.
  5. Usual gripes on TFW. To me hes G1 Bee and poses well and looks great. It's how I remember him when I was 6. I dont play with my toys much. Pose them and muck with them every now and then. After that they are behind glass for a while. You should love him. Post your thoughts on him. Happy Turkey day!
  6. The boys are arriving 12/2! Took hold of Mp45 today and Mark VII diecast coming Friday. Alot to be thankful for.
  7. Preparing for shipment!
  8. I always use gloves handling my toys. Only bc I don't want to clean off the prints. Can be annoying on Iron man figures in an all glass display.
  9. I do and you have valid points. What I was trying to convey was there something to be said about an open display vs enclosed. Theres a certain jenesaqua quality about seeing and touching versus the feeling that you cant.
  10. Yes, that is a big con but a huge pro is the experience of seeing the figures with super HD clarity. Maybe others displays are different but with mine and the all the leds shining its stunning. In person it's even clearer and with more detail
  11. Have you thought about taking the front doors off of your display cases? I have 2 all glass frameless display cases and although the glass is clear it's not as clear as having no glass there. To me the clarity and details of the figures get a little lost with the front glass pane on. Only thing holding me back is the dust that will collect. I just can't get over how more enjoyable the experience is at seeing my figures without the glass vs behind it. Thoughts?
  12. Ok great! Much appreciated for the information. Trying to figure out spacing. Looks like I have plenty of room. Thank you again . You think it will be roughly the same measurements with the DX 1/48s? That's what I have as I sold all my 1/60s
  13. Post circumcision Great job. I still prefer him stock, but your toy and we all have different tastes. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Any other recommendations in this scale? I like the soft goods and not seeing the joints. However I do love revoltech stuff. Their turtles are a blast. No way I'm paying 200+ for Wolverine.
  15. Looks great! What is the height, width and depth of this setup? Do you know the size of the base? Sorry for so many questions . These really do look nice.
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