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Everything posted by RED WOLF

  1. NY is now sold out. Do we think they just pulled it down because it wasn't selling or sold a few at that price and will put up again at 40,000Y+?
  2. I'm doing the same. Thought about just going with NY and not worrying about it (I did that with Max last year), but this time I'll just wait.
  3. I'd rather pay a little extra from NY knowing they will come through. I've never had any issues with them with numerous orders/preorders. Plus they have cancelled a couple of items in the past without cancelling my account, which is unheard of.
  4. Anyone who got an extra Roy that doesn't need or want it I'll offer you $250 shipped. PM me. Thank you
  5. Having gone through that ordeal with Mom I can relate. Things are happening so fast and you cant quite digest everything that is going on. All the things that seemed important, really aren't. A helpful distraction when you needed it. Please take care of Mom and yourself. Cherish all the time you can spend with her. Walks, talks, naps and meals. I miss Mom everyday. Best of luck to you and your family.
  6. Thank you so much! ;)
  7. Hopefully for my sake and others interested chaotic makes some. Yours look great!
  8. Nice work! Are you selling those adapters? These work on the sentinel ride armors?
  9. Curious to see your adapters for the ride armors on the alpha. Surprised they're aren't any already from @ChaoticYeti. I need some alpha stands for my ride armors
  10. @ChaoticYeti or anyone: Trying recreate this pose with Yeti stand alpha. Would I need an extension arm or are the two provided sufficient? Also trying to have it look the cleanest as well. The shelf dimensions are 14" deep and 12" high. Spiderman is 11" (1/6 figure) but will be posed like the photograph along with extra legs out too. I dont want Spiderman sitting too far back on the shelf. I'm asking bc the extension arms are 11 a piece and I'll need 3 (3 stands). Plus shipping is 14.50 so I'm trying to get this in one shot. This will be a 224.50 order so if I could save 30 that would be great. Ideas?
  11. Ok good to know. Thomas wrote me back and said he could adjust it to fit my shelves. I don't have calipers or gauge to measure, I just used a tape measure and it looks to be 1/4". I think I'll send Thomas a photograph of the measurement and see what he thinks. Thanks a bunch @sqidd. Do you know how deep the adapter is? How much glass gets slipped in there? I'm trying to see if my lighting might interfere.
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