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Everything posted by gochow

  1. Had it in cart at HLJ, but order stopped before I could check out.
  2. AmiAmi: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=FIGURE-060557
  3. The HLJ wheel was spinning for over 30 minutes, finally gave up and refreshed...item in cart is no longer available. If you can, keep waiting for that wheel to stop!
  4. I was F5'ing, and the button changed to Pre-Order. Still showing as available for me?
  5. Got one at Ami Ami!
  6. gochow

    Macross figures

    Thanks! I've been looking at sets on ebay, but this one was priced much nicer!
  7. Thanks! Looks great!
  8. Could you please post pics? This is the combo I'm interested in trying.
  9. I've been using a 0.03mm Copic Multiliner on the Arcadia/Yamato v2 valks. Like this one. The ultrafine point makes it much easier to get in there.
  10. As someone who just paid the current market rate for an Arcadia VF-1J with GBP, I'm a little irked. However, I'm such a big fan of the GBP armor, I'd probably buy another one if reissued. *sigh*
  11. I've been out of school for almost 20 years now, but I hung on to all my Computer Science books for this reason too. Although, I pull one out (especially my Database books) every now and then to look something up. So maybe you're not hanging on to them in vain? I have a bunch of outdated Oracle and Java reference books that I use as makeshift monitor stands at work though, and I really could use them as kindling in an emergency!
  12. I got a super/strike part set, for what I thought was a pretty good deal. Looking over the other items that sold...wow...
  13. If you don't mind me asking, how much was the Yamato v2 1/60 VF-1A TV Max? I've been looking for that one, but haven't seen it for less than $450 (currently on ebay).
  14. gochow

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I've been lurking for a while too and somehow managed to get one last night as well.
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