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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. Just 1 set.
  2. OMG! OMG! I just got an email from Nippon-Yasan. They are finally processing the DX Chogokin VF-1 Super/Strike Parts that I had pre-ordered and paid for back on June 6th, 2019. I am amazed. I thought my order had disappeared into the internet void. Time to do a happy dance with my cats!
  3. Kakizaki VF-1A available again via Amazon Japan with shipping to the U.S. https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B089WGZJDG/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_1?smid=A10SPJ9XFJ3S4F&psc=1
  4. Glad the price sounds good. I ended up getting the last one from yosukaru that uses Amazon Global Shipping. (DHL most probably). Listings that use Amazon Global Shipping pop up every now and then.... like the one I just ordered. I did not see this listing around yesterday, so I got pretty lucky, thanks to my obsessive daily window shopping habit.
  5. Nevermind.... I decided to go ahead and order it. Shop around for the best price? What's that? When did that ever stop me before? (laughs and cries at the same time)
  6. So..... the Kakizaki VF-1A is available on Amazon Japan with shipping to the United States. Is this a good price? I never got around to ordering this one before.
  7. If I die after having children, I would want my Macross collection to pass on to my kids. If I die before having children, hmmm..... I am not sure what I would want to happen. My fiance is not a Macross fan. Maybe donate to charity?
  8. Why am I starting to feel a bit hot and flustered right now... and even drooling a little bit?
  9. One approach is to use Selenium, a tool that can be used with, such programming languages as Python or Java to automate web navigation. https://towardsdatascience.com/controlling-the-web-with-python-6fceb22c5f08 documents the use of Python + Selenium to automate homework assignment submission to a school's Canvas web page. A similar approach could be applied for handling online shopping.
  10. This makes me happy! This makes me really happy!
  11. I enjoy helping out MWF folk with pre-orders. I missed out on helping out during the past couple of PO madness events, so hopefully this CDJapan relisting helps makes up for that a bit.
  12. Yeah. NY was also sold out for the past few days.
  13. Looks like tonight Nippon Yasan has also re-opened their Roy pre-orders.... though still at their inflated 35,000 yen pricing.
  14. Actually, I cannot take credit for that one. The relisting by CDJapan was found by @F360 on July 7.
  15. If I recall correctly, CD Japan briefly changed from sold out status or orderable about a week ago... a few days after the original PO madness date. Update: CD Japan's second listing was July 7.
  16. I am actually feeling rather optimistic about this too. I would be more inclined to think this was a glitch if the order floodgates remained opened. But the fact VF-1S Roy went back to being sold out after 8 or so new orders makes me think that HLJ was maybe able to accommodate a few more from Bandai or some cancellations occurred.... I hope.
  17. I do occasionally see sites like AmiAmi, HLJ, and CDJapan show availability of seemingly sold out pre-orders that end up working out OK. That's why I have been routinely checking these sites a few times a day to see if the VF-1S Roy became available again. To my shock, it was again at HLJ. Hopefully this works out well!
  18. And gone....
  19. That's thank the Cat! (* meow *) hee hee
  20. Me too! Me too! (* high five! *)
  21. Yeah, I do worry about that too. *crossing my fingers*
  22. You are welcome! I am glad you were able to get an order in!
  23. YAY! Glad to be of assistance!
  24. YAY! I got an order in just now via HLJ....
  25. HLJ go go go
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