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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. Yeah, I need a better cabinet. This was just a make-shift, spur of the moment attempt on my part. I need something with taller shelf space, since my Macross Memorial LD Box does not fit without being inserted at a slight tilt.
  2. Given that Hikaru looks like he is wearing something baggy/rounded around his neck, it is probably the scarf he got in episode 34. Other outfits he wore in the TV show generally had sharp collars, so this stood out to me.
  3. My 2 babies arrived today... the Arcadia Max + Miria VF-1 Super Valkyries. I was a bit inspired by the amazing Macross collection photos I saw here. So.... this is my first attempt at it too. But i am realizing... I don't have enough room for the other 4 1/60 scale Arcadia and Yamato v2 Valkyries coming in, yet alone the 8 Toynami ones. EEP!
  4. Darn it... this picture kind of makes me want it now. My childhood nostalgia of having had one of these toys as a kid does not help either. Why did you throw all my toys out, mom? Why?!
  5. I was wondering.... is this Orguss mech also used in Macross? Or is the image I pasted a valkyrie in GBP? I think the shield, chest and shoulders seem like that of the Orguss mech. But the legs seem like a valkyrie with super or strike parts.
  6. Yeah, my experience at buying Valkyries is about..... 2 - 3 days old now. I am learning though. I almost bought a bunch of Yamato v1 1/60 VF-1's. had it not been for @jenius Thank you for saving me from that disaster!
  7. Noticed that someone on eBay is selling an Arcadia VF-1J Super Valkryie (Miria) for $215.88 + free shipping. With the 15% coupon eBay is running today, that brings the price down to $183.50. Why did I buy mine without coupon yesterday? Why?! *sigh* My timing sucks.
  8. There is a amazing looking 1/55 scale VT-1 Superostrich on eBay right now, currently at a bid of $560. It's so beautiful. But I will resist... because I am poor now. =P
  9. Oh no! I remember getting My Little Ponies from there when I was young. I usually spend my time looking at distributed networking algorithms, so I kind of missed that news. *checks Google Maps* Wow... the closest Toys R Us is pretty far away. Oh well.
  10. OMG! That's the robot I had! But light bluer! Thank you for helping me identify this childhood memory of mine.
  11. Somehow I feel like the valkyrie is too big.... Voltron should be way bigger than a VF-1, even with the Strike package. *hee hee* Oh yeah, I vaguely remembering owning one other small mech toy as a kid. I have no idea what show it was from. I wonder if anyone here can identify it? Sorry for the bad picture. I used MS Paint and a mouse to sketch this.... and I am no artist. I have not seen this toy in forever, so my childhood memory may be very flawed. I recall it had a round shield on the arm, with a gun attached I think. It also had an insecty-looking face, but a face cover could fold over, hiding the face. It also had wings attached on each side of its hips. I also think it could transform, but god help me if I ever figured out what it was supposed to transform into. I think it was also sort of a grayish-blue color for the most part... maybe? Thanks!
  12. oh, an argument between 1/48 and 1/60? Fight Fight Fight! =)
  13. Why did this quote just jump into my head? "Botany Bay? Botany Bay! Oh no! We got to get out of here! Now!"
  14. I never used eBay before now. I had no idea there were coupons available. If only I knew about them when I ordered the Arcadia 1/60 Max and Miria Super Valkyries. *sigh* Wow, there are better coupons out there than the 15% up to $50 that I used? EEP!
  15. 1/48? No... please. It's too big. It won't fit. That will break me!
  16. About 3x the original MSRP... after the coupon took off $50. Normally, I would never shell out that much for a single toy. But, as you say, the VE-1 is the pinnacle of the line. I would also have a weakness for the VT-1... but I saw from anymoon.com that the Yamato v2 of the Super Ostrich is on the avoid list.
  17. Hello again. My name is Shizuka, and I am a Macross-holic. I have relapsed. It has been 1 minute since my last toy purchase. So... I was bad. I just ordered a Yamato v2 1/60 VE-1 Elintseeker. Dang eBay coupon... I think this will be my final purchase for a long, long time... at least until I finish my doctoral dissertation in hopefully 2 - 3 years. "blink blink* Why is my credit card smoking?
  18. Oh, is there a for-sale thread here? I did not notice one.
  19. Oh god no... Please no... Help? For now, I will try being content with the Arcadia/Yamato v2 1/60 and Toynami 1/100. The former for its quality and visual appeal. The latter because they are cheap and there are not many models of them, so it is easy to get them all and keep up with their releases. My big worry about HMR is that there are a lot of models released and they are kind of pricey, making it hard to get caught up. But I know that if I start getting one, I will feel compelled to get more.
  20. No offense taken. You are just passionate. As lovers of over-priced plastic toys from Japan, I think we all are pretty passionate people.
  21. Actually, I am paying my own way thru grad school. I decided I wanted to get my Ph.D. after having worked for a number of years. So, I took a hiatus from my career and started school last fall. Kind of living off of what I had set aside over the years, to pay for tuition, mortgage, and living expenses. You are right though. I do have a bit of a money management issue, and that I am getting carried away in this collectible toy euphoria. I really do need to budget my money better, if I am going to be able to afford 2 - 3 more years as a full-time student. Thanks for speaking up, by the way. While you are incorrect about me spending my parents' money, I do appreciate that you cared enough to be concerned.
  22. The only reason I think I am able to resist the VF-0 is because I was not as big a fan of Macross Zero as I was of the original Macross or Macross Frontier. Those two shows in particular really sang to me. So, I would probably pursue getting a VF-25 before I go after a VF-0. At the moment, I am lusting after a Yamato v2 1/60 scale VE-1 Elintseeker. Why in the world are they so expensive? The VT-1 Superostrich too? I see them listed on eBay for many times their MSRP. I can understand if they were the old Takanoku/Bandai chunky monkey 1/55 releases, being vintage products, but the Yamato v2 line? *sigh* As for being a poor grad student, that is true. I am a full-time student and currently make no income. I bought the valkyries from my food/living expenses budget. God, I need a summer job. It hurt my heart when I got the final bill for 3 valkyries from Jungle in Japan. $85 in shipping?! Ouch! The 2 Arcadia Max and Miria Super Valkyries hurt a bit, because I bought them AFTER I saw someone post a 15% eBay coupon on the MAcross World forums. My timing sucks. Worst yet, that coupon taunts me into wanting to buy another valkyrie. Waste not, want not. Again... Help! I am a Macross-holic. It has been 12 hours since my last valkyrie purchase, but I feel I am just waiting for 2 more hours to pass by so that the coupon code goes into effect.
  23. Forgive me for asking, but what is "M&M" in this context? I assume you don't mean the chocolate candies that melt in your mouth, not in your hand.
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