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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. Can someone explain to me what the difference is between a regular HMR and a Tamashii Web Shoten Exclusive version of an HMR?
  2. I can understand playing with your toy. And I can understand putting your toy on display, so that you can gaze at it lovingly. But, if it never leaves the box, are you collecting it because you like it, or because you want it to go up in monetary value? You can''t touch the valkyrie. You can't even really look at it either, except for the bit that peeks thru the window. I guess I can understand the monetary valuation thing if you see the item as an investment. But as a fan, I am trying to comprehend. Admittedly, I put an Arcadia 1/60 VF-1J Super Valkyrie (Miria) into my closet unopened for storage. But... that is because I *cough cough* sort of bought 2 of them, since I wanted to have one as a back-up. I also did that back when I bought 2 of each of the 3 "Maria-sama ga Miteru" rosarios years ago from Animate @ Akihabara... 1 each for cosplaying and 1 each for backup storage. Oh no.... Suddenly, I am reminded of Kanata from "Lucky Star" saying that she collects 3 of every item.... 1 to play with, 1 for display, and 1 for storage. Oh no..... oh no! I've become that girl! No no... she bought 3 of everything. I only bought 2. I'm not at her level yet. *whew* SAFE!
  3. Wait... you are just going to leave her in the box? Unopened?
  4. Just curious, but.... how much are the following each worth? Yamato v2 1/60 VT-1 Super Ostrich Yamato v2 1/60 VE-1 Elintseeker Yamato v2 1/60 VF-1D Trainer Being new to the Macross toy collecting scene, trying to get a good idea from the experts here on the Macross World forums. Thanks!
  5. Just out of curiosity, what are people's thoughts on the Toynami 1/100 scale 2010 SDCC Exclusive Macross Vinyl Zentradi Tactical Battlepod? Is it worth getting at $45? I saw @jenius's Youtube video review of this item. Just wanted to get some more opinions.
  6. My one Valkyrie that just shipped out from AmiAmi yesterday cost 4250 yen in DHL shipping. According to the store, EMS would have been slightly more expensive.
  7. Pirated would be appropriate then.... I suppose one could argue that, from the perspective of Taiwan pre-2002, it might not be considered pirated. However, I think Victor Records, Big West, the creators of Macross, and all the member countries of the WTO, including Japan, would consider SM Records CDs to be pirated.
  8. LOL! There needs to be a HMR SDF-1, complete with DYRL fashion store, with Hikaru and Minmay in wedding outfits. And a love hotel, with a rejected Hikaru standing outside it.
  9. And a make-shift shower set?
  10. SonMay Records, aka SM Records, was a Taiwanese bootleg company. You won't find SM Records bootleg CDs made after 2002, the year Taiwan joined the World Trade Organization, thus being required to abide by international copyright laws. Unfortunately, the Macross Plus soundtracks were circa 1995.
  11. As part of my "Manage your budget Shizuka" plan, I will stay home tonight instead of going out to a restaurant for dinner with a bunch of friends. I will stay home, have some rice, work on my research idea paper... and have Chrome constantly refreshing my eBay watch list. Errr... maybe going out for dinner is not such a bad idea after all? =) BTW, noticed that there is an Arcadia 1/60 VF-1J Super Valkyrie (Miria) selling on eBay for $197, with free shipping, from AmiAmi. *sigh* That's $25 cheaper than what I paid ordered directly from AmiAmi's website for the same toy (when accounting for the $40 DHL shipping). Note to self: Avoid the stock market. My timing sucks. =P
  12. Streaker Valkyrie Street Fighter Valkyrie Upskirt Valkyrie How naughty! =P
  13. Amazing pic! Did you just do that on the fly?
  14. ACK! I meant Max. I'm sorry Max! I wuv you Max! Forgive me Max! =)
  15. I wonder if we will ever get a VF-1A Kakizaki TV version with Zentradi uniform
  16. Sweet! An early birthday present! I *think* my Sega Saturn still works. YAY for friend doing some spring cleaning!
  17. I think I will okay. I just really need to budget myself accordingly from now on, and stop doing all this impulse buying I have been doing the past few days. Generic brand peanut butter and jelly should also be added to the grocery list, along with the already-suggested instant ramen.
  18. You mean.... invest in Valkyries?! *grin*
  19. Looking on the bright side... I think I lost more money today in my 401K due to the stock market dropping, than I did buying valkyries over the course of 3 days. Yeah... the bright side. *smile* *tear drop*
  20. EEP! EPP! *cry* Okay, i will definitely, absolutely not start collecting Macross Frontier valkyries, at least until after I finish school. I swear to the Galactic Fairy!
  21. Oh, I feel like I am relapsing into some old habits. I must have spent several thousand dollars on anime LDs, back when laserdiscs were king. Macross, Gundam X, Five Star Stories, Master of Mosquiton, Nadesico, Campus Guardress, Silent Mobius, and the X^2 music video were just a few of LD titles I collected back then. Who would have guessed that DVDs would come along.. which I probably sunk tens of thousands of dollars into. Then Blu-Ray... But, I had mostly stopped buying anime media a few years ago, and have not really watched anime in the past couple of years. I recently even threw out a bunch of anime LDs that I had already duplicated on DVD or Blu-Ray, with a few exceptions... like my Macross Memorial Box. So I thought I had finally shaken off my long time anime-spending habits... *sigh* Darn you valkyries, darn you! Why must you be so cute and dynamic and nostalgic. OMG.... I'm having a mid-life crisis, aren't I? OMG!
  22. *COUGH COUGH* That paycheck question hurts so much. =)
  23. Hello again. My name is Shizuka, and I am a Macross-holic. It has been 10 minutes since my last purchase. I swore to myself yesterday that I was done, that I had bought enough valkyries to last me until I finish grad school and start making money again. But then I saw a used Arcadia 1/60 VF-1S Strike Valkyrie (Hikaru Ichijou) just show up on AmiAmi, that was not listed there 2 hours earlier. I price checked eBay, Jungle, HLJ, Mandarake, and a few other shops, and AmiAmi's price was quite a bit cheaper. So..... well.... you can guess what happened next. *sigh* I am both elated by my purchase, and think I need an intervention. *sigh* I blame @jenius entirely for causing this addiction in me by creating such wonderful review and transformation videos on YouTube and anymoon.com Love, Shizuka
  24. 4 new arrivals came in the mail just now. Welcome home my children! I ordered these through robotech.com, since they sell the set of 3 VF-1J Super Valkyries for $150, rather than getting them for $55 each thru stores like bigbadtoystore.com, so I saved about $15 from retail. Plus. they had the Comic-Con exclusive version of the VF-1D that uses matching color Super parts, rather than the generic grey ones that come with the regular edition of the VF-1D.
  25. Thank you for the welcome. I would like to consider myself an optimistic and genki person. I have cats, after all! So... if Arcadia/Yamato v2 are generally considered to be the best 1/60 scale Macross VF-1, then what is considered the best when it comes to 1/60 scale Macross Frontier VF-25 and VF-171? Bandai Renewal? Yamato? Thanks! Note to self: Oh no... please don't fall into the Macross Frontier rabbit hole.
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