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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. I was wondering... is there a toy for the destroid that looks like it has 2 giant barrels containing missiles instead of arms? Not sure what the mech is called.
  2. Yes, Kids Logic is a legitimate company. They make various Robotech-related dioramas... pricey ones at that. https://www.kidslogic.toys/collections/robotech
  3. I did do some price comparing to Jungle, AmiAmi, HLJ, CD Japan, and such, factoring in shipping costs. So. I think I am saving a little bit using the ebay coupon.... *sigh* I feel light headed and hungry now. Well, at least I might lose a little bit of weight going down to 1 mean a day to save money to fund my valkyrie purchases.
  4. ARGH! Why am I so weak? Why?! Stupid ebay 15% of everything coupon... I swore I would avoid HMR valkyries. *sigh* I have fallen down the rabbit hole. *bangs head on table repeatedly* baka baka baka baka So... I guess I have a VE-1 Elintseeker, a VF-1J Super Valkyrie (Max), and a VF-1J Super Valkyrie (Miria) coming... eventually.
  5. Macross fandom = nourishment 9-year old son = production assistant *grin*
  6. In your animation with bullets raining down from the VF-0's rifle, you should make it rain dollar signs or yen... or maybe a combination of dollar signs, yen, and euros?
  7. Is it bad that this is what my desktop currently looks like right now? Darn distractions! I am constantly window-shopping!
  8. The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long. I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch how I... *bleh* *dead*
  9. I hate to say it, but I was not that big into Macross Zero. It was okay, but the show did not capture me that strongly. So, I don't feel a strong personal connection to the VF-0, and don't feel particularly eager to get one anytime soon. If I had to rank the shows, I would put original Macross and Macross Frontier at the top. Then Macross Plus, Macross 7, Macross Zero, then finally the evil step-child Macross 2. I don't have a verdict on Macross Delta yet, as I have only watched a couple of episodes... but having the singers dance around amongst enemy mechs mid-combat using, as I recall @jenius's wife say in a figurine review video, "vagina rockets" under their blouses..... that just felts a bit too silly to me. So, I imagine I will prioritize VF-1 designs first, then maybe eventually branch into Frontier and Plus next.
  10. The VF-1 (including VE-1 and VT-1) is my favorite of all the different valkyrie designs. There is something simple yet elegant about it. Plus, nostalgia! Maybe someday I will expand to other Macross series valkyries, but probably not til I finish grad school in 2 - 3 years.
  11. OMG! I was so thinking to myself how I need to find a larger place, with a room that can easily be temperature and humidity controlled for my toys... errr... collectibles, right before I read your reply.
  12. YAY! My DHL deliveries arrived! Now I am just waiting for my Yamato v2 1/60 VE-1 Elintseeker to come in a couple of days. Hmmm... you know, I may not have completely thought things thru. It did not occur to me just how much space this stuff takes up.
  13. You know you are a valkyrie addict when you skip school to wait at home for 2 DHL deliveries to arrive. DHL, where are you?! Why can't you give me real-time tracking of my packages' locations, like the Uber or Lyft apps can?
  14. Yeah, but since this valkyrie seems so much cheaper than any other HMR I have seen, I thought this might be an affordable way to go. But if it is a pain to remove the old paint job.... *sigh* Too bad I don't like the 35th anniversary's paint job.
  15. Noticed that CD Japan has the 35th anniversary HMR VF-1S for 4800 yen as an outlet product (box may be damaged, but valkyrie should be ok). I wonder.... 1.) Good deal? 2.) How hard is it to remove its original paint job, and apply a custom motif? For some reason, I feel tempted to somehow have one repainted with Ny Little Ponies on it.
  16. Thanks. I think I am still missing Hikaru's VF-1J. Is there any difference between a TV and movie version of Roy's VF-1S, besides the strike parts?
  17. 3 new babies arrived a few minutes ago, joining my 2 Arcadia VF-1J Super Valkyries (Max + Miria). Welcome home! Expecting 2 more to arrive later today. Come on DHL!
  18. The following are currently available from Jungle (http://jungle-scs.co.jp) Arcadia VF-0D = 50,760 yen Arcadia VF-0A = 43,200 yen Yamato VF-0A + Ghost = 28,080 yen
  19. April 30th for the PF 1/3000 DYRL SDF-1, 53,784 yen
  20. EEP! I hope you are doing okay.
  21. Thanks @jenius I noticed the TWE of the HMR VF-1J Super Valkyrie (Miria) over at AmiAmi for 12,480 yen, and wondered what make it special. P.S, You won't taunt me with your siren calls for HMR valkyries.... even the Hikaru VF-1J you pointed out to me. I will resist! Oh look, a sealed HMR VE-1 Elintseeker for 7560 yen. Oh dear...
  22. That does sound kind of wonderful.... *starry eyes* Technically, I am not putting the back-up copy into storage to never be opened. I do anticipate opening it, after the 1st once eventually dies on me. I'm not trying to preserve the back-up per say, nor am I opposed to opening the back-up's box. But it is very much like the spare tire on my Honda SUV, waiting for when it is its time to be used. But... I do think I can kind of understand a little bit about the appeal you speak of.
  23. Ok, so there is no difference regarding the toy itself then? It's not like a TWE is some special edition with extra stuff?
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