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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. 35 minutes to go! 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer...
  2. That's good to know. Thanks for the input!
  3. AmiAmi pre-order page is up. Just waiting for pre-order time to start. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-038326
  4. The cabinets are not facing the sun, but I do wonder if my overhead lights and reflections of sunlight against white walls are of any concern. I don't want my valkyries yellowing, the way I have seen the old Takatoku/Bandai 1/55 scale valkyries yellow in pictures on the internet.
  5. I figured I would put my question in this "Macross Maintenance" thread, as I think my question would be somewhat appropriate. I am thinking about buying some krylon, so that I can spray the glass in front of my display cabinet with a UV-resistant coating. I just wanted to see if people here would know if that is a good or bad idea, before I go and do it? Thanks!
  6. Believe me, I am keeping an eye out for one. GRR.... stupid person on eBay outbid me a few days ago at the last second.... GRR.
  7. Pre-orders for Hobby Search start after 4pm Japan time, or 3am here in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  8. Much appreciated! CD Japan and AmiAmi might be the first places I check out.... since they have become awfully familiar with my shipping address recently. *hee hee* I guess I have a few hours to hopefully get a bit more school work done before the big event starts.
  9. So much for school work.... Any recommended shops I should try pre-ordering from?
  10. Wait... it's tonight?!
  11. *sigh* I just spent the past few hours setting these up.... rather than doing school work. *sigh* Okay... time to be productive... for at least a few hours.... I hope?
  12. You make it sound like pre-ordering is difficult... wait, is it difficult? Am I missing something? Do stores get swamped or something?
  13. Thanks. I was re-watching @jenius' review of the Arcadia 1/60 VF-1S and was amused when he said, and I quote... "You should be warned, purchasing one often leads to purchasing more than one." *sigh* Tell me about it.
  14. Can someone recommend some display stands for the Arcadia / Yamato v2 1/60 VF-1 and VE-1, and where I can order some? Thanks!
  15. Ouch!
  16. Wait, wait..... Is Macross Delta worse than Macross 2?
  17. LOL! I watched your video review about the toy after seeing the CD Japan outlet price. Sounded like a real pain to transform. Between that issue, mismatched-sized hands, and my less-than-thrilled feelings towards Delta, I decided not to buy the toy. I died laughing when you said, "If you haven't seen Macross Delta yet... don't."
  18. The affiliate program at CD Japan lets you earn 5% commission on people's purchases that use your affiliate link. CD Japan members also earn 3% rewards normally, so if you use your own affiliate link, you can make as much as 8% in combined points, not factoring in shipping costs. Hopefully that means that if I buy like 13 valkyries from CD Japan, I can buy a 14th with my points. Ahhh... to dream.
  19. Yes! You are right. The VF-1A Hikaru! Why in the world does it look like the HMR VF-1S Strike valkyries go for $200? EEP! I can buy certain 1/60's for that. *sigh*
  20. Just pre-ordered the HMR VF-1J Super Valkyrie (Hikaru) from CD Japan.... there was only about 20 minutes left before their sakura coupon expires, so I decided to use it. *sigh* Time to reset my counter... Hello. I'm Shizuka and I'm a Macross-holic. It has been 0 minutes since my last purchase.
  21. Happy to be of service! I hope your new Draken does not have any issues that might trigger your high quality standards. CD Japan seems ok... a long time staple. I got my Macross Frontier blu-rays from them. Become a member and get 300 yen in birthday points each year. As @F360pointed out, they also have coupon codes available from time to time. You can also become an affiliate, so that people who click on your banner ad link and buy stuff from them can earn you points too. Actually, you can purchase stuff for yourself via your own affiliate link and earn points that way... on top of the rewards points you normally get for making purchases.,
  22. 2 left
  23. CD Japan is selling outlet product DX Chogokin Macross Delta Sv-262Hs Draken III (Keith Aero Windermere Custom) http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-252249 13,200 yen... down from 22,000 yen. Limit 1 per customer. They currently have 4 remaining. Doesn't interest me, but I thought maybe someone here would find it interesting.
  24. Packing of items in styrofoam may be a concern in cases of long term exposure to high humidity, as the foam can become moisture-saturated due to the network of interstitial gaps between cells. Plastic should be used as a moisture barrier between the item in question and the foam.
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