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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. I think your math might be wrong. Assuming an average of 9 months for the actual pregnancy, then I have about 7 months to get pregnant if I want to give birth by the time I hit 30.
  2. Because we waited for me to finish my PhD before getting married, I am already only 4 months away from hitting 29. I really want to have kids before I hit 30. Hence, we are putting in a lot of work in. It gives us something to do while we stay indoors during the pandemic. And yes, I will teach my kids to love valkyries and super dimensional fortresses! Though, I have not decided yet if I will have my kids inherit my Macross toys, or if I will have them buried with me.
  3. You are telling me. I originally thought I would be making the big bucks working post-PhD. However, because of the coronavirus, I am too afraid of going out and being in contact with other people.... especially now that the US gets about a quarter million new cases daily. As such, my current career goals until this pandemic is over is to be a housewife and maybe work really hard on having a baby. And since Boston is really cold, I wear warm pajamas all the time.
  4. It is such a beautiful shot! Also, I appreciate you pulling the curtain back. I am very entertained!
  5. I just did a spit-take while drinking my tea when I read that you did the review in your pajamas. Well... so much for that keyboard. LOL
  6. I just finished watching your review @jenius Great job as always! Hope your move is all done and went without any problems. My only critique regarding your latest video... the green sweater you wore kind of clashed with the toy when you were handling it. I would probably recommend wearing something with light grey or light blue sleeves. Thanks for making these review videos, and I can't wait to watch your next one!
  7. I just assume those other genres are on separate dedicated boats. LOL
  8. I just came across this new story regarding a woman who rescued her husband's action figure collection from a flood. https://www.unilad.co.uk/life/woman-breaks-windows-to-rescue-husbands-action-figure-collection-from-flood/ I thought people here might appreciate this
  9. Ouch, AmiAmi's shipping cost is quite a lot more than HLJ's. AmiAmi's cheapest option to Boston is EMS, costing 5480 yen. HLJ's cheapest option is FedEx Priority, costing 3420 yen. That's s stark contrast.
  10. Thanks for letting me know @F360 As a side note, my husband... (I love calling him that)... has convinced me that I should free up some space and sell off all the EXTRA valkyries I ordered due to my fear of having a pre-order fall apart. So, in the near future, I will probably be listing a DX Chogokin VF-1A Max, VF-31E, VF-31S Armored Parts, and eventually a VF-1S Roy when my 2nd pre-order finally comes in, plus a few Hi-Metal R valkyries. It hurts, but I know my husband is right.... darn it. *sigh* The disadvantage of having a husband.... shared space... *sigh* Happy (belated) Thanksgiving everyone and good luck Black Friday shopping!
  11. I just received my Hobby Link Japan notification regarding the Roy VF-1S. I only see 2 shipping options available to me.... FedEx and DHL. Is that the same for everyone else?
  12. Sorry about that. My fault .
  13. Ummm... did lightning just blow this guy's clothes off?????
  14. Wait, was there a new DX Chogokin Macross announcement? Do we have release dates yet?
  15. Thanks. First of all, that only works if I am guaranteed to have both a boy and a girl. Secondly, Max and Miria do it.... so naming my kids those names gets a little sibling incesty. Third, I really do like the name Valkyrie. And I'll love her and squeeze her and teach her how to code..... OMG! H-Mart oriental grocery store just got added to Instacart. I never have to go outside ever again! LOL!
  16. Happy Birthday Mommar! Since we are in a celebrating mood, I thought I would mention that I'm now Mrs. Shizuka the Ph.D. Cat. So.... how do I tell my husband that when we have children and one of them is a daughter, I want to name her Valkyrie? Happy Halloween everyone!
  17. Just 1 set for me.
  18. sigh... It has been a month and a half since I first received an email from Nippon-Yasan saying that my DX Chogokin VF-1 Super Parts pre-order from June 2019 was finally being processed..... and I am still waiting for them to finish "processing". <sarcasm> YAY Nippon-Yasan </sarcasm>
  19. 22 days after Nippon Yasan notified me that my original 6/6/2019 pre-order was finally being processed, the order status still says "preparation in progress". *sigh* Maybe I got my hopes up too soon.
  20. LOL! Nice one!
  21. Love the pose... but Roy looks like a midget. Help, my OCD is getting triggered, LOL.
  22. Meow? Did someone mention me?
  23. Oh, I like that. The TV versions on the left, the movie versions on the right. Very nice!
  24. No! DHL tried delivering while I was stuck on the toilet. NO!!!!! Come back delivery person... come back!
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