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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. Oh.. I did not realize that the Max Factory one and PLAMAX one were one and the same.
  2. I bought all 4 of the cosplay figures from Jungle. However, I just discovered that I cleared out 3 of the 4 characters from Jungle's inventory. Only Hiiragi is still available from them... http://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/?page_id=116&do=detail&id=101000005577 However, Miyuki is available from Mandarake... https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1030673760&ref=list as is Kagami... https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1028128360&ref=list Konata is available from eBay... https://www.ebay.com/itm/LUCKY-STAR-Macross-F-Frontier-KONATA-Cosplay-Figure-of-Alto-Saotome-Banpresto/192472260791 As for the valkyries, I got them from an eBay buy shop... https://www.ebay.com/itm/Banpresto-Japan-Macross-Frontier-Lucky-Star-VF-25-Messiah-Set-of-4-MIB-Robotech-/162603875944
  3. I could not resist. I just ordered the 4 VF-25 Lucky Star valkyries, and the 4 main cosplay figures. Basically, everything in the pictures I posted. *sigh* At least they were cheap. $40 for the 4 valkyries, including shipping. About another $25 for the cosplay figures, excluding however much SAL small parcel shipping from Japan will cost.
  4. Well, this just showed up on AmiAmi for pre-order... Dear lord, too big! 1/20 scale! 32,980 yen PLAMAX MF-25 minimum factory VF-1 Super/Strike Gerwalk Valkyrie 1/20 Plastic Model http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-4556&page=top
  5. Oh no... I just discovered the wonderful world of Macross Frontier + Lucky Star cross promotion products! Must... resist.... must... resist....
  6. Probably faster delivery than Bandai's VF-31A
  7. Decluttr is a site that buys used DVDs, BDs, books, and certain electronics. They have a mobile app that can scan ISBN numbers of items and tells you how much they will offer you for the item. Some DVDs they might not take. Others, they might give you 5 cents for. Still others, maybe a couple of dollars. Oddly enough, the items in my box that seem to fetch the most money are my swing dancing CDs. On a separate note, I wonder how much this 1/1 scale VF-25 would cost...
  8. There are more grad students than there are funded RA or TA positions, unfortunately. As for selling stuff, I do have a box filled with DVDs and CDs I am thinking of sending off to Decluttr. Looks like I can get about $70 from them for what I have in the box.
  9. I know... I know. I got carried away by what I thought was a decent bargain. Yes, I am a compulsive shopper... obviously. *sigh* Fortunately, other than my mortgage, I am not really carrying around any debt. Just burning thru my savings. I wonder if I can earn some income during summer vacation.
  10. I have to admit... I really did enjoy watching the final episode of Macross 7. It was ridiculous... but a fun kind of ridiculous. Plus, I never get tired of listening to "Try Again", probably the best Fire Bomber song. Is it bad that I liked watching Max and Miria fighting in VF-22's, and Battle 7 blowing up?
  11. Oh god.... I actually won my first Yahoo Japan auction (via Buyee). I will soon be the owner of a Yamato 1/60 scale VF-19 Fire Valkyrie for 13,000 yen. What have I done?!
  12. Can you add the radar dish to the 2 VT-1's above the Super boosters?
  13. Loving the addition of the Roy and Hikaru HMR VF-1S Strike valkyries to my collection. (and really wishing I had purchased the clear stand instead... sigh)
  14. I just got in my first set of HMR VF-1S Strike valkyries (both Hikaru and Roy). I did not realize that, while the packaging calls them Strike Valkyries, they are actually Super + Strike. They include 2 Super thingymajiggers, with a Strike cannon component that can replace the front half of the Super thingymajiggers, much like the Yamato v2 / Arcadia Super + Strike parts. That is awesome! I had assumed that one of the thingymajiggers was a dedicated Strike, and the other a Super.
  15. This showed up on AmiAmi's pre-order list today. Macross Music Interview Collection 1982-2018 (BOOK, Tentative Name)(Provisional Pre-order) マクロス音楽証言集 1982-2018 (書籍・仮称) http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=MED-BOOK-011528&page=top
  16. Ahh... to be getting your first HMR.... so young! I remember what that feeling was like. Back when I was only 25. *sigh*
  17. Thank you. But *sigh* I can feel my joints aching already.
  18. Now your appraiser is a VF-1C Super Cat with catnip missiles
  19. Would the VF-1J Hikaru wings w/ hardpoints be a close color match?
  20. WOW, Mandarake sells and shiips cats?! New? Used? Grade A content with Grade B box?
  21. Oh oh! How about this... Elintseeker with dual Strike cannons, top radar dish, plus both gunpod and under-arm sensor! Also with 1 box missile and 2 reaction missiles under each wing.
  22. EEP! 2 hours til my birthday.... and I am feeling the urge to buy something. EEP!
  23. There is a bubblegum crisis in the year 2040? Dental issues? Is chewing gum not affected?
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