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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. YAY! A few things just came in the mail. Curious to see if anyone can figure out what the new additions are... I also re-arranged this shelf a little bit. upper level: birds that M&M flew lower level: birds that Hikaru flew. (If I am not mistaken, he flew the VF-1J and the yellow VF-1S in the TV show, and the red VF-1S and VT-1 in DYRL)
  2. I had all the correct pieces, but whoever attached the side and back parts of the leg armors did them incorrectly. Fortunately, this was easily correctable.
  3. Most of my eyeglasses were under $40 each. I order from GlassesUSA.com. They have a decent selection of cute frames.
  4. I was actually meaning eyeglasses, not sunglasses. If we count sunglasses, then I have 9 pairs of glasses.
  5. One nice thing about being a grad student... I can get away with owning mostly jeans, shorts, t-shirts, and blouses. I have a few nice, expensive outfits for evenings out or formal events, like doing research presentations and attending IEEE conferences. But, for the most part, I prefer wearing something comfortable, like kigarumi cat costumes when I am at home, and jeans and an MIT shirt when I am on campus. *cough* Though I may have just the slightest of addictions when it comes to shoes.... and jewelry..... and valkyries. *cough* Also... Is it weird to own 6 different pairs of glasses? I find it strange that my boyfriend only has 1 pair. And he thinks me having 6 pairs is a bit excessive. I argue that I need that many pairs so that I can match them with what I am wearing. Everyone does that, right?
  6. I am sure there are some men out there that value clothing as much as women.... somewhere... (*looks at boyfriend's wardrobe*) I am almost sure there are some men out there that value clothing as much as women... somewhere else.... But seriously, from a materials and production cost prospective, I don't like that we get the short end of the stick when it comes to clothing prices.
  7. Why in the world is the men's version cheaper, when the women's version uses less material? Where is the logic in that?
  8. Transparent super parts? IFactory?? *blink blink*
  9. YAY! I found a faculty member willing to sponsor my proposed dissertation research topic idea! So excited... I might actually be able to graduate in 2 years! To celebrate... I kind of ordered a Yamato 1/60 VF-11B. See... it was not a frivolous purchase... it was a one=time, celebratory purchase. I had a justifiable excuse... really! Why doesn't anyone believe me?! Oh yeah... my HMR Hikaru VF-1A arrived today. I could not get the leg armor parts to attach initially. Realized it was due to them having attached the back plate to the side leg armor piece in reverse. So I removed, swapped, reversed, and re-attached the back plate for both legs. Kind of surprised how Bandai is doing some sloppy work with this release. Also... for some reason, when I look at my HMRs, I feel a bit Jewish. It's like a minora made of Valkyries and Tamashii stands.
  10. You and me both... you and me both. Get working on it @sh9000 !!!
  11. I got none of them... Though I suspect @jenius may have scored at least 1 piece.
  12. Oh this is going to hurt.... 1/60 VF-1 Super/Strike Parts = $49.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-Macross-1-60-VF-1-Super-Strike-Parts/202316058274?hash=item2f1afa0ea2:g:VYAAAOSwXtta~fzM 1/60 VF-1A DYRL CF = $99.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-Macross-1-60-VF-1A-Mass-Production-DYRL-Valkyrie/382465717684?hash=item590cbbb5b4:g:D7IAAOSwM~pa~fVb 1/60 Roy TV VF-1S with Super/Strike = $119.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-Macross-1-60-VF-1S-Roy-Fokker-TV-Color-Valkyrie-with-Strike-Parts/192543583911?hash=item2cd47deea7:g:Q-UAAOSw4RZa~fuc 1/60 Max DYRL VF-1A with Super/Strike = $119.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-Macross-1-60-VF-1A-Max-DYRL-Valkyrie-with-Strike-Parts/192543582323?hash=item2cd47de873:g:qfIAAOSw2q9a~frY 1/60 Max TV VF-1A = $79.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-Macross-1-60-VF-1A-Max-Valkyrie/202316049192?hash=item2f1af9eb28:g:l1QAAOSwNSJa~fqI 1/60 Hikaru DYRL VF-1A with Super/Strike = $119.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-Macross-1-60-VF-1A-Hikaru-DYRL-Valkyrie-with-Super-Strike-Parts/202316009806?hash=item2f1af9514e:g:D3sAAOSw7kVa~ewS 1/60 VF-1J CF = $199.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-Macross-1-60-VF-1J-Mass-Production-Cannon-Fodder-Valkyrie/192543506583?hash=item2cd47cc097:g:cJgAAOSwtJha~eIe 1/60 VF-1A TV CF = $89.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-Macross-1-60-VF-1A-Mass-Production-TV-Valkyrie/202316026469?hash=item2f1af99265:g:ScsAAOSwBgVa~fHW 1/60 Kakizaki TV VF-1A = $79.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-Macross-1-60-VF-1A-Kakizaki-TV-Valkyrie/192543553513?hash=item2cd47d77e9:g:dmYAAOSw6tta~fC7 1/60 VT-1 Super Ostrich = $179.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-Macross-1-60-VT-1-Super-Ostrich-Valkyrie/192543502223?hash=item2cd47caf8f:g:ZwEAAOSwru9a~eFX 1/60 VE-1 Elintseeker = $99.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-Macross-1-60-VE-1-Elintseeker-Valkyrie-Complete/192542569742?hash=item2cd46e750e:g:~0EAAOSwc9ha~KZu 1/60 Stealth VF-1S = $119.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-Macross-1-60-VF-1S-Stealth-Low-Visibility-Valkyrie-Complete/202315103253?hash=item2f1aeb7c15:g:OxQAAOSwuK1a~KBn 1/60 Angelbirds VF-1A = $174.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-Macross-1-60-VF-1A-Angelbirds-Complete/192542559951?hash=item2cd46e4ecf:g:DG0AAOSw7UJa~KLE 1/60 Miria VF-1J Super = $99.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-Macross-1-60-VF-1J-Miria-Super-Valkyrie-Complete/382464673974?hash=item590cabc8b6:g:H7AAAOSwfLJa~KTy 1/60 Max VF-1J Super = $99.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-Macross-1-60-VF-1J-Max-Valkyrie/382464711038?hash=item590cac597e:g:WWMAAOSwjXNa~LTQ 1/60 VF-1D Trainer = $99.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-Macross-1-60-VF-1D-Valkyrie/202315148998?hash=item2f1aec2ec6:g:fdMAAOSwkIBa~K~0
  13. YAY! My VF-17 Fast Packs arrived today! Now my bird does not feel so naked.
  14. You are right... needed more guns and missiles....
  15. My God the 31 makes the VF-1 look tiny. I sort of wish there was not so much size inflation in later valkyries. It is getting harder to fit these birds on my shelf.
  16. Is it just me or is the DX VF-31A all over the place now? I see it available at Jungle, AmiAmi, and Mandarake.
  17. Yeah, I think I am about ready to go into semi-retirement now, when it comes to Macross toy purchases. My purse could use a vacation. *LOL* There are still some more toys that I want, such as the 1/3000 SDF-1, 1/60 VF-11B, 1/60 YF-21, M&M 1/60 VF-22, and 1/60 VF-1D. And don't get me started on the Frontier valkyries. But I can at least say that I have many of the major pieces I really wanted, like the 1/60 VT-1 and 1/60 VE-1. I figure what I will do now is do a bit of summer work, earn some money, and not buy any more Macross toys until I have earned enough to off-set the $7K I already spent... *cough* or unless I see a really really good deal *cough* But yeah, the plan is to majorly cut back on purchases. Plus, to be honest, I am running out of space to put new birds. If I add another riser to my display shelf, I figure I might be able to fit 3 more 1/60 scale birds in... which are already pretty much accounted for, when you consider the stuff I have in the mail or pre-ordered.
  18. P.S. I blame @jenius for my descent into Macross toy addiction. Your video reviews and anymoon.com site are just too good... they only help to fuel my desire for the toys. So obviously, this is all your fault. *LOL* Keep it up!
  19. Darn it @dafob, why did you make me add up how much I spent on Macross toys?! How did such a small quantity of plastic and metal add up to $7,052.45 ???!!! Admittedly, what is pictured is not that entire $7K total. The total also includes a DX YF-19 pre-order, a couple of HMR VT-1 pre-orders, an HMR VF-1J Hikaru in the mail, an HMR VE-1 in the mail, a Yamato 1/60 VF-17S in the mail, Fast Packs for the VF-17 in the mail, an HMR VF-1A Super Hikaru in the mail, a Yamato 1/60 YF-19 in the mail, and 3 Toynami 1/100 GBPs in a loot pile at BBTS... and 4 Toynami 1/100 VF-1 Super toys I have sitting at my desk on campus. Oh... I guess that does kind of add up once I think about the stuff not pictured.... but still, it does not FEEL like I spent over $7K in under 2 months.
  20. And now SOLD OUT! I really need to get myself a CDJapan affiliate link so I can make commissions. LOL
  21. CDJapan has Tamashii STAGE ACT.5 on outlet clearance for 650 yen (50% off) http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-275683 Might be nice for those of you HMR owners whose birds did not come with a stand.
  22. Looking at the pics from @jenius's anymoon.com review, I think it is supposed to be less gappy.
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