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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. I find it weird that the pre-order is still available everywhere, after what I witnessed with the past couple of releases.
  2. DX VF-31F LillDraken Set pre-order Available... Nippon Yasan - 6,880 yen - https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/25264-macross-delta-dx-chogokin-lill-draken-set-for-vf-31f-siegfried-limited-edition.html Anime Export - 7,180 yen - http://www.anime-export.com/product/40310 Big In Japan - 7,500 yen - https://www.biginjap.com/en/completed-models/20732-macross-delta-movie-passionate-walkure-lilldraken-for-dx-chogokin-vf-31f-siegfried.html CD Japan - 7,776 yen - http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-287977?s_ssid=e46a725b1a4544389a Loopaza - $73.99 - https://www.loopaza.com/dx-chogokin-vf-31f-siegfried-use-lilldraken.html
  3. Meow! Of course. Admittedly, sometimes I wonder why I do this... especially given that I have no interest in this LillDraken pre-order.
  4. DX VF-31F LillDraken Set pre-order Available... Nippon Yasan - 6,880 yen - https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/25264-macross-delta-dx-chogokin-lill-draken-set-for-vf-31f-siegfried-limited-edition.html Big In Japan - 7,500 yen - https://www.biginjap.com/en/completed-models/20732-macross-delta-movie-passionate-walkure-lilldraken-for-dx-chogokin-vf-31f-siegfried.html CD Japan - 7,776 yen - http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-287977?s_ssid=e46a725b1a4544389a
  5. You can get 3 packs like this.... https://www.ebay.com/itm/Bandai-Tamashii-Stage-Act-4-for-Humanoid-Figure-Clear-Display-Stand-4-USA-Seller/132393214287?hash=item1ed340214f:g:yIAAAOSwSPBaXhuC or the minora-like display stands like this... https://www.ebay.com/itm/Bandai-TAMASHII-STAGE-ACT-TRIDENT-PLUS-Dark-Blue-Figure-Display-Stand/163076289624?epid=2254374770&hash=item25f81ab458:g:w58AAOSwv~1aG82u
  6. Is it sad that @derex3592's post both made me happy and cry a little at the same time?
  7. OMG, I am dying of laughter right now.
  8. CDJapan has the DX VF-31F available for pre-order again, this time for 27,800 yen
  9. Good evening all! Out of curiosity, do all the DX 31 toys have the same set of hard points? I thought I remember hearing that the 31J Kai was different somehow. Is it that it has ordinance and hard points, while the others do not? Thanks in advance!
  10. Sometimes I feel like I am the only person on MWF that collects the Toynami 1/100 VF-1 toys, other than @jenius for when he does review videos.
  11. My super/strike parts arrived today. I am surprised. I did not realize the super/strike parts were a different shade of grey (more blue) than the super parts that came with the Toynami 1/100 Wave 6 Hikaru VF-1J. I think I like this bluer shade of the super/strike parts more. Happy purchase!
  12. Thanks for the hangover tips everyone. I stayed in bed most of the day, drank lots of water, and made some dakjuk (chicken rice porridge). Starting to feel a little bit better finally. I am going to crawl back into bed, and wait for my bf to come visit after he finishes his residency shift. Out of curiosity... I know there are super parts for the VF-31.... is there also the equivalent to armored parts/GBP for it as well?
  13. Congratulations. In one piece, I hope...
  14. I am happy to hear that people are finally getting their 31A orders from NY. People's experience with them has kind of made me avoid ever ordering from them, sticking to places I consider more reputable, like CDJ, AmiAmi, Mandarake, and Jungle. I wonder if this recent wave of fulfillments by NY has made people like them again or not? P.S. Anyone have a good hangover remedy? Some friends and I participated in a trivia night at a local bar last night. As I never go to bars and I rarely ever drink, plus my 1/2 Asian physiology, I got pretty hammered. (Yes, I am drinking water to re-hydrate, but my head is still killing me.) I think the bit of Irish in me is craving a spice bag.... Oh, my team did get 2nd place. Stupid Harvard team.... *sigh*
  15. Is there any particular type of glue that is best for plastic toys? I recall reading in a separate thread that someone said that certain glues were bad... I think?
  16. Are there any instructions / recommendations out there on how to re-affix the hard points on a Yamato 1/60 v2 VF-1? My poor Hikaru experienced a broken hard point a few weeks back, as well as a box missile peg snapping off while inside a separate hard point. *sigh* Was not sure if I can use some form of super-glue to at least re-attach the hard point back onto that one wing. The box missile peg stuck inside the other hard point is still stuck, as my attempts to use tweezers to extract the peg has not been successful as of yet. Because of this hard point breakage, I ended up buying a VF-1J Super Hikaru. At present, I am using the Hikaru with broken hard point as something to wear the GBP armor. I wonder if there are things out there like replacement wings at Shapeways or whatnot.
  17. Or "reflex" weapons
  18. Nevermind. I just refreshed my browser, and its gone now.
  19. CD Japan has one VF-31F available for pre-order.
  20. Completely agree with @Arthurius VE is the best V !!!
  21. With the exception of the YF-19 pre-order, you are correct @no3Ljm
  22. You are correct that I did not join the pre-order madness. I think orders filled up for each store in a matter of 5 minutes or less, in most cases.
  23. If valkyries could improve grades, I would have started collecting years ago. For undergrad, I had a 4.6 / 5.0 GPA. With MIT using 4.0 as a B, 4.3 a B+, 4.7 an A-, and 5.0 an A..... I was effectively a B+ student back then. *sigh* (I can already remember getting chewed out by my tiger mom). It was times like those when I envied the grade inflation over at Harvard, where almost every student gets As thanks to grade "curving" and instructors wanting to avoid drama from parents. Gotta love those Ivies that are hard to get into, but easy to get straight As in. At least I got straight As during my masters, and currently have straight As in my PhD program.... but then again, grad school tends to be easier as your entire curriculum focuses on your chosen field, unlike undergrad where you have to take a spectrum of courses that are not in your wheelhouse.... like humanities and biology in my case. So your grad school GPA should be higher.
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