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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. Macross TV, Episode 36 (final episode), starting at about 7 minutes and 7 seconds in...
  2. Really? I wish it said that on the AliExpress website, rather than saying that it has no tracking info. *sigh*
  3. Actually, I have never shopped at BigInJapan.
  4. Could you use the Option Parts to keep the shoulders from falling down in battroid mode?
  5. Which part did you break?
  6. $43.13 for me, because I used the $3 new user discount and the $10.13 faster shipping with tracking information. I just did not feel as comfortable going with their free, no tracking info option.
  7. YAY! I love that Amazon.JP will retroactively apply any price drops on pre-orders to customers who that put their orders in before the price drop. I don't think I have ever seen any other store do that. It makes pre-ordering from AmazonJP pretty much regret-free... and you can still cancel if you want to.
  8. I am assuming this article mentioning of the RVF-26 being among those with a radome is a typo?
  9. Ta-da! VE-1 with AEW&C Parts and landing gear extended! =) Double ta-da! No AEW&C Parts. *ducks for cover*
  10. You show me a scene from the DYRL movie that shows the VE-1 in Gerwalk mode, then I might consider it.
  11. Technically, I have 4 favorite modes for the VE-1: 1.) Fighter with AEW&C Parts and landing gear retracted. 2.) Fighter with AEW&C Parts and landing gear extended. 3.) Fighter without AEW&C Parts and landing gear retracted. 4.) Fighter without AEW&C Parts and landing gear extended.
  12. Release date: April 30, 2019 Price: 25.800 yen
  13. Of course I ordered it. I have to have: 1.) Yammie version with rainbow canopy 2.) Yammie version without rainbow canopy 3.) Arcadia version without rainbow canopy What other choice was there?
  14. Well, I just pre-ordered it from Amazon JP. The VE-1 is my favorite of all the valkyries, so I could not resist. If we are lucky, maybe we will see Amazon do some price drops similar to how they dropped the price on the HMR VF-1D twice after the initial offering and applied said new price to those who already ordered. *sigh* Now I kind of regret how much I spent on the 2 Yamato v2 1/60 VE-1 toys I bought. Oh well...
  15. Welcome to the club @kkx We shall celebrate being poor in money and cramped in storage space together with you!
  16. I think you need a few more posts elsewhere first to qualify.
  17. I would also not be able to resist a DX YF-21 and VF-11... though I am already imaging them with back feet that are too small. Now, if Bandai can somehow make the YF-21's wings bendable and showcase its internalized micro-missile launchers in a fashion similar to Yamato/Arcadia's VF-1 Super Packs, I'd give them all my money!
  18. For a $100 VF-1, I figure the Kitz Concept 1/72 is not bad.
  19. Not bad. Not bad at all.
  20. I have to admit... the KITZ Concept 1/72 VF-1 looks better than I expected it to. I am very surprised by how very panel lined it is. the LED lighting gimmick is kind of cute. Not a fan of the bright green fighter stand though.
  21. Welcome to MWF, @Pontus. In one month, you are already well on your way to amassing a Macross toy collection. Valkyries are very addictive! I joined MWF and started collecting Macross toys about 10 months ago... and let's just say that $12K can fly by surprisingly quickly when you have no self-control. *sigh* Kiss your paycheck good-bye.
  22. Just wanted to say that a colleague was visiting me at my desk, saw some of the toys I have on my shelf, and asked me "What is 'Robotech'?".... but she pronounced it 'robot' + 'ech' instead of 'robo' + 'tech'. LOL, I could not help but laugh.
  23. Thanks for posting all those SD valkyries... I think I realize why I am not a big fan of them: Their SD-ness makes them not look aerodynamic to me. The wing proportions in particular become to small, and throws off my aerospace engineering sensibilities. So, SD valkyries might be cute, but lose their sleekness as aircraft in my eyes. Just my personal taste though, and it does not take away from the appeal that such toys have to anyone else here. Do you mean the Lucky Star / Macross Frontier valkyries? While small, their proportions are not deformed to such an extent that I would classify them as SD. I think they still have viable wing spans, and their main body is not so bloated compared to many of the SD VF-1 toys that people posted pictures of.
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