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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. For those still looking to pre-order the HMR VF-4... 13,038 yen @ Yano Shop (AmazonJP) https://www.amazon.co.jp/HI-METAL-超時空要塞マクロス-ライトニングIII-ダイキャスト製-塗装済み可動フィギュア/dp/B07K1L79XQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1550809215&sr=8-1&keywords=vf-4+hi-metal + 4,800 yen shipping to United States
  2. This is no longer available.
  3. DX Chogokin VF-31E pre-order available 22,546 yen + 4,800 yen shipping to the United States Yano Shop (3rd party seller via AmazonJP) https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B07N8DDPP2/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  4. Oh, I have never heard of 17track or Aftershp. I had never used www.cnexps.com before either, but it was what AliExpress had provided to me for tracking via their store's messaging system.
  5. Happy post-Valentines Day everyone! I hope you got your special someone a gift that shows off your love for them.... like Macross toys! Oh yeah, my Valkyrie Factory 1/60 VF-1 Super Parts arrived a few days ago from AliExpress. YAY! Well worth the $46.13 I paid. A few notes regarding my AliExpress shipping experience, as this was my first time ordering from them. 1.) I paid $10.13 for their faster, tracked shipping method to the US. 2.) I had to track my package via www.cnexps.com 3.) Said tracking site was not accurate. It said that it handed off the package to FedEx, but the tracking number I received never existed in FedEx's order tracking website. 4.) I also tried entering the tracking number into USPS, DHL, and UPS' tracking websites, but not in their systems either. 5.) The Super Parts eventually arrived 14 days later via USPS. 6.) It looks like AliExpress shipped my order to a place in New Jersey. That place then shipped it to me, based on the USPS shipping label's sender information. 7.) After my package arrived, the www.cnexps.com tracking info was revised to reflect that the package was handed off to USPS instead of FedEx. All in all, I am glad my package arrived well packed and with no damage. Paying for the faster, tracked delivery was a tracking headache as I never felt like I knew where the item was during its transit. But all is well that ends well.
  6. Cancelled your VF-4?
  7. I know what you mean! @jenius's videos were what got me to start collecting Macross toys too. Now my place is over-crowded with Yamato, Arcadia, and Bandai boxes. *sigh* Is this what having a crack dealer is like?
  8. A candle flame can hit temperatures of over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit, while the burn temperate for cardboard is around 450. You are lucky that a severe fire did not start. (Though I am not a mother yet.... just imagine me saying this next part in a concerned motherly voice) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be more careful next time.... errr.. I mean, don't let there be a next time.
  9. Have you checked out @jenius' website, http://www.anymoon.com ? It's one of the best Macross toy review resources around!
  10. AmazonJP dropped the price on the VF-1D pre-order again. Now down to 5,706 yen.
  11. YAY! Loving these AmazonJP price drops! It's the gift that keeps on giving.
  12. DX Chogokin VF-31E pre-order madness AVAILABLE : 25,926 yen - Yano Shop via AmazonJP https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B07N8DDPP2/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A2HD4G7SARR8CA&psc=1 (plus 4,800 yen shipping to United States) 30.500 yen - Proxy Service via CDJapan http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEODAI-52077 QUESTIONABLE REPUTATION: 24,990 yen - MyKonbini https://mykombini.com/en/july-2019/13682-dx-chogokin-vf-31e-siegfried-chuck-mustang-custom-macross-delta-bandai-spirits-4573102556523.html?search_query=macross&results=93 $191.38 price increased to $224.96 price increased to $248.45- Nin-Nin https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/japanese-import-hobbies-toys-game-character/30406-macross-delta-vf-31e-siegfried-chuck-mustang-use-dx-chogokin--4573102556523.html $299.99 - Loopaza https://www.loopaza.com/dx-chogokin-macross-delta-vf-31e-siegfried-chuck-mustang-custom.html SOLD OUT: 20,150 yen - Ami-Ami https://www.amiami.com/eng/special/?page=FIGURE-045897 20,900 yen - Hobby Search https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10589490 22,000 yen - Hobby Link Japan https://hlj.com/dx-chogokin-vf-31e-siegfried-chuck-mustang-use-bans55652 (warning: some have reported getting cancel emails after placing orders) 22,000 yen - Anime Export http://www.anime-export.com/product/42938 22,000 yen - CDJapan http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-321622 18,400 yen price increased to 24,000 yen - Nippon-Yasan https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/27357-macross-delta-dx-chogokin-vf-31e-siegfried-chuck-mustang-custom.html (warning: some have reported getting cancel emails after placing orders) $279.90 - Kurama Shop http://www.bandaionline.com/dx-chogokin-vf-31e-siegfried-chuck-mustang-custom-macross-delta-action-figure/ 27,500 yen - R & J Company via AmazonJP https://www.amazon.co.jp/マクロスデルタ-VF-31Eジークフリード-チャック・マスタング機-ダイキャスト製-塗装済み可動フィギュア/dp/B07N8DDPP2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1549475919&sr=8-1&keywords=vf-31e (plus 2,001 yen shipping to United States)
  13. Someone used my list of links! YAY! For some reason, hearing that just puts a smile on my face.
  14. Really? Given the difference in scales (1/60 for the YF-19, 1/48 for the VF-1J)., I would have thought the hard points might not match
  15. My pleasure. I feel really bad for people who got their pre-orders cancelled.
  16. DX Chogokin VF-31E pre-order madness AVAILABLE : 27,500 yen - R & J Company via AmazonJP https://www.amazon.co.jp/マクロスデルタ-VF-31Eジークフリード-チャック・マスタング機-ダイキャスト製-塗装済み可動フィギュア/dp/B07N8DDPP2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1549475919&sr=8-1&keywords=vf-31e (plus 2,001 yen shipping to United States) 30.500 yen - Proxy Service via CDJapan http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEODAI-52077 QUESTIONABLE REPUTATION: 24,990 yen - MyKonbini https://mykombini.com/en/july-2019/13682-dx-chogokin-vf-31e-siegfried-chuck-mustang-custom-macross-delta-bandai-spirits-4573102556523.html?search_query=macross&results=93 $191.38 price increased to $224.96 price increased to $248.45- Nin-Nin https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/japanese-import-hobbies-toys-game-character/30406-macross-delta-vf-31e-siegfried-chuck-mustang-use-dx-chogokin--4573102556523.html $299.99 - Loopaza https://www.loopaza.com/dx-chogokin-macross-delta-vf-31e-siegfried-chuck-mustang-custom.html SOLD OUT: 20,150 yen - Ami-Ami https://www.amiami.com/eng/special/?page=FIGURE-045897 20,900 yen - Hobby Search https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10589490 22,000 yen - Hobby Link Japan https://hlj.com/dx-chogokin-vf-31e-siegfried-chuck-mustang-use-bans55652 (warning: some have reported getting cancel emails after placing orders) 22,000 yen - Anime Export http://www.anime-export.com/product/42938 22,000 yen - CDJapan http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-321622 18,400 yen price increased to 24,000 yen - Nippon-Yasan https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/27357-macross-delta-dx-chogokin-vf-31e-siegfried-chuck-mustang-custom.html (warning: some have reported getting cancel emails after placing orders) $279.90 - Kurama Shop http://www.bandaionline.com/dx-chogokin-vf-31e-siegfried-chuck-mustang-custom-macross-delta-action-figure/
  17. VF-31E is no longer available from Nippon-Yasan.
  18. As far as Arcadia's release pattern has been, I would first expect them to release a regular VF-11 before seeing a PF version comes out.
  19. It is not like I particularly want them to do a PF version of the VF-4G, but when you consider that they did PF versions of VF-1S Roy, VF-1S Hikaru, VF-1J Miria, VF-1J Max, VF-0, and SDF-1.... all of which had prior Arcadia non-PF releases... I think the PF VF-4G is kind of likely. The PF VE-1 technically does not break this pattern, given that the really was never a non-PF VE-1, since the original Yamato release was effectively a PF, with all the tampo printing it got.
  20. Given Arcadia"s pattern of releasing PF versions of prior Arcadia non-PF releases... maybe a PF VF-4?
  21. Is it bad that the first thing I thought of when I saw these pictures were: Look at those pretty valkyries by the window. Oh no... how long before the exposure to sunlight causes them to yellow?
  22. I finally see a VF-31E listing on AmazonJP that ships to the U.S. 25,926 yen + 4,800 yen US shipping - Yano Shop via AmazonJP - https://www.amazon.co.jp/マクロスデルタ-VF-31Eジークフリード-チャック・マスタング機-ダイキャスト製-塗装済み可動フィギュア/dp/B07N8DDPP2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1549269359&sr=8-1&keywords=vf-31e
  23. Actually, that has happened to me before... case in point, the HMR VF-4 pre-order. I was not able to get that one during pre-order madness.
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