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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. DX Chogokin VF-31S Armored Parts set - Preorder Madness? Available 17,680 yen - Nippon-Yasan https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/27647-macross-delta-armored-parts-set-for-dx-chogokin-vf-31s-siegfried-arad-molders-custom-limited-edition.html 18,440 yen - Anime-Export http://www.anime-export.com/product/43376
  2. I figure if I sell my regular Max + Miria, and maybe a few other things, I can at least recover some of the cost of the 2 PFs that I just bought. That will cut down the sting a bit. I got an A on one of my midterm exams... so I am treating myself. Yes, I know I am rationalizing.... just let me have this one. @jenius I know what you mean. One of my friends from MIT got married to a girl visiting the United States as a tourist from China that he met thru Match.com. His wife, who does not work, insisted that he get a 2nd job because she wanted him to buy her a $50K handbag and a $70K BMW.... which he did. *sigh* I never want to become one of those wives... Plus, I am not big on handbags. I prefer lugging around my MIT backpack wherever I go.
  3. So... how do I explain to my fiance that I just blew $550 on the Premium Finish VF-1J Max + Miria, and $400 on 2 chunky monkeys after shipping? *sigh* I have no self-control at all.... *sigh*
  4. *CRY* Why am I so weak?! Why could I not resist?! Why did I just buy the PF Max and Miria?! I guess it is time to sell my regular versions.,, *sigh*
  5. Do you mean the VF-11B with Fast Packs? Or just the Fast Packs by themselves? Also, Yamato has made the transforming VF-11B in both the 1/72 scale and 1/60 scale, so you will want to specify which you mean.
  6. 1.) They are primates 2.) They possess 20 digits (10 fingers, 10 toes) 3.) They have 7 orifices on their head (2 eyes sockets, 2 ear canals, 2 nostrils, 1 mouth), no including small openings like pores, where hair follicles protrude from the skin, or wounds. and so much more!
  7. Is it just me, or are quotes no longer showing who the original author was?
  8. ARGH!!!! I keep adding the PF Max and Miria to my HLJ shopping cart, then closing my browser window. I have done this 4 times now. UGH, the temptation.... Resist me, resist! Just remember, once you get a PF VF-1 toy, you are going to want to upgrade all of them. And that would be wonderfu... I mean, that would be disastrous for your credit card. Buy chunky monkeys instead... no, wait! ACK! (stands up) Hello, my name is Shizuka, and I am a Macross shopaholic. It has been 14 hours since my last purchase. FYI, With their free shipping promotion, Nippon-Yasan is actually cheaper for getting PF Max + Miria than Hobby Link Japan's Macross sale.
  9. Since the plan is for me to get married shortly after I graduate and get my PhD, that day won't come for another year and 3 months (at the earliest). That's (*cough*) 6 months of collecting Macross toys and (*cough cough*) 9 months of saving up!
  10. And now I just ordered a 2nd chunky monkey from Mandarake. Can't wait for my VF-1A DYRL Max and VF-1J Hikaru to arrive. Now I just need to track down Roy, TV Max, TV Miria, and VF-1A DYRL Hikaru.... and an Elintseeker and a SuperOstrich... and and and.... (sigh) FUUUUUUUUUUUUDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. But... the free shipping promotion does not start for another 10+ hours. Maybe there is PO madness for some other item/series that, since it is not Macross, we are not aware of?
  12. ARGH! I want the Max and Miria Premium Finish toys.... but I cannot justify the purchase when I already own the regular Arcadia releases. Unless the SDF-1, which added significantly more decoration and a glow-in-the-dark gimmick, I just don't feel like the VF-1 PF changes are major enough to warrant buying. Like I said... I want them, but just can't rationalize it in my head. If I did not already own the regular Max and Miria VF-1 toys, then sure... this would be a no brainer purchase. But $500 to upgrade my 2 toys is just too much a cost. Must resist! Must buy Chunky Monkeys instead...
  13. Oh god, what have I done?! I just ordered my first Chunky Monkey a few minutes ago! Another toy line?! I never learn, do I? I have doomed myself... (sigh)
  14. I sort of wish there was a wardrobe section on MWF, where Macross-related cosplay and other articles of clothing could be filed under.
  15. Spotted this on AliExpress.... https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1-5000-scale-35CM-macross-robotech-SDF-2-Megaroad-01-immigrants-battleship-model-Free-Shipping/32682834167.html?spm=2114.search0104.3.51.4d46720b4Tm7tn&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_6_10065_10130_10068_10890_10547_319_10546_317_10548_10545_10696_453_10084_454_10083_10618_10307_537_536_10902_10059_10884_10887_321_322_10103,searchweb201603_51,ppcSwitch_0&algo_expid=b4d4956c-d544-4135-b873-527f2c81275d-7&algo_pvid=b4d4956c-d544-4135-b873-527f2c81275d&transAbTest=ae803_3 Was curious if any MWF members owns it, and what their thoughts are on this model?
  16. Does not look like any jacket I have ever seen Hikaru wear! https://www.toynamishop.com/robotech-x-eepmon-vf-1j-rick-hunter-aviator-flight-jacket/
  17. As far as I am aware, they will bill me credit card just prior to shipping to me.
  18. Pre-order for both toys is now closed at AmiAmi.
  19. I would love it if this was a new release.... with maybe some improvements in the design. I can only hope! At any rate, I am pre-ordering these 2... because I am an addict. *sigh*
  20. Spotted these listings for new VF100's VF-25 toys at AmiAmi... https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=TOY-RBT-0640 https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=TOY-RBT-0643 Release Date: mid-March 2019. @jenius, time to update your Upcoming Releases list!
  21. Also, Discover Card is having a promotion until April 30 where you get 10% back on up to $100 in PayPal purchases.
  22. The offering from Yano Shop sold out, so AmazonJP directed you to a different 3rd party seller... which unfortunately, unlike Yano Shop, does not ship outside of Japan.
  23. I prefer my valkyries in fighter mode. As such, I generally never transform them. There are a few exceptions to this: 1.) I have one transformed into battroid mode to wear the VF-1 GBP armor 2.) I don't consider putting on Super/Strike Parts or Fast Packs an actual transformation, but sometimes you have to extend the legs and such to get those parts attached 3.) I have a Yamato v2 1/60 VF-1 I got without box from eBay. I use it as my ZOOM ZOOM BANG BANG play-with toy and allow myself to transform without feeling guilty.
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