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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. Just got that email as well.
  2. You know that @jenius is going to have to get this one.... It's his namesake after all!
  3. Yes. I was able to apply the coupon on each of the 4 valkyries I had won from YJA via Buyee. In total, using the coupon 4 times saved me 3062 yen.
  4. The v2 is better in just about every way. v1 resources: http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=1276 v2 resources: http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=4599
  5. What you have pictured is a Yamato 1/60 version 1 VF-1J Hikaru valkyrie. I am now assigning you homework. Assignment 1: Watch this video review of the Yamato 1/60 v1 toy. Assignment 2: Read this page that covers the v2 toy: http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=4599
  6. Oh yeah... .forgot to mention, my HMR VF-4 from @mcfly50 arrived today too! Thank you @mcfly50 for reaching out to me when I had posted that I missed pre-order madness and offering me this bird so many months ago. I really appreciate it!
  7. I was a bad girl this month. My March 2019 haul....
  8. I think the VF-31S Armored Parts set caused the sudden jump in price of the associated valkyrie.
  9. HMR VF-4 currently available from... Loopaza: $119.99 + ??? shipping https://www.loopaza.com/hi-metal-r-the-super-dimension-fortress-macross-flash-back-2012-vf-4-lightning-iii.html AmazonJP : 14,352 yen + 1,200 yen Amazon Global Shipping (DHL) to the United States https://www.amazon.co.jp/HI-METAL-超時空要塞マクロス-ライトニングIII-ダイキャスト製-塗装済み可動フィギュア/dp/B07K1L79XQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1553728623&sr=8-1&keywords=マクロス+vf-4 Nippon-Yasan: 15,500 yen + ??? shipping https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/26613-hi-metal-r-vf-4-lightning-iii.html
  10. No parts swapping at all? So, integrated landing gears? No panels that need to be removed to free up the legs from fighter to gerwalk mode?
  11. I am now hypnotized!
  12. This picture makes me melt !!! Such an amazing banking pic!
  13. Good point. Until like SDF-1, which mostly traveled thru space alone, the Megaroad was part of a fleet with escort ships and carriers. It is quite possible that the SDF-018 printed on the VF-4's tail could refer to the fighter being assigned to one of the carriers escorting the Megaroad.
  14. Oops... Did not realize it was 018 and not 118.
  15. Looking at the format for United States Air Force tail codes as a possible example... (source: http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/history/q0222.shtml) ... what we see is a 2 letter base code (in the case of the example picture, "HO"), an smaller "AF" (or Air Force), a 2 digit order year ("72"), and finally a 3 digit serial number ("118"). If we assume that UN Spacy has a unified military branch rather than separate Air Force, Navy, Marine, etc. branches, then we can toss out the need for the "AF" in our example. Also, if UN Spacy omits an order year from their tail codes, then we can lose the "72". As such, this would leave us with an "HO 118", the base code and the fighter's serial number. Now, in the case of the VF-4 Lightning III's "SDF-118" tail code, my guess is that maybe this is the 118th fighter specifically assigned to a Super Dimensional Fortress. An argument against this theory is that the SDF-1 may have had hundreds of VF-1 fighters... more than 117, which would offset this 118 designation on the VF-4. However, a counter-argument could be that many of the SDF-1's fighter contingent were actually assigned to the Daedalus and Prometheus carriers in the case of the TV series, or the two ARMD carriers in the case of DYRL. As such, this could possibly explain how the SDF-1 could have less than 118 VF-1 fighters assigned to it with the SDF base code in order to accommodate the Megaroad having a VF-4 assigned to it with the SDF-118 tail code. Just a thought. I could be totally off on this idea.
  16. www.bandaionline.com is "Kurama Shop". The domain name is registered to an "ip chun choi" in Hong Kong. It is not affiliated with Bandai Co., Ltd, or its parent company Bandai Namco Holdings.
  17. I sort of wish they came out with the VF-1J with alternate impaled appearance from Macross episode 11... and with the removed chest plate and crushed head.... Oh, and Max's orange-miscolored VF-1A also from episode 11....
  18. I actually skipped out on the DX Chogokin VF-1J... 1/48 scale is just too big for me. And since I skipped out on Hikaru, I can skip out on Max, even though Max is the best.
  19. Plus the pocket of a Zentradi uniform worn by Max's TV VF-1A and the SDF-1,
  20. Currently available via AmazonJP from seller eおもちゃやさん. 12,769 yen + 1,200 yen Amazon Global Shipping to the United States (DHL usually) https://www.amazon.co.jp/HI-METAL-超時空要塞マクロス-ライトニングIII-ダイキャスト製-塗装済み可動フィギュア/dp/B07K1L79XQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1553355087&sr=8-1&keywords=vf-4 Note that the 13,791 yen price listed in the screenshot is for Japanese residents since they also pay tax... Your price in the US would be the 12,769 yen
  21. The things they sell at a camera store... hee hee
  22. Another price drop @AmazonJP down to 4,565 yen each.
  23. LOL, that's true.... Wait, how did you know I have cat cosplay outfits?
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