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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. DX Chogokin 1/48 VF-1A TV Max pre-order madness: April 8, 2019 AVAILABLE SOON 17,100 yen @ Hobby Search https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10605111 18.468 yen @ Nin-Nin-Games https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/japanese-import-hobbies-toys-game-character/31513-macross-vf-1a-valkyrie-maximillian-jenius-use-dx-chogokin--4573102567222.html (warning: questionable reputation)
  2. *peeks in* While I am not planning on pre-ordering the DX VF-1A TV Max, I might pop in to post prices and store links. I have a paper due tomorrow for my AI class, so I figure I will be awake anyways.
  3. Amazon says the item is 5.25 pounds. Add on shippimg box and packing material weight.... hmmmm
  4. I appreciate the suggestion! I just have never been much of a Ranka fan.
  5. Well, I do appreciate that my fiance loves what I got. Still wish I could fill out a Sheryl costume though. *sigh* Well, maybe I will get boobs after I get pregnant.
  6. Ugh.... Ranka cosplay (barf) Sheryl is so much cooler!
  7. Thanks! I definitely will! On a side note, you do not realize how frustrating it is to shop for good Macross cosplay. I WANT to cosplay as Sheryl, but when you are short and flat-chested and get carded all the time because waiters think you are still in high school... *cry* Well, there are 2 consolations to my figure: 1.) I can cosplay as micronized Klan Klan 2.) My fiance is turned on by my loliness, and LOVES it whenever I get carded.
  8. LOL! Don't you already have everything that I have, and then some?
  9. I just received word from my adviser this morning that at the end of this semester, I get to officially go from being a doctoral student (one who has yet to finish all course work and comprehensive exams) to a doctoral candidate (just has dissertation left)! YAY! Sorry for posting something non-toy or even non-Macross related. I am just so happy that I had to share! I am sooo going to go celebrate tonight, get drunk from 1 strawberry daiquiri after getting carded, go dancing, and finally cosplay for my fiance! Doctoral candidacy, here I come!!!!
  10. Must resist.... I told myself I would not get the 1/48 DX line.... I skipped out on Hikaru. But it is Max. I love Max. But he is too big. He won't fit in my dock. Must resist.....
  11. Thanks for all the advice everyone gave! I really appreciate it. I have decided to sell off my VF-1A TV Max. I just don't think I have the experience or hand/eye coordination necessary to properly paint or de-yellow this valkyrie, Better to give it a new home with someone who can do a more competent restoration job.
  12. Just be prepared for her to come at you with a knife in the park
  13. LOL... I am sure there are others out there who would appreciate Macross toys. I met a classmate at MIT my freshman year who had a Max Jenius keychain and some other related paraphernalia. Lost contact with her sophomore year when we went into our specific majors and no longer shared courses with each other.
  14. Pictures of the patient....
  15. I will try snapping some photos after school and put them up for you to see.
  16. Do you think there are people out there who would even want to buy a yellowing and semi-panel lined valkyrie? Besides me, I mean.
  17. How do you remove panel lines?
  18. Isn't there only 1 release of Arcadia's YF-19? I know Yamato had at least 2 releases of the YF-19.
  19. Maybe I should outsource this paint job. I wonder if anyone here with experience painting valkyries would be interested in a job.
  20. Hello, I am totally inexperienced at this, so I could definitely use some advice. I have a Yamato 1/60 v2 VF-1A TV Max that I got from eBay. It is yellowed in parts. It also has some incomplete and a little bit messed up panel lining. I kind of want to repaint this valkyrie, but don't know what kind of paint I should buy. I would appreciate any advice on what is the appropriate paint to buy, tools I might need, things to be careful of, etc. Thanks!
  21. How do you find these deals?
  22. Oh.... he said "hard job". I misread that the first time I saw this... *sigh* My mind is in the gutter while I am in a bidding war on YJA.
  23. This video is already making mistakes. 12 seconds in, we see Max shoot at 3 Zentradi pods and then fly by them. The error in this video is that it shows Max not hitting any of these 3 pods, none of which were firing back at him. In correct scene would have been having Max shoot at the 3 pods, destroying them, then flying by their exploding wreckage. Come on animators, get it right next time!
  24. Not exactly a toy or anything, but.... I just received this medallion as part of my induction into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi for being in the top 10% of my PhD class. I wonder if I can trade it for valkyrie....
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