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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. Why am I getting paranoid flashbacks to NY's handling of the 31A?
  2. Or this... https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=TOY-RBT-1891-R
  3. I got really lucky I guess. I will go check if there are any others on AmazonJP that will ship to the US. Update: Not finding anymore at the moment. I really did get lucky.
  4. YAY! The Armored Parts order I placed yesterday via AmazonJP is already at DHL's Cincinnati HUB. Whereas I am still waiting to hear from Nippon Yasan as to what is going on. I love you 3000 Amazon!
  5. Just in case NY has any problems fulfilling my pre-order, I decided to order a second set of Armored Parts from Amazon just a few minutes ago With Amazon Global Shipping (aka, DHL) today's order turned out to be 1310 yen cheaper than my NY pre-order with EMS shipping. *sigh*
  6. My pre-order from NY is showing as "Pre-Order, Payment OK". *sigh*
  7. Sigh... all this talk of Tornado parts got me watching the Macross Fronier movies to see them in action. Honestly, I am not a big fan of the movies or the Tornado parts. Regarding the former, I prefer the TV series in telling a more flushed out story. Regarding the latter, I don't understand why Alto alone gets use of the Tornado parts in the first movie when every other VF-25 uses either Armored or Super parts. Just feels weird to me. Plus he goes charging in at the Vajra firing his gun pod but not the Tornado part cannons? It is almost as if they took the TV animation and re-rendered it to include Tornado parts, but frequently forgot to take advantage of them. For much of the time, it felt like it was impossible for a gun pod and Tornado cannons to be fired at the same time. Anyways... as much as I felt like the 2 movie were just so-so and nowhere near as good as the TV series, I was amused that the Avengers Endgame stole the "portals" scene from the second Macross Frontier
  8. I am afraid to ask where you purchased the girl in the yellow shirt from. Or how much one of those costs. (ducks for cover)
  9. As I understand it, the DX Chogokin VF-25 toys had both an initial version and a much more sought after Renewal version. The Renewal version made a number of improvements over the initial version.... something which Anymoon.com does go into detail outlining. The Tornado VF-25 toys are grouped into the initial version category.
  10. @jenius has a new review video up for the VF-31E.
  11. I got it for Luca's RVF-171... since, as far as I am aware, no armored parts were actually ever officially released for Luca's 171.
  12. A few things came in this past month or so... Bandai 1/55 "Origin of Valkyrie" VF-1A Hikaru with Super Parts, 2x DX Chogokin VF-31E, DX Chogokin VF-171EX Armored Parts, DX Chogokin Ghost & Weapons Set for VF-25, 2x DX Chogokin Missile Set for VF-1, 4x Arcadia Macross Variable Stands. Oh, and the Yamato 1/60 VF-11C with Super Packs. Welp... I feel poor again!
  13. YES! With 2 external rocket boosters to chase after the YF-21.
  14. I keep crying every time I see the news updates.
  15. I have never been so turned on by a movie trailer the way this Top Gun Maverick trailer just did. Those reverse-angle cockpit shots of Tom Cruise in an F/A-18.... yes... Yes.... YES!!!! Is he actually piloting for real in those trailer scenes? If so, OOOH BABY! Did I forget to mention that I love fighter jets?
  16. Oh god, the death toll went up from when I last checked. I hate this. I love Kyoto Animation. They are considered to be a studio that produces high quality animations and stories, but also treats its employees a lot better than other animation studios do in Japan.
  17. Sorry about that @sh9000 Did not realize it was mentioned in the other thread. I figured it was appropriate to mention in MWF toys thread, since Kyoto Animation made Lucky Star, which had a toy crossover (both valkyries and character figures) with Macross Frontier, hence being Macross-related. Anyways, thanks!
  18. Just saw the news about the suspected arson attack on Kyoto Animation studio, with a feared 23 dead and 36 more injured. https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/18/asia/kyoto-animation-fire-intl-hnk/index.html My heart aches for all the victims of this terrible crime.
  19. Also got a shipping notice from Amazon.
  20. Amazon Prime Day really did me in this year... They had some great deals on Hada Labo skin care products! And an iRobot Roomba. (It's a toy to both clean and entertain my cats! And it's a robot... so it counts for this MWF thread, right? ) All told, spent about $550 after Prime Day savings. Is it bad that I think about what Valkyrie I could have gotten with that money? *sigh* Anyways... hope you all found some neat stuff on Prime Day.
  21. (* peeks in from watching Korean dramas *) (* looks at @tekering's Macross Frontier valkyries *) Why is my mouth watering all of a sudden? (* goes back to watching 해를 품은 달 *)
  22. During NY's sale a couple of months back, they were selling the Arcadia Max and Miria (non-PF version) for 15,000 yen each.
  23. Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
  24. Geez, why did you make such a dirty picture of a destroid *****ing off a Zentradi? Ewwww!
  25. Just watched your video. Great job as always @jenius
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