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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. Just got my shipping notice from HLJ literally 45 seconds ago.
  2. That's the version without Fast Packs, right?
  3. Ummm..... I think that's a RVF-171 with Armored Parts... not a VF-31S pictured.
  4. Where's the 171 + Armored Parts?
  5. Yeah! Like a crotch cannon!
  6. I am guessing it is a Sailor Moon-like show. The figure is pretty well-made, from what I can see. Pondering if I can have its weapon be wielded by a valkyrie...
  7. Finally heard back from Mandarake about shipping me the wrong item. Good news is that they will be sending me my VF-171 and Armored Parts. And I guess the incorrect figure they sent me is cheap enough that it is not worth it for them to have me ship it back (the box is HUGE) . So I now own a figure from something called "Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS"....?????? That was a mouthful...
  8. Whoops is right. I wonder if Mandarake will have me ship this back to them. I assume they will cover the return shipping cost?
  9. YAY! My DX Chogokin VF-171 Nightmare Plus + Armored Parts arrived in the mail today... Ummm... Mandarake.... ummm.... this does not look like the Macross toy I was expecting. (sigh) Time to email their customer support... (sigh)
  10. I have to admit.. I am kind of surprised people make money selling Macross toys. Granted, I have not sold that many valkyries. But I think for the most part, I have generally sold at lower prices than what I originally paid. (sigh) The problems of being a poor student with limited storage space (/sigh)
  11. Scorched Earth Toys' review of the VF-31S Armored Parts is up on YouTube. Great job as always @jenius
  12. Why couldn't this be a giant Macross valkyrie statue standing here, rather than a... whatever type of Gundam this is?
  13. I got my shopping notice from Nippon-Yasan on Monday. Today (Thursday) the VF-31`S Armored Parts arrived at my home in Boston.
  14. 40 years? There were transforming robot toys 40 years ago? Wasn't everything back then more like Astro Boy or what not back then?
  15. LOL !!! That does explain things.
  16. You're right! There's a hidden three-some going on in that cockpit.
  17. Is there a Misa Hayase figure with 3 arms? I ask because she apparently has 3 arms in the original Macross TV series... specifically episode 27, around 21 minutes 30 seconds in. Her left arm is positioned so her hand is holding the throttle controls.... And she both arms around Hikaru at the same time! Proof that Misa has 3 arms!!!
  18. Just got my shipping notice from NY too.
  19. Did I hear someone say pre-order madness bloodbath??? (* pulls out a pair of goggles, dish washing gloves, and two cats who have not been fed in 3 days *) When and what is the next pre-order madness going to be?
  20. Mandarake is that strict. I find. Pretty much, anything in B condition or better from Mandarake I find to be just fine.
  21. Nowadays. I look towards Amazon JP, AmiAmi, Hobby Link Japan, and Nippon-Yasan. I know that is only 4, but those are the only places I have ever pre-ordered from, so I do not have a 5th to add as of yet.
  22. 60 hour ago: I placed an order for VF-31S Armored Parts from AmazonJP. Present day: DHL delivered it to me. Sooo running out of storage space.
  23. YAY! 60 hours after placing my order, it arrived at my door. I wuv AmazonJP and DHL.
  24. Which valkyrie has the funkiest head in battroid mode? The answer is obvious.... Basara's VF-19 from Macross 7. It has a frickin mouth with lips! Why?! I don't recall any other valkyrie head having such a thing. It's weird... just so weird.
  25. Scratch that. The minute after I wrote my previous comment, I just got an email from NY saying my order is being processed.
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