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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. Wow.... that looks kind of like an old robot toy that my dad had since he was a kid. I will have to mention this to him.
  2. Hello everyone, 1.) I am thankful for finding a DX Chogokin VF-1J on AmazonJP for under $300 after shipping.... which just arrived today via DHL (Amazon Global Shipping). 2.) I am thankful for @jenius continuing to post toy review videos each and every week. 3.) I am thankful for my dissertation proposal and my proposal defense both being approved last week! YAY! Now onto the dissertation final report and the final defense. With any luck, I will get my PhD in June 2020. *crossing my fingers and praying to Kawamori-sama* 4.) I am thankful for all the folks here on MWF that I have bought, sold, or traded with. After having read some posts here about other people;'s transactions going all wrong, I feel particularly fortunate that I have not encountered any problems so far. 5.) I am thankful for the MWF members, admins, and moderators who help make these forums a place I like visiting each day! I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and a Blessed Black Friday! May all your pre-orders go well!
  3. Mandarake has the VF-1S for 23,000 yen. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1124794683&ref=list&dispAdult=0&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  4. Wow, someone actually got in a pre-order at Hobby Search? Their availability window always seems to close within 2 seconds.
  5. How much was their scalper price?
  6. I should point out the following issues involved with developing a pre-ordering bot: 1.) If the bot is frequently querying an online store to determine when the item is available to pre-order, such activity will contribute to the site's showed performance. 2.) Proper development and testing of the bot would likely require doing an actual purchase from each online store you want the bot to support, in order to ensure that the bot understands each store's item selection and checkout workflow. Admittedly, while one would probably have to go thru a complete check-out process from each store as part of the bot development, I suppose in most cases the developer could cancel their submitted testing pre-orders or purchases afterwards. 3.) Depending on the store, an item's pre-order page might not be immediately found in a store's search results. CD Japan comes to mind as an example. As such, a bot may require manual entry of an item's pre-order page... or even entry of every store's respective pre-order page... if store search functions lag behind in updating their listings. 4.) Some stores change how their websites work from time to time. As such the bot would need to be maintained to ensure store support. My 2 bits, as a computer science student.
  7. Unfortunately, I am a fighter girl, so I am finding myself preferring the Yamato version much more. *sigh*
  8. Don't those 4 hard points for Fast Packs refer to attaching the 2 belly plate armors and the 2 small tail armors?
  9. Good catch. Corrected my post
  10. So, there are 4 micro-missile launchers on the top of the YF-21, circled in red in the pictures below: Furthermore, there appear to be 6 more micro-missile launchers... possibly more, at least on the YF-21 with Fast Packs... denoted by red arrows. My guess is tthat all 6 micro-missiles are launched from the belly armor plates...
  11. I like the pictures... BUT.... I dread the idea of sunlight kissing those valkyries with their yellowing touch.
  12. So.... I am in a bit of a pickle. I found myself liking the Arcadia YF-19 more than the DX Chogokin version, due to the latter's small back heels and large "N.E.T.F.C." text written on the wing. So, I was kind of pondering selling off my DX Chogokin YF-19. Though, if I do go for the DX Chogokin YF-21, then the obsessive-compulsive completionist in me will feel obligated to keep the DX Chogokin YF-19. This would make you think I should just sell the DX Chogokin YF-19 and skip the DX Chogokin YF-21. Simple as that. BUT... If it happens to be the case that the DX Chogokin YF-21 is a better-made toy than the Yamato YF-21, well.... then I probably would want to pre-order the DX Chogokin YF-21.... which also leaves me kind of stuck with the aforementioned DX Chogokin YF-19 that I am not completely satisfied with. *sigh* Yes, I know... I am pathetic on this regard. ARGH!!!!! What do I do?!?!
  13. Don't forget poor, unemployed grad students!
  14. Also.... no giant ugly "N.E.T.F.C" plastered all over one of the wings?
  15. No missiles? No armor/fast packs? No fold drive?
  16. In the year and a half since I started collecting, I think I spent close to $18,000 on Macross toys and related expenses (shipping, display stands, shelving, etc.). *sigh* Did I mention my lack of self-control?
  17. Funny you mention the DX YF-19. I was actually pondering selling mine. With the exception of the arm cannon, I find myself preferring the Arcadia version more. The non-glowy fold booster, the short heels, and the big white "UN SPACY" and "N.E.T.F.C" text on the wings really kind of bother me.
  18. @Sanity is Optional now you have me debating the pros and cons of downsizing my Macross toy collection. You do make a good point about the monthly cost adding up, where it might make more sense to downsize and re-buy later on. (Why am I starting to feel feverish and short of breath?) Oh, I don't feel well. Time to re-watch the entire "Girl Meets World" series in one sitting, to de-stress and recover.
  19. So, just the 2 VF-1Ds (orange from episode 1, blue from the wedding)?
  20. You are referring to the National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, located near Dayton, Ohio. I grew up near there and visited the museum many times with my dad. I think that is where I first developed a love of fighter jets. ( I also think my dad originally wished before I was born that he'd have a son to pass along the family name, but anyways... ) Anyways, I love that museum. Anyone interested in visiting it or learning more about the museum can find its website here: https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil
  21. My favorites from each Macross show... Macross TV: The "Booby Duck" from episode 24... what would later be referred to as the VF-1S with Super Parts. 愛 おぼえていますか (DYRL): VE-1 Elint Seeker. I get weak in the knees for that radome. Macross Plus: VF-11B Thunderbolt. Love its variable geometry wings and its clear VF-1 design lineage. Macross 7: VF-22 Sturmvogel II. Max and Miria flying these birds together in the final episode did it for me. Macross Frontier: VF-171 Nightnare Plus. Very cool seeing the VF-17 from Macross 7 get a sleeker design update. Macross Delta: VF-31C Siegfried. Normally, I am not the biggest fan of planes with forward-swept wings, but the addition of the multi-purpose container kind of won me over to the design.
  22. So.... is it bad that I am considering renting a temperature-controlled 10 foot x 15 foot storage unit for about $190/month, so that I can store my Macross toy collection and de-clutter my home? *sigh*
  23. Temperature may also be a concern. You don't want your toys baking in a hot trailer in the middle of summer. This could promote plastic yellowing.
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