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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. Thanks for your insights Chronocidal. I decided to go with DHL shipping. We don't have the delivery hub problem here in the Boston area that you seem to face. And so far, I have used DHL several times, so I will just go with what has been reliable and quick for me.... even if it is a bit more pricey than some of the other shipping options. Plus I appreciate that DHL provides real-time tracking map once the delivery truck is like 10 stops away or less. Thanks again!
  2. Just got email from HLJ that my VF-19 is ready to ship. Here are the shipping rates to Boston area... Has anyone used Yamato International before? Debating between using them and DHL.
  3. You did a really good job. I am glad that I cannot see any stress marks at the bend location. Congrats!
  4. Can you show picture of side profile of antenna after you tried straightening it? I am curious to see if there is any streaking...
  5. For me, AmiAmi's packaging of my DX Chogokin YF-21 was the best I had ever seen, done in such a way as to guarantee that no pressure could be applied to the YF-21's actual box top, thus mitigating risk of pressure being applied to the head laser/antenna that has infamously been bent for some folks. My DX Chogokin VT-1 from Yoyakunow looks to have tentatively arrived with no problems, though I would not say that their packaging was done as well as AmiAmi's, YYK's shipping box left small space margins for the VT-1's own box that were filled with crumpled newspaper, whereas AmiAmi's shipping box provided a huge gap beteen itself and the YF-21's box top, so that even penetrative impacts to the shipping box would have difficulty reaching the YF-21's own box. While I am glad my VT-1 from YYK tentatively arrived okay, I do feel that a little bit of bad luck could have changed the result, whereas I feel like a lot of bad luck would have been required to damage the YF-21 from AmiAmi.
  6. The leg armor does have holes for the pegs to go into... However, it looks like Yuka missed that and failed to insert the pegs in.... P.S. Also, as someone who also has long nails with polish, seeing Yuka handle the VT-1 with her nails and without wearing either gloves or finger cots on really gave me anxiety. My nails have caused paint damage in the past, so I always use gloves now.
  7. I have to admit, I actually prefer to color of the 11C more than the 11B.... even though I own 2 of Yamato's 11B and only 1 of the 11C. I do wonder what an 11A would look like... and would an 11 exist without an postfix letter? Sorry, I am rambling.
  8. Aren't there only 3 different valk types that ever appeared in Macross Plus? YF-19, YF-21, and the VF-11B? Since the 19 and 21 have DX versions, we just have the 11B left to go!
  9. YAY! Mine too... I think? Still have not taken it out of its plastic packaging yet. But it looks intact when I look thru the plastic.
  10. VT-1 from Yoyukanow just arrived via DHL. after being on hold status since Sunday morning. At least it is here now. A cursory look inside the box and thru the clear plastic, the VT-1 does not show any obvious signs of damage... but I have not handled the toy at all yet. But so far, looking good.
  11. My VT-1 was supposed to be delivered today... but it is still showing up on DHL status page as being on hold. Yep, now my anxiety is spiraling out of control again... sigh.
  12. LOL, so true!
  13. So true! Adding red underpants... errr... overpants? ... and a cape would be much more difficult.
  14. Don't mind me.... I was just playing with my daughter using paint program. We made this Super Ostrich together...
  15. Thanks! I will try to stay calm, not worry too much, and not show my daughter my hysterical Macross toy collector-side.... who am I kidding, she always sees my hysterical Macross toy collector-side. LOL
  16. ... and I am so proud of Valkyria. I told her my Super Ostrich is flying here from Japan, but she said that ostriches cannot fly. I had to tell her this one can because it is a Super Ostrich, just like how Superman can fly. God, she is going to be 3 years old soon! Thanks @pengbuzz. Since it is Sunday, I am will check with DHL tomorrow if my package is still on hold status!
  17. Hmmm.... DHL tracking shows that my VT-1 went from Yoyakunow to Osaka to Cincinnati to New York to Boston.... and now the status is "Shipment is on hold" with red status bar and now I am all freaking out and wondering if something bad happened and I am spiraling and my daughter is wondering what is wrong with her mother and I am confusing her by telling her my Super Ostrich is on hold and she thinks a bird with a long neck is coming and.......
  18. I received an invoice from Yoyakunow for shipping via FedEx, then a couple of minutes later received a revised invoice for shipping via DHL, which I just paid. Glad that Yoyakunow read my updated comment on the order and revised the shipping from FedEx to DHL.
  19. I have not had that experience when receiving DHL shipments from AmiAmi.
  20. Since you can leave comments in your order, can you try asking if they can ship your 2 VT-1 toys separately? Would not hurt to try.
  21. Good to know. I just updated my order comments to change the shipping to DHL. Thanks!
  22. Just got the email from Yoyakunow that my VT-1 is ready to ship. Here are my shipping options: FedEx International Priority 5,285 yen approx. 5 days DHL Express Worldwide 5,823 yen approx. 5 days UPS Worldwide Express Saver 7,542yen approx. 4 days EMS 9,100yen approx. 10 to 20 days Airmail Internatinoal 9,200yen approx. 3 to 6 weeks I guess I will go FedEx, it being the cheapest option and one of the faster ones.
  23. I think Dreamcatcher's "Justice" song would work very well with any Macross battle.
  24. I will say one nice thing about ordering from Amazon US is that the YF-21 is eligible for free return or replacement. So, if it does arrive damaged, it is pretty hassle free to get your money back. I did have an Amazon pre-order for the YF-21 as a backup in case my order from Japan had problems, but fortunately mine seems fine so I went and cancelled my Amazon pre-order, which was also easy to do. If only Amazon prices were not so marked up... sigh
  25. If I am not mistaken, you will want the plastic to go to between 200 - 225 degrees in order to be soft enough to bend. Maybe use a hot glue gun that gives you fine control over setting its temperature, applying some onto the bent location to heat it up, bend the item back straight, and clean off the applied hot glue? I have heard of using this method with plastic rods, but for the YF-21's head laser....
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