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Everything posted by Knolly

  1. The connectors are all from various Gundam kits. I just counted and I have 11 Alpha baseplates, a handful of detolf brackets, and a few dozen arms and assorted connectors. Man, I built quite the collection over the years when I type it out that way...
  2. I hope a shameless plug is okay... I'm exiting the figure collecting hobby and have 10+ Yetistand Alphas plus a bunch of connectors, etc. I'm not really looking to make money but I know these things are in demand but I don't have the patience to ship them out to 10+ people - any thoughts on a decent enough way to find a home for these?
  3. More Yetistands cleaning up my Red Frame and its ridiculous amount of accessories:
  4. Absolutely horrible quality photos due to horrible lighting and horrible resizing, but I threw together a quick before and after of how much Yetistands cleaned up my Detolf: I'm still working on selecting my favorite arrangement for everything but I absolutely love the flexibility these give and the clean look. My other Detolf is way more cluttered with stands and these will clean it up dramatically. Also in progress are some lighting for the Detolfs and some custom bases to raise them up that ought to dramatically change my display setup! Massive thanks to Yeti for custom making some Metal Build Gundam adapters extremely fast.
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