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Everything posted by Sildani

  1. It does come with that part.
  2. Nope. I think Bandai puts each Valkyrie through a cost/benefit analysis, and designs each one to a budget. As soon as it gets close to that budget, they stop and do the rest as cheaply as they can to come in under that budget. They then produce as many as they think will sell, no more, and that's that. They take their profit from that batch and leave the table. I'm pretty sure they do it that way because 1) Macross isn't the most popular anime out there, 2) They know they're the only game in town for the Macross fan, 3) they looked at Yamato, say how many of their Valkyries were shelf-warmers, and said to themselves: "Nope. Not that. Not us." Finally, I could be wrong, but it seems like Bandai sells every Gundam they ever make, in whatever iteration they make it in. How many times has the RX-78 been redesigned and re-released? How many Unicorn Rainbow Sparkle Unobtainium HX!! have been made? How many of you guys have bought them all? 😉
  3. Same here. Manly tears though.
  4. A CF 171 Renewal, made with the same plastic used by every other damn 171, along with a voucher that says everyone who sends in their broken V1's gets a free Renewal and Bandai's deepest apologies.
  5. Because we, who have no security clearances, no stick time in any current fighter, no aerodynamic education, and no current military/DoD/Lockheed employment, have picked up bits and bobs from the Internet which taken as a whole may well add up to less than the true capabilities of the aircraft? If any of you do, please say so. I honestly don't know who may have the Truth. One thing is beyond question: no matter its abilities, even if it does everything it says it will on the tin, this is grossly late and too expensive by half. Worthy airplanes like the TSR.2 where killed for less than half of this crapola. Sir Camm had yet to see an airplane like this, which may have length, width, and height imperfectly conceived but which has absolutely NAILED the political dimension.
  6. Respect. Massive respect. I wish his family all my condolences.
  7. I was wondering that myself. Even so, if you think a Merlin engine is tough to keep maintained, that'd be nothing compared to the 24 cylinder Napier Sabre in the Tiffie. I have no doubt each part would have to be fabricated on the spot.
  8. And that's exactly why I collect them.
  9. Ask about super/Strike parts please.
  10. Yeah, good point. Great airplane there, but I'm not sure if it's been used operationally.
  11. Yep, Dale Brown. I was always kinda surprised that the USA didn't take some of his suggestions for updating the B-52 on, mostly replacing the wing spars with composites, deleting the wingtip gear, and (not Brown's) replacing 8 engines with 4 modern ones. As for the F/A-18F, maybe so. I was thinking something S-3 or E-2 sized. As for the 35 being an air inferiority fighter, I honestly don't think that was part of its brief. That was supposed to be left to the 22. Say,why don't we just finish researching and building the F/B-22 and be done? Oh, and look at how high an AOA that Tiffie has to fly to not overtake the Hurricane. It must be fairly close to stall speed...
  12. What happened to the original idea of a cheap, stealthy ground attack/strike aircraft with a flyaway cost of $40-$45 million each? Every time I saw a new pic of the prototypes, there were more bulges and blisters, like that gold-plated gemstone under the nose. When, and why, was it decided to hang every new piece of gold-plated crap off of this airframe? Yes, I'm fully aware that when production orders are cut, cost per remaining unit will increase. But surely not this much! Oh, yes: "intelligent", stealthy stand-off weapons are no doubt where we're headed, and quick. So perhaps the perfect strike aircraft now is a largish airframe, multi-engined, low amount of passive stealth, with a wealth of sensors and data systems. It should have long range and loiter ability, and be capable of carrying, launching, and directing if needed up to 8 1000 pound JDAM-like intelligent standoff weapons. It should carry 4 self-defense AAMs. It wouldn't penetrate enemy airspace necessarily, its weapons would.
  13. "Cast-off at your own risk?" That's ominous.
  14. Don't forget the drones for it, either! 😉
  15. And, needless to say, gorgeous art. And Kaji drives a Lotus 1600!
  16. Excellent! This is actually what I had originally wanted!
  17. Yeah, it's growing on me. Like an amiable fungus.
  18. For a split second, I thought it WAS a BMW until I saw the AR triangle grille. Are we sure this isn't just badge-engineered?
  19. Faith in humanity: shaken. It's weirdly adorable, though.
  20. In the box art, where are all the missiles coming from?
  21. Need Super and Strike parts. Bundle them with an Arcadia stand.
  22. Hey, the canopy hinges the wrong way.
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