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Everything posted by Sildani

  1. Well done. I haven't seen it yet. Last anime series I put serious effort into seeing was the Golgo 13 TV series.
  2. Couple more pics from Mr. K. Is that a good amount of tampo, or just well applied stickers? And what's in the plastic tray?
  3. For over a year now. Wonder how it's gone.
  4. Hey, that's the first step toward getting help.
  5. Yes, but it shares a great many visual cues, and aerodynamic profile, with the 350. It doesn't follow Nissan's current design language. I leave it to the reader to decide if that's a good thing.
  6. No guesses as to who'd win that... and it'd be so much better, since the winner might actually do something with the property.
  7. Very nice! How about one for the 27, please?
  8. Box art by Temjin would be incredible. I hope it happens.
  9. New(?) pic from Mr. K's Twitter. Is it just me, or do the wing landing lights look like they're painted white? Were they transparent in Yamato's version?
  10. Ok then. I'm in for one.
  11. Very nifty. Be funny if it turns out to be a VF-9.
  12. The Russians have started airstrikes. Bet you every major intelligence agency will be watching them carefully to see the aircrafts' real world performance.
  13. Confirmed. It's the Siren. Macross II doesn't look too awful much like Macross as a whole, either. That's what might be throwing you.
  14. Are those MiG-23s or 27s further down? There's a lot of them.
  15. So! Were you ashamed of your thoughts and words?
  16. Lens diameter then?
  17. From Tochiro: The white and blue valk is a logical progression on Valkyries seen to date. The 'Draken' valk is an all original transformation. - Kawamori So no, probably a 30 variant.
  18. The 27's engine nacelles are kind of slender, but I'm willing to bet there's more than 12 micro-missiles in there. Perhaps 30 per nacelle. The engine can go in the bottom, where the intake is, and the missiles can be stored wrapped around the 35mm gun and its ammo. Sound reasonable? Edit: the nacelles are also really long, more than half as long as the Lucifer itself.
  19. ^ What I was thinking. At that price, it's just about worth it to roll the dice.
  20. What's the going price, out of curiosity?
  21. It would depend on the kit. Most modern fighter kits have afterburner baskets that are fairly close to the exhaust nozzle. Not too awful much room. Still, there's space there. So one rod straight in per exhaust, and a "tray" directly beneath to hold the bottom rear fuselage. Through cantilever action, the tray and the rods keep everything together, and most of the fuselage is clean. Try it on a 1/60 VF-1 as proof of concept, its exhausts are quite long, if you like.
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