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Everything posted by Sildani

  1. Finally, FINALLY arrived! Oh, and the Calibre Wings “what if” F-14 Mona Cat in JMSDF camo.
  2. Well, at least we know he lives past 4...
  3. I have one on PO from BBTS. PM me.
  4. I’m starting to agree. I figured we’d at least see a Mirage 262Ba by now...
  5. And sold!
  6. This is really, really starting to remind me of a Robotech roleplaying campaign I played in years ago. Dig it.
  7. The one I’ve been waiting for!
  8. That’s probably the truth of it... it was shown time and time again in Plus that flying was really all Isamu wanted.
  9. It just occurred to me that your initials, Seto, are the same as the Hoary Froating Head’s... Has anyone seen Seto and Kawamori in the same room at the same time? It would go a long way to explaining your encyclopedic knowledge...
  10. The Neo-Zero looks dang cool.
  11. Wanting the hooded Commander with the simpler outfit. Destro looks like the pimp all pimps aspire to be. Gung-Ho is awesome. Arctic Storm Shadow looks cool but is terribly impractical.
  12. Couldn’t the various 25 variants actually be what you suggest Seto? They’re standard 25A’s with the various retrofits and different monitor turrets installed, and to recognize that, their designation letters are changed in the field? Is it actually written somewhere that all the variants are purpose-built?
  13. Anyhoo. Great video Jenny-Us!
  14. I grabbed one from Nippon-Yasan Thursday night whilst frantically hunting for a Roy VF-1 pre-order. It was there for ¥15000 and I got it just to see if I could. Well... it seems I could. No issues at all. Now, I’m glad I did.
  15. My USS Gagarin arrived, in one piece but I think with crooked nacelles. The design is pretty dang good and the paint is outstanding.
  16. Cart jacked at HLJ.
  17. Does AJ require payment up front?
  18. Huh? Ami’s been Sold Out for me for all night!
  19. Grabbed a Dynaction Unit 01 from NY a while ago. So I got that going for me, which is nice.
  20. Ok, you’re my only hope.
  21. It hurts because it’s true...
  22. According to the Chimera’s lore, Nog assisted greatly in her design and at her completion was selected to be captain. No word on ship motto, so when I do up her custom base it’ll be: ”To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”
  23. ...is that an old magazine?
  24. Yup and yup. Just got word my USS Gagarin shipped as well.
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