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Everything posted by Sildani

  1. Eh? A couple days early?
  2. Mirage’s ride comes out Friday, I’m not holding out much hope for it to have these issues fixed.
  3. Extra Jeremy Clarkson was installed.
  4. Exactly. And since not too much moves on the Tornado Parts, not much chance for the finish chipping or scraping.
  5. Bought a set of Michel’s Tornado parts to use with it.
  6. From WonderCon, pic from Facebook’s Macross Fans US page. Pushed back to June.
  7. Not that the info wasn’t nifty, or on topic, but dang, this is probably the most successful thread necromancy I’ve ever, or will ever, see. Long live Macross, indeed!
  8. The one on the YF-30 Kronos is cool…
  9. Finland chooses the F-35. https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/lockheed-f-35-jet-wins-finnish-fighter-competition-source-2021-12-10/
  10. I stayed up, didn’t get a PO, was pissed. Couple days later, PO’d at my leisure from BBTS. Pissiness gone.
  11. It does look like it, dunnit? I’m in for a set if they make Mirage’s colors.
  12. Check out the PO thread, this is available right now from Big Bad Toy Store, TF Source, and The Chosen Prime, among others.
  13. Holy crap, PO’d a Macross Valkyrie from BBTS for the first time since 2003. The Yamato 1/72 YF-21, if you want to know. No huge price, and cheap shipping! I love this new era!
  14. Yeah, I can say this was my last PO attempt. I’m just too old for this crap, and my collecting priorities have shifted anyway. I wanted this Valkyrie not just for the paint but to support this new era of universal Macross, but this far it feels like “meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” Resounding meh.
  15. …I had thought this would be available, uh, worldwide? That AmiAmi link says it can’t be shipped to Japan… I are confused.
  16. No kidding? Not having high hopes for this “Worldwide Macross” thing…
  17. Plus the Super Parts are so damn small they don’t rate their own release, really.
  18. No, it’s not just you.
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