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Everything posted by Sildani

  1. Sildani

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    Looking good.
  2. Boeing just unveiled a blended wing body design with low observable inlets and exhausts for a tactical transport.
  3. And a million yaoi fans cry out with glee…
  4. Fascinating stuff. Many thanks. I appreciate the new MF saying that Frontier’s YF-29A was a one-off and repaired after Alto flew it into the ground. I’d say Isamu can fly it now, since he’s now SMS and he can generally return after a mission with a Valkyrie that can be used again. Oh, and as for the question of who’d win a dogfight, Max or Isamu… luck is one of Isamu’s skills. Hmm… I suppose there’s not much left to cover. This MF has crowned the YF-30 Chronos the Bestest Variable Fighter (tech and mobility) and the YF-29 the Strongest Variable Fighter (sheer offensive power, if you can afford it) and the 300 Series the Return of Sharon Apple-Lite with some really intriguing ideas. He may have had an eyeglass fetish, but Roid might have been a bit ahead of his time. How important are manned Valkyries to the “three pillars” of Macross I wonder? As real military aircraft become optionally-or-unmanned, will Macross follow suit?
  5. Hey Seto, I’m going to ask a favor and abuse your keyboard… Can you please go into the various Fold Wave Systems, Fold Reheat etc. and explain what makes one better than another? I’m getting confused because my brain doesn’t have enough folds to comprehend all the Folding systems being discussed here. And thanks for the VF-31AX MF translation! I rather like how, when it comes to Xaos, the words of the day were still “cheap and quick.”
  6. Yeah nah.
  7. Thanks all.
  8. I might be in for one. I like the sniper rifle.
  9. Haven’t seen the movie. Who drives this?
  10. I’m in for both. Girl’s gotta have a wardrobe.
  11. Oh @ChaoticYeti, ChaoticYeti, wherefore art thou ChaoticYeti?
  12. Having finally acquired a Yamato VF-22 not too long ago, I have to say I’m not overly pleased with Bandai’s effort. Fighter mode is too chunky, there are too many markings, and given Bandai’s lack of QC these past few years I have no confidence they’ll put these out either working or looking correct. We’ve just witnessed a time where Bandai had a nigh-perfect toy in the VF-31 and then took all that engineering and completely screwed up the 31AX follow-up. So nah, that’s a no from me.
  13. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/09/08/world/queen-elizabeth Rest In Peace to the longest-serving monarch.
  14. Some stuff from Eaglemoss was excellent: XL Excelsior, XL D-7 K’T’Inga, and all of the Star Trek Online ships I got because they looked nifty. Some stuff was just bad, like the Probert Concept Enterprise-C that had half its tampo missing, or the USS Aventine that was awesome… except that they didn’t paint the blue warp grilles on the nacelles, and its massive main deflector was a monochrome blue. Had to get a decal for that. Their tiny USS Centaur was superb though, beautifully built with perfect paint. The last thing I bought from them, the Lower Decks USS Titan, was very well made So I dunno. They seem to have had an “A team factory” and “everyone else” and it was kinda random which ship would get made by which. Kinda ticked I won’t get a copy of the USS Bonaventure though. Awesome design I wasn’t even aware of until it sold out and they never restocked.
  15. Nobody liked John Malkovich devouring vast amounts of scenery?
  16. Love the sculpt, but where’s the camo paint on her thighs?
  17. Got Mikhail’s Tornado Parts on. Battroid:
  18. Received mine. Hips and ankles are solid, the kneecap armor is floppy however. Overall it’s a nice piece with good paint. I’m honestly not sure I’ll hold on to it though. I bought Michael’s Tornado Parts for it and I’ll apply them tomorrow. See if that grows on me.
  19. Sildani

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    For display value. Plus it looks bad ass with reaction missiles.
  20. Farewell, Nichelle. Thank you for giving inspiration to generations of girls.
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