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Everything posted by Sildani

  1. Thanks for the review Mommar, as I’m not a fan of the design I’m passing on it. The Enterprise-X though, that’s got my attention, especially if a Negh’Var class is released too.
  2. Dang, it looks awesome. Eagle moss put their “A” team on this model it seems!
  3. Sildani

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Only have the 31C and her Super parts... minus missiles and missile brackets.
  4. Put me down for the second order.
  5. Hmm. And resin doesn’t need sanding. Much. Now we just need a Sharon Apple virtuloid.
  6. I didn’t even think of that symbolism, but you know, you’re right.
  7. Hum. Looks like a Heinkel He-100, a Nakajima Ki-44 Shoki, and a... Aichi M6A Seiran? And yes, she’s in front of a Gladiator, but no “Gladiator nose” for her just yet...
  8. Has Bandai ever panel lined ANY DX Valkyrie?
  9. Depending on priorities, retraining, and need, it’s entirely possible that particular NUNS fleet hadn’t transitioned yet.
  10. CBS/Paramount oughta just buy Axanar and let Alec Peters finish it. That’s been the Star Trek I’ve Ben most excited about in the last ten years.
  11. Nice that it does! Now I just wish they’d thrown on some hardpoints.
  12. I’ll get the Zeta - it can keep my Gakken company - and if they make a blue Tread I’ll have no problem mixing and matching. It’s not like Stick and the Gang didn’t scrounge for everything they could find...
  13. Haven’t I seen their Millia VF-1J on pretty deep discount on HLJ fairly recently?
  14. I approve. Hopefully the Dude and Walter make a cameo.
  15. Takara has a way of including “accuracy” accessories in its Masterpieces, like Inferno’s grilles. I’m gonna wait to see more and better pics before I render judgement.
  16. Saw him first in The War Wagon and then in In Harm’s Way. The man, the chin, the legend.
  17. Yep, 40,000 pounds of freedom. It’s no B-52, but it’s still a lot.
  18. Sildani

    Bandai DX VF-31

    “What’s that, Koneko?” ”Oh, this little Kaiju here? You got a good eye! He’s eight-and-a-half pounds of awesome.”
  19. Neither I’d say, it’s probably one of those Frame Arms Girls model kits, with a G variant.
  20. Did NOT expect this! https://www.tmz.com/2020/01/26/kobe-bryant-killed-dead-helicopter-crash-in-calabasas/
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