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Everything posted by Sildani

  1. I'm getting one because I like the design. Only thing I'd like them to have done was make the missile pod removable, so it could be replaced by other mission packs, like guns, large missiles, or an ELINT package. And because of the way the pack curls around when it's deployed, anyone else think a better name for would have been "Scorpion?" Granted, it's not as... evocative as Chronos, but still.
  2. Can I ask a dumb question? The 29 was supposed to be, basically, a 25 with Tornado armor bits built-in, correct? So what's this supposed to be? Super armor parts for a Valkyrie that... already had other armor parts installed? A Super armored, Tornado armored Valkyrie?
  3. Thanks to all for the replies. Still waiting for mine to ship. Hmm... what's with the plain gray plastic codpiece? Is that shade of grey represented anywhere else on either the Super parts or the Messiah itself? Can't find any on mine.
  4. Question; what does NY mean when your order status is "Preparation in progress?" Is shipping imminent? Is shipping possible within the next month? Are the Super parts being molded? Help!
  5. Good idea, but most aircrafts' flight control systems can handle mild to moderate asymmetrical loads without any trouble. For those craft which are analog, like the A-10, asymmetry was still allowed, but kind of limited, such as having an ECM pod on one of the outer wing stations, and having a couple Sidewinders on the other wing's outer station. The drag may be comparable, but perhaps more importantly the weight was comparable. From a purely aesthetic stand, though, asymmetric loads don't look quite right to me. But please don't mind my eccentricities, I never thought F-16s looked quite right carrying AMRAAMs on the wingtip rails, either.
  6. Same here, for Super parts only. Hope they're worth the price I paid.
  7. Please do. Please, please do. I speak not just for myself but others. I need more of the yin-yang flower decals you made for me 10 years ago.
  8. I want a VF-5000. Too obscure?
  9. The o-ring situation is why I voted for black. Even if I get outvoted and only clear becomes available, it won't bug me too much.
  10. Checked out. Voted. Love the new right-angle joint you came up with.
  11. Cats and Valkyries! This thread is complete. Nice generic stand, as well.
  12. Erm, perhaps "why Siegfried 001"?
  13. Well, you can print these in black, suggest the proper size bolts, nuts, and o-rings we can buy ourselves, and you can see you have an eager (overeager?) market. What are you waiting for?
  14. ChaoticYeti: you sir, are the savior of Messiah stands. Also, it seems as if you could offer both "climb/dive" and "bank" top pieces, and we could swap them out whenever we wish.
  15. There you go. Problem solved.
  16. So the Tamashii Nations logo does not automatically mean webshop orders only?
  17. What does it mean if your favorite mode is gerwalk-without-arms? Basically a jet with legs?
  18. I like the 30's wings much better then the 29's, plus the integrated missile pack is very nifty. So that's my decision sorted. As for the 30 being a new design and mold - well, perhaps, but the fighter's nose all the way down to the wing roots looks exactly like a 25's, with some added details and fold quartz crystals.
  19. All right, thanks. Last question about the green 27: were they all the Renewal version, with modified hip placement and all, or were they all 1.0's? Thanks!
  20. Second that. The SMS base is nifty, it's the arm that lets it down.
  21. Uhh.. I was watching that for a good 30 seconds before I caught myself. Want two. Just so you know.
  22. Dumb question: what are the odds the YF-27 beta (green one) will be reissued?
  23. Thanks, what do you use for the lining?
  24. Nicely done. What's the technique for that?
  25. Well, whatever may be, I'd like one or two of these.
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