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Everything posted by Sildani

  1. Preach, brother.
  2. Yes indeed, mine has shipped! Thanks!
  3. Oh cool, thanks for that. I just got through chatting with NY and was told, due to the number of pre-orders they have to process, they couldn't say for sure if my order would get sent before or after Golden Week. She said they'd try to ship it before. We'll see.
  4. I agree. This Valkyrie will most likely be available at a small markup upon release date. Also: available at NY again!!! CHARGE!!!
  5. No, not really. This isn't the thread for it, but it wasn't terrible. It wasn't as good as it could have been, though.
  6. Booyah! Grabbed one and got email confirmation! Best of luck to everyone trying!
  7. Do you pay in advance with CD Japan?
  8. Which, if you read earlier in the thread, is screaming for a Decepticon symbol.
  9. Much the same here. NY was broken, Ami Ami sold out, was going thru the ordering process on CD Japan but then was told "sold out" more than halfway through. NY back online at around 0515 ET and sold out somehow. Yeesh.
  10. While waiting for the YF-30 on NY, I saw this. Anybody want it badly enough? http://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/3606-choujikuu-yousai-macross-vf-4g-lightning-iii-limited-edition.html
  11. Golden Week starts tomorrow, doesn't it? Think that has anything to do with it?
  12. HOW MUCH?!
  13. I got naught. Weird how MW was down until quite recently. And let me ask: which Japanese sites, if any, make you pay up front for pre-orders? Thanks!
  14. Yes, just now. I was just on there 10 minutes ago asking CS when my 25A Super parts would be shipped. EDIT: Now it says the web page is unavailable.
  15. Ah, so you put the wash directly into the panel line and pray you don't slop it out? If so, that must be what the moist finger is for. Thanks! Didn't know if you applied the wash over the whole thing or what.
  16. Very, very nice! Please, what's your technique?
  17. With you there. I only collect Macross, and not many of those. Everything is bloody expensive, so I have to choose what I get in advance. Helps to have limited display space, too!
  18. Huh. So the 30 is the amalgamation of a lot of Froating Head's passions. Thanks for that. Perhaps he could make a book of ALL his mecha designs with some explanation of his thought process while designing them. That'd be very interesting... provided a good English translation was available.
  19. That's a good point. Hadn't thought of that.
  20. Good question. Hopefully there's an armature that folds down to hold it, like on the Renewal 25's.
  21. I may well make this my first foray into Sunday madness. Is payment required up front, or closer to release day?
  22. Why do people like the S so much? The paint scheme, or the fact it was Ozma's?
  23. Oh, anyone else notice that on the Tamashii site the target release date is the 8th of May? Could that be a Google translation error?
  24. Google Chrome Translation, my friend.
  25. That article was a fascinating insight into what Kawamori was thinking when he designed the Valk. It's also nice that he expressed confidence in its transformation sequence - he apparently designed it to be "stress free" - and that while transforming the finished toy, he describes the process as feeling like shifting a well-made manual car transmission. Of course, that could all be crap.
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