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Everything posted by Sildani

  1. Nice looking model, but the yellow-orange bits look really yellow-orange. I need to see a review first.
  2. Remember Action Fleet? They were pretty nice. Would love to see those again.
  3. If that’s Aoshima, @sqidd, I can only admire the size of your wallet. Good catches!
  4. Why isn’t that someone’s album cover?
  5. I’ve mostly heard the Galactica expression. While I was at Aviano though, in ‘00-‘01, most everyone called them Falcons or F-16s.
  6. Any word on the Ocular Max Protoform Azalea? If was supposed to be sold for TFCon, it should have been available beforehand. Right?
  7. *THUMP* ”What was that?!”
  8. Which is only popular ON Macross 11, as I recall. It’s safe to say that he’s alive, but nowhere near where he thought he’d be. He’s watching the galaxy turn through the actions of other, better, persons.
  9. Dumb thought, but didn’t the super dimensional drive vanish after use? Could that have been where it was?
  10. 81, of natural causes. Man, he was in a LOT. https://apple.news/AzKk03lrER-eoCEOahK-rvA
  11. Gorgeous build! That’d have my money!
  12. That looks terrible. LOVE the actual ad though.
  13. I think the YF-29 has provision for two hardpoints, one under each inner wing. You can see in the panel lining some marks that are longitudinally arranged, in line with each other, and symmetrical with each wing, and aren’t repeated anywhere else on the Valkyrie. As for a specialized Valkyrie: is the VF-27 Lucifer qualified?
  14. Perhaps the most famous Bond girl antagonist, at 94. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/04/06/movies/honor-blackman-dead.amp.html
  15. I was trolling the internets today and found a discussion on space fighter fuel sources; e.g. reaction mass. Somebody mentioned slush argon would be good for limited spaces/capacity, and I wondered f that would work in Valkyries.
  16. All those decals are interesting. Really nifty. Wasn’t Alaska Base guarded by green-painted VF-1s?
  17. It reminds me of a combination of a buoy in the ocean to track location and beam it to passing ships, and one of those roadside historical plaques we have in the US to mark a battlefield or a historic place. You can see them all over, I have one near me commemorating an old Nike-Hercules SAM site. This would be similar. “Hey, passing starship, think about this for a moment.”
  18. It’s a dummy VF shell used to train the New Edwards fire brigade. Kawamori really does think of everything!
  19. The pilot was ALSO the Maintenance director who signed off on the Fortress’ airworthiness?! The Collins Foundation needs to lawyer up, yesterday.
  20. I dislike the pylons and the enormous “plow” piece at the front of the saucer. I like the idea, but rather surprisingly for a Drexler Shipyards Design it fell short.
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