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Everything posted by Sildani

  1. Ah, trackballs. They're missed.
  2. Um, not sure if you're joking or something, or genuinely don't know, so I'll tell you, but please don't think I'm patronizing you. The 24 was the developmental prototype of many of the new technologies used in the next generation of variable fighters, such as the ICS, use of the EX-Gear, the brand-new FF-3001 thermonuclear engines, new materials, and so on. It was designed and built by Shinsei Industries on Earth I believe, and its flight test data and blueprints sent to Macross Frontier and Galaxy, where the data was used to help develop the VF-25 and -27, respectively. Of all the designs, the 25 was thought to have the most promise, based upon its flexibility in accommodating new mission roles and armor packs as its performance. The 27 was harder to build and not as flexible, and the YF-24 remained a prototype. Hope that helps, and if I'm wrong, corrections are welcomed.
  3. Were these made for the 25S, or are these the first made for the Renewals?
  4. Not just weathered, it looks like it's been through a tour of duty. Says 10/18 in the box on the upper left, might that be a release date?
  5. Jeepers. That's a whole lotta armor. Any idea why the four thrusters' intake covers are so big? Do they fire missiles? Are they themselves missiles? And if not, why are they there anyway?
  6. I finally have one wish: VF-11, either lo-viz or woodland camo, with FAST packs.
  7. As one of those people who said "it couldn't" I must now change my stance to "it could". But still, is it a good idea? Could we get Arcadia to re-issue a standard VF-11 first? Lo-viz?
  8. Something like that. Remember, this all takes place in a universe where genetic engineering is fairly common, and Humanity has colonized many new worlds, so there could be Xenos beasts that were domesticated for our purposes. Just a guess.
  9. Dumb thought, but perhaps the blue started out that dark and then, due to combat action, UV bleaching, and sea salt, faded to a lighter blue? Happened frequently with aircraft in the Pacific theater, maybe that's what the anime crew was going for.
  10. NY just sent me a payment request. Oh boy!
  11. And a cookie.
  12. White stripes would look good too, I think. I may well do that with mine. I'd really like to panel line my 25A as well, but my experience with Warhammer doesn't exactly translate well to a project like this. Such as, if you screw up, how do you fix it without messing with the existing paint and printing? I can't just dump the thing in Simple Green to strip it, after all.
  13. You think?
  14. I think I like your thinking.
  15. Dang. That's cool right there.
  16. Ah, still working on your display stands? Excellent. The wait will be worth it.
  17. Stand stinks. Transformation sequence looks amazingly complicated. Bring it on.
  18. Provenance, I think you mean. Dang, but if that doesn't look like a Stinger from the BattleTech: 3025 days...
  19. I see HK Collectables has a movie 1A with option parts... Is that a good/safe buy?
  20. Gone again.
  21. Not strictly DYRL, but if they reissued the Cavaliers scheme it'd be a non-issue.
  22. Agreed. Looks like it doesn't touch any painted or printed surfaces. Not bad.
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