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Everything posted by Sildani

  1. Don't tampo stamps have to be applied by machines that are custom made for the area they're stamping, to accommodate curves and the like? If so, that sounds expensive, especially seeing Arcadia doesn't seem to be milking molds like Bandai does.
  2. Get thee to the For Sale/Trade thread, and look for the YetiStand sale thread. It's exactly what you need.
  3. And guitars, right?
  4. I can't resist... must be strong... not puerile... Nope! Grace already had super parts!! Phew! I feel better. And worse at the same time.
  5. That information was not disclosed. All I care about, is that they're not all released at the same time. I want too many of them.
  6. Or the FAST packs would be explosively detached automatically. You'd have to rip off a big Post-it note with the word "DON'T" written on it first though.
  7. Given that Ranka and Sheryl are given pretty much equal time when it comes to screen time and nose art representation (see VB-6 editions and the Bandai Messiah kits) I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that Jun has a Ranka image. Just to be sure: itasha = nose art?
  8. I see what you did there. I approve.
  9. Yep, in stock now. Go forth! http://www.nippon-yasan.com/product.php?id_product=8318
  10. Mm. Especially if these are "quickdraw" releases instead of Tamashii Web Exclusives. If the former, you pretty much HAVE to buy them then and there, or lose your chance and pay more for them later. Unless they suck. With Bandai - heck, with any Valkyrie maker - it's kind of a crap shoot. "Will it be this release's V1 Messiah? Or will it be the V2 1/60 VF-1 of this release? Will it be worth staying up all night to get one to find out? Or will its limbs fall off like the CF 171EX?! Or... or..." OR!
  11. I myself am VERY happy about a green Lucifer re-release in the Version 1.5 tooling. For me, this is the best news of the event. Hope it comes with super parts. Hopefully it's a web exclusive. Anyone else kinda mystified that Bandai didn't take the opportunity to display a Chronos re-paint?
  12. It's also a prototype which hasn't been assembled with much care. Love the pics, and fighter mode looks quite nice. Bandai itself has too much coming out competing for my money, but this may well make it on my list if the final product lives up to the prototype's promise.
  13. Make the damn thing with better fighter proportions or bust!
  14. I also suspect it suited the Air Force's purposes, since if they were ever asked if the "F-19 Stealth fighter" actually existed, they could say with a straight face "F-19? There's no such thing."
  15. If you're talking about the plastic the Valkyrie came in, I don't think it's a bag at all, but a piece of plastic sheet you wrap the fighter in. And you want to to do that, as it seems styrofoam can rub tampo printed markings off.
  16. Ok, what happened to the YF-26?
  17. Hell, no fighter mode pics yet?
  18. All moot points, to me at least, if fighter mode looks bad. Sildani needs pics. Badly.
  19. Arcadia seems to be surviving fairly well. They're not thriving, though.
  20. "It WILL be mine!!" "All the Macross Worlders said that before they tried to pre-order it. Three of them used up their overdraft protection." - Yang Neumann, on the DX VF-19
  21. Dunno if that was a statue, I think it was a "gate-guard" de-militarized VF-1. If so, that could be Bandai's back door, if they so chose. Need to see pics of fighter mode. It's becoming a physical ache. I have problems.
  22. Oh my. Didn't see this coming. I wonder how fighter mode looks.
  23. One stand. Endless pose-abilities. Sorry. Couldn't resist.
  24. I hope so. I really want one, seeing as in its history, it made its maiden flight on December 11 - my birthday. Great design, too.
  25. Just paid for mine. I do hope Super parts/Ghosts come out for it at some point. I'm pretty confident Bandai will have sorted the triangle issues.
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