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Everything posted by Sildani

  1. Oh, wow, those contraprops on that Bear were mesmerizing! So greatly curved as well. An old, still amazing aircraft. Also liked the Typhoons quite a bit - quite the mission load.
  2. The Sky Crawlers. Don't forget that one.
  3. I got nothing. That's not a model, not a toy, not even a display piece. That's an achievement. I tip my hat to you.
  4. So they recommend you remove the fins and pitot tube before transformation? And even they have paint rub off? Oh boy. I will say, though, I applaud them for pointing out all the problem areas and spots of paint removal, I truly do. Bravo.
  5. Only if the tingle lasts longer than four hours.
  6. Mm. Don't like at all. Huge gaps between the air intakes and wing gloves in fighter, fugly swing bars, iffy paint apps, and shoddy build quality. The stand allows for good poses, but if you look at the fighter mode pics, the arm tilts in the base depending on how the Valkyrie is posed. Finally, the head is mounted on a hell of a "neck", and in fighter the whole thing appears to be hanging out in the slipstream. Standard "good enough" from Toynami.
  7. And while we're wishing, Super/Strike parts for the VF-1.
  8. So is this what happens when Bandai produces enough to meet demand?
  9. Didn't I read somewhere that it was done out of desperation? The 0 needed more speed or something, and the Ghost could do the job, so it was fitted in haste. Or something.
  10. Quoted for Great Mystified Truth. Can anyone please ask Mr. K about that?
  11. I have to decide just what I want you to do, and then figure out how much you'd want to do it!
  12. Very nice! I just wonder if the ATD-X will wind up being just a tech demonstrator or if it'll actually lead to a production aircraft. Also, didn't know it had paddle-vectored thrust.
  13. Lovely Mr March! Could I request a 1080 X 1920 res for my iPhone 6+? Pretty please?
  14. Nice. I'm in for an A. And echo Yeti, was that it from Arcadia?
  15. What the... available again? http://www.nippon-yasan.com/product.php?id_product=7160 Did they find a case in the basement or something?
  16. Frame Out Models is doing a Caliburn something - it's in the Wonderfest thread.
  17. I want the 1X++ simply to have its decals. The head doesn't do much for me, but I'd really like to have the warning stencils in waterslide decals. Does the kit include the leg super parts?
  18. The 25S, which I shall privately call the Phoenix for obvious reasons, is available at NY again: http://www.nippon-yasan.com/product.php?id_product=8318
  19. Here's a question: did the V.1 Yamato 1/60 VF-1s ever have super/strike parts sold separately? If so, what's the difference between their box's appearance and that of the V.2's? Thanks!
  20. The true Curse of Evangelion.
  21. Nice. I like the storage spaces. Just 2 problems: the shipping from Japan and the large base size. Yeti has a better, if pricier, stand.
  22. I had a stupid thought - something that can clip onto the knees in fighter mode - they seem solid enough - then the knee covers can fold over them, hiding them. Or perhaps the thighs in fighter mode.
  23. The Air Force, for whatever reason, has always disliked the idea of moving mud. Bombers yes, CA, not so much. It's very believable that many in the AF want to be rid of it. But there's other reasons for that as well. I can't say what they are, but the reasons are valid. The thing is, in my opinion, those reasons are outweighed by the Hog's effectiveness and the fact that nothing in the current inventory can really take its role. The Strike Eagle comes closest, but it really doesn't have the legs or survivability to battle damage. As for airmen not being able to express themselves freely - that's true, always been true, and don't believe differently.
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