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Everything posted by Sildani

  1. That's niiiice. Thanks for the pics!
  2. I don't think the Tornado has any equivalents either. Nor the Backfire, Blackjack, or Fencer. I suppose the CG difficulties were overcome in other ways.
  3. That's good to hear. As for Weiss' figure, I'm not sure if I like it or not. I need to think on it. Speaking of Monty, was there ever any idea as to how Dead Fantasy was going to go? Did any of his notes for that story surface? I hate unfinished tales.
  4. I just bought a 30th VF-1A brownie from HKCollectables a couple days ago. Excited to get it, but does anyone know how fast Caju's turnaround time is? I haven't gotten an order confirmation yet.
  5. Overtechnology can have the verniers appear when they're needed and vanish when they're not. Aerodynamics, you know.
  6. The new Camaro uses the Alpha chassis used by the Cadillac ATS and CTS, 70% of which is unique to the Camaro. Not so much Holden in there anymore. That said, I can't fit into the current Camaro - my head hits the roof at about ear level - and I doubt I can fit into the new one. They still subscribe to the "concrete pillbox" school of window sizing, too. I do fit into the new Mustang, but I do so perfectly, with no extra space. It's very, very nice inside. It's such a change from the previous two generations, they actually could've called this one the Probe and it would've made sense. The Challenger is too bloody big. It does look good and sound better, though, and the Hellcat is the most 'Murican car since the original Viper. I think I'm right in saying it's the cheapest 700 horsepower you can buy. And with a factory warranty! But full disclosure: my dream car is a Land Rover, so my opinions on muscle/pony cars are suspect at best.
  7. I miss him too, I never did snag his Deedlit or Pirotess models. Hope he's okay. Between Kurt, Ryuji, and Anasazi, a great amount of splendid talent has been lost to us.
  8. Damn, those 18 inchers were marvels of ballistic engineering. To think, Japan was building stuff like that barely 80 years after the end of the Shogunate. Just remarkable.
  9. You're right to worry. Still, the company seems to have legs since they're also making a cheap external battery pack, and they made a $20 drone that sold out instantly. They're also about to unwrap the OnePlus Two. In my opinion, the company will still be around for a year or two. As you say, the price is excellent for what you're getting. Even if the company dies, you'll still have a properly working phone. Go ahead and get one. I've handled a few, and the build quality and responsiveness of the UI belies its price. You'll be happy.
  10. Messiahs got block numbers as well in their Master File.
  11. The Variable Fighter Master File for the 25 also seems to say it uses its verniers to adjust the airflow around the 25's fuselage, thus making for an active airflow management system. With such a system, the actual aerodynamic merits of the airframe may not matter so much. Besides, it seems your typical Messiah/Lucifer spends 70% of its time in space anyway.
  12. No mention of Ninja Scroll?
  13. Sildani

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice Glaug! Now, where can I find some House Steiner decals...
  14. "True events?" What, is this a big dream sequence?
  15. Still need one? Still looking to complete your SMS collection? It's here, again, if you're willing to shell out ¥21,000... http://www.nippon-yasan.com/product.php?id_product=8318
  16. "And so ends our challenge." http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/04/16/drone_alone_us_navy_secretary_gives_up_on_manned_fighters/
  17. Do those have two different modex numbers? I want to say the one without canards is 208, and the one with is 209.
  18. Are we approaching the limits of insanity/stupidity with ground cars? And where will they test the 0-248 time? I doubt VW will let them rent that 6 mile straightaway where James May maxed the Veyron...
  19. I've been looking for a pencil cup...
  20. A new challenger appears! Nice looking toy. Dang expensive though. Many props to Evolution Toy for doing this!
  21. What was it Sir Sydney Camm said? "Military aircraft have four dimensions: length, wingspan, height, and politics."
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