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About Sildani

  • Birthday 12/11/1975

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  • Old MW Name
  • Old MW Post count
    18, joined June 2003 ^_^;

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  • Location
    Sol System, Earth, North American Continent, Northern Virginia Territory
  • Interests
    Macross, Anime, Warhammer 40K

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SMS Squadron Leader

SMS Squadron Leader (11/15)



  1. Rare earth magnets in fighter, then have the legs and arms attach via some flip-out pegs and flip-open holes for gerwalk and battroid.
  2. Nin-Nin Game has the combined Sentinel Tread with bonus missiles available again with pay later: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fp8j5.mj.am%2Flnk%2FAWUAAF9cBqsAAAAAAAAAAXDJL-EAAYCrbhsAAAAAAAOtLgBniFVlresSQWcPRA-vCs3NMrTuZgADg5A%2F2%2Fo5VkwoecUxIWjMSAlO-Pag%2FaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmluLW5pbi1nYW1lLmNvbS9lbi9zZW50aW5lbC8xNTQ5MzQtcmlvYm90LWFybW9yZWQtZ2VuZXNpcy1tb3NwZWFkYS1hYi0wMWgtdHJlYWQtMTQ4LWxpbWl0ZWQtZWRpdGlvbi1ib251cy1zZW50aW5lbC0uaHRtbA&data=05%7C02%7C%7C3c59de5ede8a42c54ac708dd35c65325%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638725848118084441%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=wa2McZrG2KtAd8Cp0b2jRTzauLrtWj8AMKPsSJd85V8%3D&reserved=0
  3. I like the matte finish. Other than that I’m not totally sold on this since I didn’t much care for Brera as a character and I don’t think the extra screws are really going to change much. I thought it was a little odd they compared the Revival to the original 27, not the Renewal. I guess they wanted to show all the differences they could. I wonder if the Renewal 27 sold so poorly… Still happy with my Grace 27, but I did put in a PO for this with Amazon for the hell of it. I’ll compare it to my figure of Melda Dietz and see if their colors compare well. If not, Amazon’s return policy makes it simple.
  4. So. Will this be a US release, or not? Is this going to suffer pre-order madness, or not? And which vendors accept PO payment later, these days?
  5. Now, now, using a Valkyrie as a letter opener has some merit.
  6. That’s unexpected. I’m happy with my Grace O’Connor Renewal version, I suspect this will be a Revival Brera version. That said, I bet the matte red will POP. Wonder if I should get one to display behind my Melda Dietz figure… no, not the right franchise, but the colors I bet would match beautifully.
  7. Keeping an eye open for the 1/60 Yamato Version 2 compatible set.
  8. They’re just reissuing Keith’s mount? What a disappointment. Should have done a Ba model, Mirage’s ride, or the “meownie” 262 from the cat planet. EDIT: No, it’s Bogue’s from a movie I didn’t see. Very well, my other points stand.
  9. Please let us know your shoulder assembly situation! Bandai Engineering - it’s Not Just Good - it’s Good Enough!
  10. Broken head lasers and possibly a shoulder misassembly issue - has anyone else reported incorrect shoulder joints? We got Bandaied(TM)!
  11. Cool! That code’s not working for me.
  12. Inflation, the weak yen, or the greater number of parts and engineering? It’s not that expensive in Japan.
  13. This is a WWM release?
  14. Only a renewal version. This is “my” Valkyrie because according to the background its maiden flight was on my birthday, December 11.
  15. Having worked with Citadel metallics for years, I can say they are some of the best available and forgive brush painting readily, BUT they need to be thoroughly mixed for a good consistency. I use an electric paint shaker and a couple stainless steel ball bearings in the paint pot and that’s always done the trick.
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