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Everything posted by Grey728

  1. I purchased and shipped 4 items from them at the end of December without any problem. They never sent me an email when I inquired about the 'weird' tracking number I got but I eventually figured out it was DHL.
  2. I wouldn't trust purchasing anything on that site with lots of red flags. Steer clear. - Random Site name - Generic website/store front - Random Popular Links - Social Presence buttons are just links to the various websites - Sells everything - Ridiculously low prices on collectibles that are long out of stock and were TWE items.
  3. Any word on the Premium Finish release date or is still on track for February?
  4. I didn't ask. Just looks available to order on this website which surprised me.
  5. For those who missed it or want an extra: Blue Legioss AFC-01H is available on Show-Z for $244 USD https://showzstore.com/sentinel-toys-riobot-afc-01h-legioss_p1827.html
  6. Thanks guys.. I'll give it a shot. So far I've managed to transform mine once but I haven't figured out how to rotate this hip in order to move it to the back yet. So far the thigh piece seems to get in the way any direction I turn it. Does anyone have a link to a video or have screenshots on how that's done?
  7. Mine came in with a reversed hip joint just like my blue legioss. For those who need a refresher on how to fix, here it is. Page 248 of this very thread.
  8. How do you guys like it and how does it compare to the EX Gokin line? Is it the similar or not really? Edit: Those two are different Jeegs. One is made by King Arts but who makes the other?
  9. NOICE! Where did you order it from?
  10. For those looking for that new RX-78 Metal Build, this isn't too bad a price.. https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Chogokin-Gundam-Factory-YOKOHAMA-RX-78F00/dp/B08R7H9PBF/ref=pd_sim_nf_21_4/356-1724105-7045023?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B08R7H9PBF&pd_rd_r=b0364eb5-b42a-4e46-81d9-734cb11e01c3&pd_rd_w=7fY0b&pd_rd_wg=SzORu&pf_rd_p=b0cf8133-9125-47c7-be1e-724ce72acb46&pf_rd_r=921MS0EXG0G6NCY4XYG5&psc=1&refRID=921MS0EXG0G6NCY4XYG5
  11. They're on holiday. You'll have to wait until they return.
  12. I take no credit for that. That was what @enphily posted!
  13. Can you see this?
  14. Can this gif be put in one of those algorithms that make it 30-60fps?
  15. I LOL'd so hard at this image. So glad to see you enjoying your toys the way you do.
  16. Damn.. I had two on pre-order at Amazon.jp but I didn't trust they could get it to my door without thrashing the packaging. I now regret that decision. Congrats
  17. This is my first YF-29 and I have no idea how that crotch part locks. The only way I could make this part secure was to install the battroid stand adaptor which gives it something to latch onto.
  18. They will let you order through there system because it's mostly automated but if they can't get it they will refund it right away. I have a feeling those who pre-ordered before the link goes live will have their order cancelled because they can't purchase it for you yet.
  19. Macross is absolutely harder. If we miss PO night by a few seconds, we lose our chance to get one at MSRP. The price only goes up from there and usually by $100 or more not including shipping. I'm sure I could get a PS5 if I'm willing to pay $100 over MSRP. If I wait long enough I WILL get one at MSRP. Wait a few years, and I'm sure MSRP will drop by $100 or so. I can't say the same about Macross.
  20. Can’t the person you bought it from contact HLJ then have the replacement leg shipped to your address?
  21. BBTS for $290 https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/144694?utm_source=Marketing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=marketing&utm_content=
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