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Everything posted by Grey728

  1. On the other hand I have mixed feelings about who's bringing this to market. I loathe Toynami, am indifferent about Harmony Gold, but MoShow kicks ass. It will be interesting how this plays out.
  2. I like the modern take. It's also larger at 9.5-10inches tall. I'm in if the quality is good and is more durable than Sentinel's.
  3. I've ordered metal builds from them in the past. It usually takes a little over a month after JP release for US retailers to receive their items, however, that was Pre-COVID when items arrived and shipped from our ports in a timely manner.
  4. I found this on BigBadToyStore that could work as a substitute for those of us who didn't manage to snag a pilot figure exclusive. I think the car is the main attraction but I'm in for the pilot figure. It's 1/24 scale too. There's also a Rick Hunter edition as well. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/210588
  5. I think the Metal Build line was specifically and intentionally designed for @carlsylar personal enjoyment. His images and over the top load outs are always awesome.
  6. I find it oddly ironic/hilarious that for macross we have super specific fast/super/armor packs for our VF-31s while the metal build Strike/Astray line continue to get new backpack/accessories. I have one Aile Strike as well as Red/Blue/Black/White Astrays that already came with a backpack but we have like 10 different accessories now that we can mix and match in addition to the already provided accessories. Is this really what the metal build infinity was meant to be?
  7. Lol yeah, that sucker just wants to be posed. I had a hard time making him just stand up straight because there's so many points of articulation just in it's feet! Anywho, posing takes up SO much space and I need to fit like 2-3 more figures on that shelf still. I also have no imagination so I just use the same standard pose over and over again. I wish there was a thread on people just posing their toys in epic/unique ways that I could copy. Thanks
  8. I really hate color specific Armor and Super parts. I just received my super parts for my #05 blue 31AX and only have one jet. I wish Bandai would figure out a way to make these parts universal like they did for for the VF-1 1/48. I'd purchase multiples if there was flexibility here to pick and choose which VF I wanted to dress up.
  9. Only the stupidly rich. Anyone want to support my onlyfans account?
  10. Sure! I’m in if they have a 5 year zero down, zero interest payment plan!
  11. Looks like a pink Exia to me.
  12. Yeah. I’m getting tired of the line. It’s usually a very small pool of metal build molds that they re-use. Some iteration of an Astray, Exia, Strike, Wing, or Crossbone but…
  13. Thanks everyone! Honestly, if I hadn't found MacrossWorld when I did (Arcadia release of the SDF-1) I don't think I would have ever gotten back into collecting. This website has been an amazing resource for links to stores and information on items I never knew existed or could ever find outside of eBay.
  14. Sure did! I would estimate the cost was around $2400-$2700 total. If I had to pay that up front, I probably would have said no way haha. Good thing it was a very slow drip over a 2 year period!. LOL. You and me pretty much have the same tastes. At least you got your Metal Structure Nu now right . Here it is. I'm still missing one more block in the corner and I'll be done for awhile. I moved my couch forward a bit so I could have room in the back to take pictures and setup the display a bit. My WFH desk is right next to my moducase display so it's nice to look at while I work Below is my Macross related stuff. I can upload my Transformers, Gundam, and Super Robot stuff in the next post.
  15. Yes sir! Though I'm still waiting on my last cube to finish the display cabinet. I'd love to share the whole thing but I don't collect just Macross so no idea where I would post it.
  16. They are reliable but be aware that they ALWAYS charge again for shipping. The price you're paying up front is only to secure the item. A payment for shipping comes later.
  17. English subtitles this time @sqidd! and OOF on the QC issues. I can feel this guys pain.
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