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Everything posted by Grey728

  1. Amazon was the first PO I saw go up so naturally I went for it... only to find out they won't ship to the US.. crapolas..
  2. I usually get an email from them around 7pm JST about their items going into stock. that's less than 30 min away...
  3. They all suck. Try them all.
  4. Here’s another from sellers second account. MyKombini (bandaionline.com) METAL BUILD Evangelion EVA-01 Test Type BANDAI SPIRITS Japan NEW (IN STOCK) https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F323823509478
  5. METAL BUILD Evangelion EVA-01 Test Type BANDAI SPIRITS Japan NEW (IN STOCK) https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F273872582189 $300 shipped.
  6. Lmao!
  7. There's a gap between the main body and the rail guns (it comes from Arcadia like this). It's not an issue but the paint/matte finish makes it a little hard to get them to connect flush with the main body. Once that's achieved it should be easy for the rail guns to meet at the tip as there is a magnet there that would hold them together... unless that magnet is backwards pushing the two sides away of course.
  8. Thanks! That space is reserved for the 1/48 dx line I plan on getting and will likely only display them in battroid mode. Other modes take up too much space. I have have a few of my Yamato v1 displayed in Veritech mode above my computer along with an SDF-1 and a bunch of misc LEGO stuff. I’d show more pictures but don’t want to derail this thread. Maybe another if it exists?
  9. Haha yeah. I wasn't sure what you meant by Pylon.. I was thinking cones or those Starcraft thingies. Binders=Giant Wing-like things Funnels=Little missile bits inside the binders .. I've been watching a bit too much Gundam lately.. Don't mind me! Plain ol' WD-40. Got it.
  10. Hmm.. what's the name of the grease if you don't mind my asking? I have a metal build that feels like the hip joint has seized and I'm afraid I might break it if I try and move it. Is it safe to use?
  11. Hi @doomgart the shoulder pads holding the binders look really droopy in that image. Did you do that on purpose or can the shoulders not hold the binders weight up very well?
  12. Anyone here still looking for a Voltron pre-order?
  13. Loopaza, that was listed earlier by @Shizuka the Cat is still offering pre-orders though I don't know their reputation: https://www.loopaza.com/figures/action-figures/dx-chogokin-macross-delta-vf-1a-valkyrie-maximilian-jenius-custom.html
  14. Thanks for the eBay bucks tip! I signed up as well. Seems like an easy discount I've been missing out on all these years..
  15. Is the getter robo still up for sale? Is this a secondary unit of yours or did you give up trying to find a reasonably priced expansion for it? What part of the bay area are you located in? 

  16. Wow.. I got to payment on NY.. the VERY LAST item.. now it's no longer available and I have to wait in line again.. frakk this...
  17. Anyone know if you have to pay right away for Amazon.co.jp or can you cancel it later?
  18. Nice display case! where did you purchase it?
  19. There’s still USAGundam.com, Gundamcentral.com, bigbadtoystore, thechosenprime, thetoysource, etc to be looking out for if you still want this. They haven’t posted any pre orders yet but they are known to carry such items. Keep an eye out.
  20. Preach! I might have to place my hopes in the third party market since a Sazabi is in the works.
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