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Everything posted by Grey728

  1. General looseness in the waist and knees. It's annoying but not too much of a deal breaker for me. There's no way I'd ever display her without the stand (unless I had her in a kneeling position). She's too prone to falling over. I certainly hope they do better with the tolerances on Unit-02
  2. Same. My first edition EVA-01 has issues with the legs (like my Astraea-F) I hope the second release turns out better. I'm not ordering another. Just hope the next release is improved.
  3. It's basically a repaint of the Astraea-F but the joints on the Proto-GN type feel tighter and more consistent. The -F felt a bit too floppy for my liking particularly in the knees and hip joints. I don't have that problem with my Proto-GN.
  4. I'd put the matte material, white or black, on the inside of the case rather than on the wall behind the case simply because that glass back is so reflective.
  5. I’m don’t understand what you’re talking about regarding the hands. It has articulated hands similar to the Vf-1J. I haven’t researched the MSRP of the missiles. But so would imagine 10000 yen is the aftermarket price. You should be able to get them again in the summer at regular MSRP plus proxy fees.
  6. Beautiful fun pictures there @SuperHobo! I would have never attempted poses like that if you didn’t make me aware of them. Excellent review.
  7. Heh, not sure if this is sarcasm anymore after you’re YF-21 comment. I missed out on getting the SoC version of this. I’m SO looking forward to a DX size version! I just wish I had gotten the other DX SoC’s when they were still available.
  8. Holy Crap. $320 is a GREAT price for this. I think $280 is MSRP which was exclusive to Japan and aftermarket goes for $400-$500. I think I bought mine at a scalpers price of $380 thinking I'd NEVER see anything less than that due to it's exclusiveness. Glad to see this is being offered in the US now.
  9. Grey728

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yup. Value is in the eye of the beholder so to speak. A worthless baseball can be worth thousands of dollars depending on who hit it and what game it was in. Same can be said about worthless pieces of cardboard like baseball, magic the gathering, or pokemon cards. More recently those Funko's that all ultimately look the same but can fetch quite a bit of money based on what they're representing and how rare they are. .... That's how I justify it.. Don't judge me!
  10. Those Nu Gundams look great! Did you paint them or are they snap built and panel lined only?
  11. So. Uh. I think I might have an addiction problem here... Recent additions in the past couple of months.
  12. For those who got their EVA-01 Cancelled. It's on sale at NY for almost MSRP 27000 Yen https://www.nippon-yasan.com/28091-metal-build-eva-01-test-type-reissue.html Gundam RX-78-2 GFFMC: 21500 yen https://www.nippon-yasan.com/27634-gundam-fix-figuration-metal-composite-rx-78-02-gundam-40th-anniversary-ver-.html Gundam Psycho Gloss version GFFMC: 21080 yen https://www.nippon-yasan.com/28040-gundam-fix-figuration-metal-composite-psyco-gundam-gloss-color-ver-limited-edition.html
  13. Beautiful display. Is that a giant Optimus prime on top? MAS-01? Either way. I need a higher res image of your display that I can admire.. Please upload one!
  14. Damnit.. I might need two of these in my life... I wouldn't want to risk scuffing the paint by transforming it back and forth between modes. I think one would need to stay in valk mode and the other battroid.. I can live without gerwalk. For now.
  15. In all honesty I get way too many packages sent to my home and I don't like explaining that to my wife haha! I'm actually in the other camp where I wish they had a private warehouse so I can space out my deliveries better. I still have a VF-31E still sitting in a warehouse just waiting for the right time to ship it =)
  16. Scam.
  17. Evangelion Unit 01 is back on BigBadToyStore at pre-order price of $239.99 https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/79728
  18. Maybe it's certain sellers. I had pre-ordered mine from AJ, received one, and another is expected to come later today. I'd say go ahead and order and if they don't ship, you don't get charged.
  19. You can purchase directly from AJ from sellers who will ship globally. In some cases where they won't, you'll need a proxy like Buyee or FromJapan.
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