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Everything posted by Grey728

  1. Well let's all agree on the primary issue we all have here: The 5 second or less window to purchase at MSRP and the 200%+ markup immediately after. If any Macross toy took a month to sell out and the price rose steadily from $200 to $500 in a month or two. Those that invested early on the piece would be pleased with their purchase while the rest of us purchasing late would tolerate the markup more as the new market value.
  2. Yes. Roughly $17 per week for the next 99 weeks. Issue 1 was only $2.50 or something like that. Not including shipping fees that will accrue.
  3. By being too expensive or too cheap? I thought they just flooded the market with variants and there just wasn’t enough interest in all of them.
  4. Mortal Kombat.. the first one. Not the sucky 2nd one.
  5. Honestly I heard it was small but I thought it would at least be as tall as a 1/60 VF-1 in Soldier mode. I’m not as familiar with Mospeda as I am with Macross. I just remember, as a child, that the Legioss toy was just as large as a VF-1. I’ll likely still keep my pre-order but I do feel that giant robots are supposed to be.. well.. giant. Know what I mean?
  6. Speaking of Legioss.. oof on that size. A DX 1/48 VF-1 in the same scale is almost twice as tall and less than an inch taller than an HMR.
  7. I just wish they would come out with an SDF-1 TV version in 1/3000 or above scale... I’d buy two minimum. Is that so much to ask?
  8. I dunno. They seem to release a Metal Build Exia variant every other week. It might be possible.
  9. I bought it and dual funnels too. Not a fan of price gouging but I don’t want this line to be a flop either. I’d love to see more 1/60th scale gundams out there from any maker. Hopefully Bandai and other third party makers here the fans, realize that there’s a market here, and make adjustments/plans accordingly.
  10. Thanks @sqidd! That looks a bit front heavy though and might topple forward. Have you considered putting another arm on there so the center of gravity is more centered in the middle? Did it make it more wobbly? I live in California so earthquakes are something I always need to think about.
  11. I broke a few Yeti stand arms trying to put together four Yamato VF1s (the heavy metal leg version 1/non-perfect transformation) on one stand. I gave up on it but I’m still interested in using these. How well do you guys think this stand would hold up a Bandai DX 1/48 VF-1 with strike packs in jet mode? It’s a heavy beast that seems to give Bandai’s own stand a bit of trouble. It feels very wobbly. Is there any modifications you would recommend to make it stronger/stiffer? Dual arms/longer screws/etc?
  12. I’ve been wanting to do this pose since I first saw it.
  13. Yeah haha! My shelves are fixed at 12" which is just tall enough for a DX Battroid without SSP to stand up in. Guess I'll have to take them out of the display case or display in Gerwalk or Valk modes. I dunno if I want to pay another $100+ for effect parts but it would be nice to have the option available! I think I'd go for a GBP with effect parts though.
  14. I might go for this. How does one start a sub for this? What are the best options to purchase and ship every other month or so to lower costs?
  15. I would be all over an SDF version of this...
  16. Hmm. I wonder if Bandai is trying a new strategy here of incrementally releasing more units in batches. This way they don't sell out in the first few minutes/hours/days so scalpers don't purchase them all at once and give more people an opportunity to buy.
  17. They're available on P-Bandai right now. You can get them. Yeah, they reached out to me on Christmas day asking if they should continue looking/waiting for more stock. I thought we should be patient and sure enough orders opened up again. I had let them know and in a few hours they secured my order.
  18. I also ordered first night from AE. No confirmation email or anything but i got three sitting in stock (along with a couple of other items) waiting to ship. Woohoo! However, now that I’ve requested shipment all of the items I’ve ordered, history, etc, have disappeared. Is this normal? Seems kinda scary that their service works this way.
  19. I had an order with Dejapan for the fin funnels but my order is still open and the funnels are already sold out. I’m assuming they weren’t able to secure a copy. What are the chances they’ll have another wave of funnels available for order?
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