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Everything posted by Grey728

  1. Thank you @EastwindS2kand @Lolicon! This was incredibly helpful!
  2. Amazeballs! How did you go about panel lining? It’s something I want to do but I’m too chicken to try it without some guidance first. This plastic feels different than a regular gunpla kit so throwing down tamiyas panel liner doesn’t seem like the right thing to do immediately.
  3. Do you like keeping all those extra plastic pieces on your hurricane? I noticed you removed the head cover that disguises it as a gundam but didn’t remove anything else. The shoulder, body, knee caps and feet are all easily removable.
  4. Also I don’t see the price going down by adding more of these... issues? So far shipping is about $10 per issue (from HLJ) regardless of if you’re shipping one or 4 at a time. This is looking more like a $3000 venture when all is said and done...
  5. Yes. My only nitpick is the pesky crossbones not being very visible being white on white. If only it had a stronger outline or something like the skull.
  6. Wow! Those backpack quant pictures are great. It looks like Bandai already put in the legwork of making both sides symmetrical by adding a second arm installation point. Maybe all that needs to be done to test this is to unscrew the cover and see if you can attach the same arm but on the other side of the back pack.
  7. For those on the fence about this thing. It's basically $200 off what I paid from HLJ when I pre-ordered. I'm tempted to get another just to keep in bike mode. https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B01DEOVZ5W/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?smid=AN1VRQENFRJN5&psc=1
  8. https://gkgundamkit.com/en/rg-1144-tallgeese-tv-colors I purchased a couple of Metal Builds (Wing and Astraea Type-F) as well as the Steel Legends Kishatrya from them. They delivered just fine.
  9. Starting at 0:32. or you could just watch the whole thing. Doesn’t get old. yeah I messed up the punch line sue me.
  10. I too am not in love with this design.. but it's 'Macross' so.. need to get three. One to play, one to store, one... just in case.
  11. I glued mine as well. You may want to try using clear nail polish to thicken the finger parts so there will be more friction to hold It in place if you still want the ability to add/remove this fingers. There’s absolutely nothing we can do about the thumb and that will need to be glued in.
  12. Come on guys. We should all know the drill by now. If you wanted painted in eyes you should have held out for the PF edition.
  13. I’d prefer full tempo be on all standard releases while panel lining and weathering be the premium finish. Not everyone has the courage and skill it takes to add the last two and I’m all kinds of jealous of @Lolicon’s weathered valks. I’d totally pay money for that. Just not an extra 200+ over the standard price for it. This is coming from a guy who bought a standard SDF-1, panel lined it but wasn’t too happy with the results and bought the PF version.
  14. Looking good! Please keep us posted on your thoughts on the figure.
  15. Grey728

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I got an email alert on it and snagged it. Thanks for also posting here as well! I debated whether or not I should get it the last two times I saw it pop-up but missed those. I couldn't let this opportunity pass by again. I'm still looking for Delta 01 and 05 to complete my set but I think I'll just try and get one VF-31 a month.
  16. The wings/binders can be pressed in further where they should catch onto what feels like a rubber o-ring deeper in. It’s weird in that this o-ring only seems to catch the binder after more than 75% of the way into the attachment point.
  17. Yeah thanks guys. I didn’t know these existed. I’ve only seen the static doll type stands and had no idea these were actually a thing.
  18. I need a link to these 1/6 bendy poles you guys are talking about. Anything I can use to keep my stuff from face planting in an earthquake would be great.
  19. Not official but this was a pretty convincing hint that @valhary noticed. So maybe VF4G weather PF followed by VT-1 seems to make the most sense. That is if Arcadia survives the SV-51 leg issue and there are no further issues with the VF-0D Weathered PF. Ironically the original VF-0D had a much more serious leg issue. ... I wonder when they'll start calling these problems a 'feature'
  20. I thought a PF VF-4G Weathered version was next and a VT-1 Super Ostrich was teased every so slightly. Right?
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