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Everything posted by Grey728

  1. Just built my first Moducase DF30 that I ordered over a year ago before Covid screwed everything up. I have another two to put together which wasn't that hard. I did not expect my Nu Gundam to fit in this depth-wise but was pleasantly surprised.
  2. Let us know how you like it. I’m on the fence on getting one of these.
  3. Mine arrived yesterday from NNG. $225 PO Price / $275 shipped. I still haven't taking it out yet. No time.
  4. Agreed. Extremely disappointing. We're zero for two on here so far. I really want this product to succeed and it's really unfortunate to see these QC issues.
  5. What is HK?
  6. FYI two available on Amazon JP for $325 Shipped. https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/gp/product/B08C3GRZ4P/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A1U8KJDQ4PIKYI&psc=1
  7. I’d be all over those like stick on sh!t.
  8. Have you tried attaching the small cannons to the shoulders? I think the arms might light up if those are connected ( maybe closes the circuit). Not sure what’s going on with your left leg though. It seems like it’s connected.
  9. Make sure your numbers are sequential. The smallest box is just the base and the electronics so it doesn't matter what group that came from. The bottom two should be 'XX-2' and 'XX-3'. If not you may have some fit issues like I did.
  10. @sqidd I took a bunch of pictures of my 1/1200 SDF-1. You can find them all here. Let me know if the link doesn't work. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15yqUQqbHpNP4e6v121I3TjZRFq3IdBvq?usp=sharing Basically, the item arrived damaged with the right shoulder boom snapped in half during shipping which is unfortunate. On top of that the item was shipped in three separate boxes that should be a set. Unfortunately mine came from different sets and I couldn't properly put it together. The right leg and the left arm won't plug into the main body. Even if I didn't have a broken piece, this fit issue alone would have prevented me from enjoying the item fully as I can't assemble it. The AC plug that lights the item is in the right leg, but I couldn't plug it in enough to light up the rest of the statue. Anyways, from head to toe, the SDF-1 stands at about 25 inches to the top of the antenna and about 34 inches to the very top of the shoulder booms. The base adds 5 inches more in height for a total of 39 inches. I have placed picture in my Google Drive folder for anyone to take a look at that might be interested. I purchased this at BigBadToyStore and they have been gracious enough to accept a refund and pay for return shipping as they don't have any additional units to replace mine. That being said, I still really like this piece and I might just try again and buy direct from Kids Logic. I'm currently asking them what their return/replacement policy is in case I run into problems again.
  11. It might be awhile. One of the booms arrived broken and I’m having fit issues. (The left leg and right arm won’t attach to the body). I think the broken boom is entirely FedEx’s fault but in regards to fit I think I was shipped a mismatched set. The boxes should be numbered like ‘38-1, 38-2,38-3’ but all my boxes have a different number set. I’ve already emailed them and am waiting on a reply. Sucks but it is what it is at the moment. I’ll upload more pictures tomorrow after work.
  12. I got an early Christmas present in the mail today! I'm sorry it has HG on the side, but the heart wants what the heart wants..
  13. Already up for PO on Anime-Export. $103 http://www.anime-export.com/product/50139 They came through with my order of three movie style SSPs. I did order right away originally though.
  14. Not going to lie. I had to look up recrimination and gregarious. This new YF-29 is my first Frontier Valkyrie so I have nothing to compare it to other than a VF-31 or recent VF-1 DX. I’m still waiting on that original YF-29 picture @MacrossMania so I can, uh.. behold it.
  15. Anyone else come here to see the original only to discover that no picture was posted?
  16. The soul blue Strike Freedom has a very matte finish that I don't think matches the Strike or Freedom Concept 2. I'd go with the original release if possible.
  17. If it's any consolation for you, the best price I could get on PO night $275 USD shipped and I'm sure I'm not alone. You saved yourself a lot of heartache and frustration for a small chance to get one at retail price.
  18. I worry about using the special VF-1J stand. That sucker is flimsy as hell. The standard Bandai one feels perfectly capable of holding up my fully decked out VF-1S without issue.
  19. I'm keeping my eyes open for the Sazabi metal structure. I think the Nu was only given a few days before PO started and subsequently sold out.
  20. I would totally be in for one as well. Hell, to derail the topic a bit, if someone could convince @Brick_Sash to make a manual/kit for his Lego SDF-1 MOC, I'd totally be in for that as well. He's the primary reason why I even made an Macross World Forum account way back when just so I could attempt to contact him.
  21. I think the chances to see the F91 in the US are relatively high. I'd look at the usual distributors such as chosen prime, bbts, usagundam, surethingtoys, etc. Both Gundam and Soul of Chogokin are pretty easy to get here at retail price. We just have to wait a little longer.
  22. Just curious about the differences with F91 Chronicle White and the original release. Are the differences only a flat white coat, some tampo printing including stand, and expansion pack that's included with this release. Is there anything else I might have missed?
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