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Everything posted by dafob

  1. I've had conversations with @Shizuka the Cat about this and we thought we were the only ones that needed to go to therapy. Glad to know we're not the only crazy ones! Holy hell... 5 Angel Birds?! That's freakin' awesome!!! I have the fan racer model kit but no birds to display it with except for my lone 1/48 Angel Bird. LOL I stayed away from the special editions like the weathering versions and repaints. I've kept a spreadsheet of everything I've purchased. In the past 16 months of collecting Macross I've spent $18,483! This includes Yamato 1/48's & 1/60's (SDFM, MacPlus, MacZero, and a few M7); some Arcadia valks, and most of the HMR valks. I haven't seen Frontier or Delta so I haven't picked up any Bandai DX stuff except for the VF-1J (VF-1A Max PO'd). I've chatted with many members on these boards (and even had phone conversations with a few). I love all these old stories you guys post during the years I was MIA. I pay attention to each and everyone one, piecing together a mental timeline of how things went down and what it must've been like to collect during those times. I started out as a Transformers/Voltron collector but truthfully I get the most satisfaction these days when I pick up a new valk.
  2. The prices you've listed and the history lesson y'all have given me brings tears to my eyes. I've made it no secret that I started this game way late. I bought my first Yamato, a loose 1/48 VF-1S Roy in January 2018. I was a poor college student when the 1/48 Yamato's were released, and then a poorer new home owner when the v2's were released. By the time my finances were stable, I became a parent and collecting was once again pushed aside. But now I'm all in. In the past year, I believe the only one crazier than me is probably @Shizuka the Cat. But I'm pretty sure I'm a close second. I've picked up every cannon 1/48 valk except TV Kaki, and every 1/60 canon valk except for the Angel Birds, Cavaliers, VF-X and VF-11C. Most things I've picked up were at premium prices. Since I'm pretty much all caught up, I can finally join all you fine folks in these discussions and other fun things like PO madness nights.
  3. That explains a lot about the Angel Birds and VF-X. I didn't know they were also Chronicles exclusives.
  4. Thanks for the info. I've learned that the weathering editions were very limited so that makes sense. Some of the non-canon valks and repaints may not have been popular at the time they were released so I can see those as hard to get today. In terms of canon valks, the only 1/48 valks that seem to be hard to get are the Macross Chronicles Max and Kaki. I know you mentioned shops still stocked them and Kaki was less stocked due to overstock with Max. But what about 1/60 valks? From my experience, these seem to be hard to find or go for really high prices: 1. VT-1 Super Ostrich -> I know all had shoulder issues, but was there only 1 run w/ no reissues? 2. VE-1 Elint -> a regular release w/ rainbow canopy and 30th with option parts... why so expensive? Arcadia PF version really hasn't dropped price all that much. 3. VF-1J Mass Production -> I know it has the most tampos and only 1 release. Is this why it's so coveted and commands such a high price? 4. VF-1A Angel Birds -> this one seems to be the rarest one as I never see it posted for sale. Was this a special limited release? 5. VF-X -> only 1 release? 6. VF-1A Cavaliers -> only 1 release? 7. VF-1D Virgin Road -> only 1 release? 8. VF-11C -> only 1 release? I've managed to get some of these (missing VF-X, Angel Birds, Cavaliers & VF-11C). I just want to know why I have to pay so much.
  5. What would you say is the top 5 rarest, most hard to get Yamato valkyries in both 1/60 and 1/48 scale? Which ones had the lowest production runs?
  6. I was already watching that auction since yesterday (I'm one of the watchers on the list), but if it makes you feel any better: "...Thanks @no3Ljm for the link. You rock!!!..."
  7. LOL. Sorry bud, I just blew the wad on the DX Max.
  8. I went ahead and accepted the offer at $285. I figured it was like found money w/ eBay bucks so even if he never sends me anything I didn't really lose anything. oh, and @fry, you're welcome... LOL
  9. It's been awhile since I've done it but I think you have to activate it in your profile. You'll start getting 1% back for every purchase and every so often they'll have specials for 5-10% that lasts a day or two.
  10. Hahaha. He countered the same for me. It's true about the use-'em-or-lose-'em thing. I'm hesitant in this case because this is a PO. The valk won't come out until Oct. eBay only guarantees purchases for 6 months. If I buy it today, 6 months puts it right at the time of release. Even though the dude has 100% rating with 1800 feedback, who's the say he won't run off w/ my $$$. I won't be able to file a claim w/ eBay by then. Dammit! What to do...?
  11. I leverage the 10% eBay bucks when they come around. And it seems like it's progressive, meaning that the more you buy when they offer you the 10% the higher the frequency in offers for 10% eBay bucks. I bought three $800 scanners (that's already $240 eBay bucks at 10%) and some miscellaneous things this last quarter for work and that's how I accumulated so many eBay bucks.
  12. I've got $293 in eBay bucks to spend by the end of this month. What are the odds that POs will open up again somewhere for retail price before then. Hmmm... decisions, decisions...
  13. Wow, that went really fast. Less than 2 minutes, I would say. Still, didn't have to compete with people hammering the website. Congrats, my fellow bros who got one. For those that didn't, I feel your pain...
  14. Same here. FINALLY! I had emailed AE earlier today and they said it was going to be posted today, but couldn't tell me when. I had a strange feeling it would be at the same time.
  15. Gone...
  16. This ^^ . You just described my exact situation last night (and I suspect many others too). First PO I've missed... for ANY toy line I collect. Only hope I have left is to pray for available stock at release. I'm willing to pay a markup, but not at the prices that are already advertised for something that won't be out for 5 months. I'll just show myself to the end of the "if-anyone-has-multiples-preordered-and-would-like-to-help-out-a-fellow-collector" line now. PS: Congrats to all those that got one (or two or three or four). You all SUCK!
  17. dafob

    Hi-Metal R

    With all this VF-4 goodness let's not forgot about the upcoming VF-1D. Just got an email from Amazon Japan with the following good news: ご注文いただいた商品と新しいお届け予定日は以下のとおりです。 "HI-METAL R 超時空要塞マクロス VF-1D バルキリー 約140mm ABS&PVC&ダイキャスト製 塗装済み可動フィギュア" お届け予定日: 2019-04-23 - 2019-04-26 "Dear Customer: We are pleased to report that the item(s) in your order indicated above will be sent sooner than expected. When your order is shipped you will receive an e-mail message confirming the date, contents and method of shipment." So it does appear to confirm everyone's suspicions that the VF-1D is coming out sooner than expected.
  18. dafob

    Hi-Metal R

    I'll take it!
  19. If the Yamato 1/48 TV Max & Kakizaki VF-1A were Chronicles mail-in exclusives, how were local shops able to order them for sale? I thought the only way to get one was through the Macross Chronicles magazine mail order? On this very website, under the releases schedule it lists both of these releases as made-to-order. Not trying to be a smartass... I legitimately want to know because I wasn't in the game back then. I'm trying to get the elusive Kakizaki but he never pops up for sale so I'm over the moon to hear Max is next because I'm praying that Kaki will be the third release and then I'll finally be able to finish my Vermilion team in 1/48 scale!
  20. Wow, you guys make me feel so much better about my spending habits lately. Whenever I feel guilty about what I just bought or the inevitable lecture from the warden -- er, I mean wife -- I come to this thread to feel better. Speaking of which, two more hard-to-find valks down... only five canon valks left to go in 1/48 or 1/60 scale; too bad the remaining ones are as rare as pink unicorns and cost more than both of my kids' college funds combined! PS: Shizuka: your ambiguous comment has my dirty mind wandering, and now I feel like I need to take a long cleansing shower...
  21. Does anyone have any leads to re-casted or 3D-printed fast packs for the YF-21? I have two YF-21 reissues that didn't come w/ the FP. There are plenty of listings on eBay for the older Fold Booster and FP for the YF-19, but the only way to get the YF-21 FP is to buy the now ridiculously expensive newer YF-19/21 Fold booster FP set.
  22. FINALLY got one of my grails that I've been chasing since starting Macross collecting a year ago: It's been panel lined and a bit yellowed, but this one doesn't come up very often for sale. I know it's only temporary, but will do the peroxide treatment once summer rolls around. Just one more to go now, but it's gonna be near impossible to find: anyone wanna sell me a 1/48 VF-1A TV Hayao Kakizaki?
  23. I heard a lot of online orders were mysteriously canceled by GS so glad you were able to keep your order. Totally agree w/ you about the supporting cast. I'd buy Shredder and a bunch of foot soldiers too after seeing these guys.
  24. I normally don't collect things other than Macross, Transformers and Voltron but was kicking myself for passing up the SDCC movie TMNT set last summer even though I stood in line w/ a friend who got a set. Thank goodness for this general release at Gamestop. Looks like these sold out just as fast as the SDCC set and they are going for double the price on scalp bay already. Anyone else here collect these or got a set?
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