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About dafob

  • Birthday 04/01/1986

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    Planet Earth

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Sharon Apple Concert Attendee

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. BBTS just sold out of their 2 copies of the VT-1 (!), because I can't fathom the thought of anyone paying that much when there are cheaper options still available. Therefore, they must've only had 1 or 2 for sale. Holy Crap!
  2. Should we be worried that Luna Park still has PO's open and available, esp. for a TWE item? Have they been known to oversell and cancel people's orders at a later date? I know we've all been traumatized by NY, but it totally reminds me of my final PO with them before they went under. It was for the SSP, which was a TWE exclusive. They never "sold out" of the item so I'm sure they got a ton of orders (and $$$) from that. That's when they ran away with everyone's $$$. Also, no experience with this place but here's another option for brave adventurous souls: https://sidesevenexports.com/products/vt-1-super-ostrich-july-august-ship-date
  3. Available again on Hobby Genki: https://hobby-genki.com/en/dx-chogokin/29076-dx-chogokin-vt-1-super-ostrich-the-super-dimension-fortress-macross.html
  4. A glitch in the Matrix. It never showed as available again for me on two computers that were constantly being refreshed. A blessing in disguise for me. Had it in my cart and hesitated for a split second and it sold out in that second. I didn't really NEED a third one, did I? 🤣 EDIT: Just noticed the order did go through! It's just waiting for payment now. Dammit! Do I piss off my wallet and earn a few nights on the couch when the wife finds out with this third one, or do I let it go? Decisions, Decisions...
  5. I don't tihnk NNG have opened up yet. I don't remember seeing Genki open up, but I could be wrong. AE will be tough because everyone and their mother is probaby "sitting outside the store" waiting for it to open up.
  6. Mine says "(A1) Product Payment". That could mean I paid and still need to pay for shipping, or it could mean "we have your money and you'll never see it or the product ever again!"
  7. I think it did legit sold out after you bought yours. I ordered one and was able to go back and put another in my cart. I was monitoring their stock and it was gradually going down over the past few minutes.
  8. I did the same thing you did, based on the same reasons you specified. Most of those negative comments were from over a year ago and all of the recent stuff seems like people are happy overall. Like someone said earlier, these sites are great... until they're not. NNG used to be looked down upon, but it seems people have been using them more frequently with better success. <Of course, this is just my way of convincing myself for not being a fool and ordering from potential crooks that stole from me before...>
  9. Got cartjacked at BiJ. Sold out super fast. Got one at Yoykunow. Never ordered from them before. I hope they're legit/safe...
  10. https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/dx-chogokin/115094-dx-chogokin-macross-do-you-remember-love-vt-1-super-ostrich-limited-edition-bandai-spirits-.html Landing Page @ NNG
  11. You dodged a bullet, my friend. The rest of us aren't so lucky 'cause we're all beyond of our dispute window. We'll just have to live vicariously through you...
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