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Everything posted by LSWONE

  1. Not yet but I may finally have some time to continue. I need to resize the piece in blue as it is way off.
  2. A little more progress to share. Slowly getting more familiar with removing areas from existing parts to allow the repositioning into robot form.
  3. Slow progress due to the modifications but still trying to find time.
  4. So can anyone share the price? Thanks!
  5. This thing is going to be huge!!!
  6. Decided to take a crack at adding moving parts. I would rather this be in robot mode and not ship mode. Teaching myself how to rework the parts. I split the parts that become the shoulder cannons so the ends can rotate. I’m sure we have some CAD guys here that can do much better.
  7. No it does not. Should be possible to make some joints for it though.
  8. One leg down! Don’t want to press fit the parts yet as I may want to drill out for LEDs later on.
  9. Thanks for the tip about bed temp!
  10. Thanks. This is on my Wanhao i3 plus, makerbot PLA 1.75, and slicing with Cura. Can’t wait to get this done! The parts snap tight and secure. The designer did an awesome job with the fitment!
  11. More progress on one of the legs. Pain to remove the support material on some of the parts.
  12. Yay the left ankle plate is done! Just kicked off the right plate and that’s it for printing the yellow parts.
  13. Wow at 20% infill, the portion with the head, or hull will take 35:57 to print! we are looking at a few weeks if none of the prints fail! I thought my AT-AT would be the biggest project I would print. `````
  14. Cool can’t wait to see them!!
  15. I would love the stl files to print one like this!
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