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Everything posted by borgified

  1. borgified

    Macross figures

    This is sweet! Here's the link for those who are curious from how it came to be: https://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2019/03/04-1/galactic-idols-join-forces-in-macross-concert-art Got too many stuff so I'm cutting back and thinking of selling my Macross stuff at a later point in time.
  2. That's the most reasonable price for the DX SSP. Wait till the 2nd shippment of the DX Missle packs, then will see the prices drop on that one.
  3. There is one from Manda however it has a broken right lower wing stabilizer base for 24k yen. I hope it wasn't @onnasake's refurbished copy from the Bandai Headquarters with new parts that was replaced and returned...
  4. If @Saburocan kick it up a notch, I think he got beaten by @enphily on this action shot for now.
  5. At least your package got delivered. You got one interested buyer so you can put the rest up got grabs on the boards.
  6. Didn't you mean Punisher Squad @Slave IV? It does have the Punisher Logo on the boosters though.
  7. That's taking it to the next level @teckno viking! Now the question is... What bike would Blade prefer? Harley-Davidsons, Ducati, BMW, or any of the Japanese offerings?
  8. That's right. Haven't done any parts swap over on my normal and MDX Blade as I'm in a middle of a move to a smaller sized room in my place (with a single sized closet) and it mostly my hobbies that's eating most of the space! Thining out the unnessary junk as such as possible and putting fair chunk of it in storage.
  9. Got MDX Blade last Saturday as this is the pics for now. Packed inside a plain white box with the Gomez sticker, a invitation card for you to post a pic of your mini (micro mez-itz) with any other Mezco 1:12 figures for a draw on Monday on Social media on Twitter. Got the Mini Mez-itz Gomez with the boom box. Will try and get the comparison with the regular Blade, however no promises. @Mommar - If you do get DMX Blade, are you able to post your comparisons when time allows?
  10. Announced on Toyark for any Spidey fans. https://news.toyark.com/2020/06/03/marvels-spider-man-ps4-spider-armor-mk-iv-suit-figure-by-hot-toys-390123 PS4 Mk. VI suit with a release date of Q2/Q3 of 2021. Edit; Pre-orders are up on Sideshow at $364.38 CND or $262.88 USD (based on currency exchanage from CND to USD)
  11. A bloody year to get your Supers?? Just burn the bridges with them!!
  12. Correction folks. Its Sarha only that does the shipping estimates (not other branches. This conversation was brought up before in another Macross thread if my memory serves me correctly). So I take it that we all missed the DX YF-21 Full Set pre-orders?? How come that I wasn't notified of it, I guess that I'll end up paying the Jacked Up fee upon release date.
  13. You just missed the pre-orders for it. Ready for the next Bloodbath or avoid the chaos altogether? Your call...
  14. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Winner Winner! Chicken Dinner! Just get it @vladykins. One less thing to worry about, unless you are strapped for cash. As popular as the Monster is, it actually shelf warmed after a couple of months as it was too heavy and people where debating it if they want to get it or not. I can tell you one thing, it's good for scaring off squirrels if you have wooded area if you own a house. If a break in happens, then you can use it as a means of protection as the feet is quite heavy to use as a club (providing that you don't get arrested for having a concealed weapon when the police arrive, Just don't break the cannons in the process).
  15. I also get the refunds as well from Amazon.jp on the stuff I get from them (import tax) as I'm in the West Coast. Will see if I also get the refund after the re-reissue of the Arcadia VF-1J with the GPB to be delivered September 3rd - 6th if it's correct.
  16. Don't forget that Harmony Gold still has rights to ban anything related to Macross over here in America until the contract expires next year (I think) however they still have rights to use the Kite logo to some degree. So its a two way street. If you want Japanese Mecha goods, make sure that it's allowable for grabs in NA or pay a bit more for overseas shipping to get what you want (not barring being if it gets snatched at Customs and it gets destroyed it in the process).
  17. Only TWE suppliers to be fair for the Hayao. It's either: The most hated and despised NY (where they really frack up your orders, jack up the pricing during pre-ordering stages or price gouge you after the official release date), AE, HLJ (if they don't give you the boot after ordering it), Okini, Kurama, CDJ and Nin-nin.
  18. All these BS for NY makes @Slave IV grin with glee as there isn't anyone for him to flight along side for pre-orders. I actually got my package from Manda on the 23rd via EMS to Canada and re-routed to a local postal outlet, however got dinged with $41.15 CND in Custom Fees. Going to pick it up tomorrow after finish my Friday morning job that I still have after being furloughed from my other one.
  19. Carol Danvers unboxing on Mezco's Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn8eSqCOecw One review dated on the 20th in Mandarin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rejlEH5_KwQ
  20. If Arcadia does get to make the 1d in PF, I'm all in for that (or the KO version gets to it first) I think you mean to say the 51 @Slave IV. Waiting for Nora's 51 and hopefully that Arcadia doesn't screw up on that one. As we all know, Max gets the first dibs and goes quicker sad he's the ace pilot!
  21. Thanks for posting this up Mommar as I totally blanked out. I think Carol Danvers should be shipping soon according to Mezco's shipping section. Should be getting the MDX Blade tommorow if FedEX tracking is correct.
  22. Have you tried Amazon.jp @wm cheng? Since your in Toronto and I'm in Vancouver, you can get one sent over here by a third party seller and "Fulfilled by Amazon" (Flame me because we're all branded as tree huggers here. You can't flame me as I did live in Toronto for 20 years, so I'm both a Torontian and an Vancouverite by default). Edit: For your SSP parts @Corrinald, I think there is a write up on the "Suspension of Mail" thread. You might want to check that out. Damn.. Can seem to spell these days.
  23. Yammie v.2. Tinted canopy and two busted shoulder joints upon further inspection, have the Shapeways replacement parts. Got it for 25k yen two years ago.
  24. Why don't we all burn @Slave IV on the stake a la Jean D'Arc for going into the Zero line? Problem solved if you hadn't gone deeper into the rabbit hole. He just wants us to go in the red and declare bankruptcy. Might end up getting the re-release VF-1J with the GBP. My 2nd hand copy is yellowed in some spots and unsightly if you look it like with a fine tooth and comb.
  25. borgified

    Macross figures

    @Kicker773 - This one here. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1139264840&ref=list&dispCount=240&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
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